Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

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Why are you a 36 year old kissless virgin?

Socially awkward sperg.

Cool story bro I'm a 36 virgin too, right now I'm looking for some good porn.

do you use your magic for good or evil?

Have you ever told a girl that you like her?

Evil, naturally.

Yes. Quite a few times actually.


pimple bump

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wow, another 36 yo virgin! must be an epidemic...

Solely awkwardness?

How fat are you? Does it bother you that fat girls can get laid whenever they want?

It's Yea Forums after all.

My looks don't help me either.

I'm actually pretty athletic.

Why are you 36?

>It's Yea Forums after all.
ofc is full of virgins but, it seems that most guys willing to accept that fact are 36yo

>My looks don't help me either.
>I'm actually pretty athletic.


How close have you gotten?

Do you have your shit together?
Would you want to change anything about yourself?

Are you ugly?

What's your opinion on 38+½ year old virgins?
>t. 38+½ virgin

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Face != body.

>Do you have your shit together?

No. Shit keeps falling apart.

>Would you want to change anything about yourself?

I would love to change everything about myself. To be a completely different person.

Average looking. Not enough to compensate my awkwardness.

Have you ever had female friends (or any friends for that matter?
Have you tried dating apps or sites?

Pics, Pics! Let us gawk and degrade you.

Do you blame women for your sexless life or do you understand it's your fault?

>raped before 13
>now 22
>not attractive or charismatic enough to get a girl

Is there a word for a doomer like me? Am I an ex-chad? Born again virgin?

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When you say "a girl" does that mean someone way out of your league or does it also include the landwhales?

>>raped before 13
hey, at least u aren't a virgin

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>Have you ever had female friends (or any friends for that matter?

Long time ago. Never close friends though. I studied in a course that was like 70% female so most of my friends in university were female.

>Have you tried dating apps or sites?

Tinder and some German ones.

Here's my body. Won't post face.

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>u aren't a virgin
Reminder that only penis in vagina makes you a non virgin

It's fully my fault. I wouldn't date me if I were a woman.

Sure, buddy. Sure.

Just can't talk to people in general. If I could get my shit together, I know how to get any girl. I have every potential of being attractive. I'm tall and naturally charming. But I just can't talk to anyone I don't already know.

I'm one of those weirdos who like's women's attitudes and character over their looks, but skinny is nice.

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Is this the virgin chad or the chad virgin?
Nice biceps.

She had a vagoo, yeah.

i made it to 27 before first kiss and sex

>Just can't talk to people in general
Unironically just be yourself.
Talk about anime or anything makes you passionate.
Women dig passionate men.
You'll make it champ.

Do you send dick picks as an opener or something?

Not lying bro.

Then you made it Yea Forumsro!
You are a virgin no more!

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Of course not.

Then how ugly is your face? I can't imagine the monstrosity you'd have to have to counteract your body.

>Unironically just be yourself.
yes, because he spent 36y pretending to be someone else.

I'm very fit, and I'm a 38y virgin, lifting since 1997

>>t. 38+½ virgin

48 year old master virgin here, ask me anything.

Not even lying.

just use tinder and ask for sex

I hear that a lot. I know that being true to myself is one of the most important things in life. But my mind keeps spinning with every little thing that could go wrong. Despite the fact that if things go wrong, I'll probably never see her again. So I stutter over my words, get distracted, lose track of what I was saying, etc.

Anxiety goes beyond logic. As most of us know. And I hate it.

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My face is average looking. My body is slightly above average (but you don't really see that under clothes). Nothing to mitigate my spergness.

how do you look? 1 to 10 rate yourself:
(1) Looks
(2) Body
(3) dick
(4) cleanleness
(5) personality

get meds?

2 years and you will have your wraith powers.

tbh I've never spent any time around people being me. Even when I drink, I keep a mask of quiet and invisible. For lack of a better term.

Doc has me on Wellburtin for other stuff. Some people claim it helped them with anxiety. So here's hoping.

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Im 23, any tips for the next 13 years? What NOT to do?

bullshit that is you. total bullshit.
this is me, I'm almost 50 and I've been swimming in pussy since I was 16

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Can't wait

>(1) Looks
>(2) Body
>(3) dick
>(4) cleanleness
>(5) personality

leave Yea Forums now, there is still hope for you so save yourself

Proof incoming.

Ever heard of Hookers?

My buddy has had chicks all his life and he's a fat, childish sperg. I also knew someone who looked just like a potato and he managed to get chicks.

Play the silent, caring type if you're an absolute retard when it comes to conversation.

"what's wrong"
"I can't believe they did that"
"I'm so sorry"
"you're so strong to be able to do that"

Just throw out lines that make them feel heard and cared about.

>paying money for sex with ugly whores that have had hundreds if not thousands of dicks in them

ever heard of STDs

>"what's wrong"
>"I can't believe they did that"
>"I'm so sorry"
>"you're so strong to be able to do that"
>Just throw out lines that make them feel heard and cared about.
Friendzone lines right there.

Here it is. Need to lose some weight.

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It worked for me. Just add some back rubs for consoling and hugs and you've got some fuck.

>Play the silent, caring type if you're an absolute retard when it comes to conversation.

OP here. I do this by default because I have nothing to say anyway.

Whooozaaaat in the pic

you're doing something wrong. that or you are really picky.
ugly as fuck, there are still girls that would rape you.
The prob is you...or something.

You're probably hot/huge dick/rich.

what do you do for work?

ever hear of condoms?

I'm a skinny poorfag with an average dick.

Yeah dude, WTF? I'm a 5'7" fat guy with a 4.5 inches penis. I have all the excuses in the world to be a socially awkward loser but you? with that body?

Condoms don't protect you from all STDs and is not 100% secure.
Also, if I going to fuck someone, is either to please her and myself. A hooker dont care so it would be all about me but what pleasure can I get from a overused cunt?

Fucking hell OP by the looks of it there's no way someone like you is a virgin. Girls who fucking jump at you for a body like that , unless you have the ugliest fucking face but I fucking doubt it. Talking to girls isn't that hard or anything like that, honestly just talk to them how you talk to anyone else and just work your way up. I promise you, someone one will understand that you're socially awkward and they work around it with you. Has there ever been a girl who went up to you and talk to you or have you ever tried to talk to a girl?

>that or you are really picky.

Never had to turn someone down. Also mainly go for average looking girls.

>The prob is you...or something.

The prob is definitely me.

I currently work minimum wage in a supermarket. I'm a molecular biologist by training

what's your idea of "average-looking"?

>Talking to girls isn't that hard or anything like that, honestly just talk to them how you talk to anyone else and just work your way up.

I'm doing this. But I am awkward around everyone else too.

Maybe a bit chubby but not fat. Average face. It is hard to describe.

>HAHA look at this loser! he hasnt fallen for our jewish degenerate training! Everyone shame him for not having sex as a child!

are you looking for work in your field of study?

you were 34 a year ago wtf

I prefer my waist to yours, but you have wayyy better legs than me.

I guess we fell for the "why dont you just lift" meme

do you have a full head of hair? I started to lose mine at 34 and by the age of 36 it was all gone.

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What country are you from?

Dude don't worry it's something that happens to a lot of people and it can be fixed. Honestly what I suggest is that you make a tinder and we help you set shit up on it and then start swipping on girls. Then when they start responding we'll give you advice or something and you could tell them you're not that good at this or you're new. Some women will find it cute that you're shy and awkward you have hope OP I believe in you

What are your hobbies?

yes, they will love the fact that he is 36 and sexually retarded

my advice is he starts practising with hookers before doing that

Yes. Have been doing this for years.

>do you have a full head of hair? I started to lose mine at 34 and by the age of 36 it was all gone.

I have super thick hair.


What is your age range when it comes to females?

>Honestly what I suggest is that you make a tinder and we help you set shit up on it and then start swipping on girls.

I've been using Tinder for years. Most girls that respond are bots.

Have you tried immigration to find a job in your field?

Sports (climbing, bouldering, running; windsurfing and skiing seasonally), reading, cooking. Also play video games now and then.

18 - 40.

I've been studying in the Netherlands and the UK. Spent some years in the US as a postdoc but they essentially kicked me out after my contract ran out.

You're insecure. Women notice it right away and never seem to truly respect men like that. It doesn't matter how good looking you are, I'm in the same boat op, feelsbadman.

Are you capable of supporting a family?

Are you a judgemental asshole or believe that wageslaving is not an option?


No. Barely can support myself.

Am I not wageslaving?

Not being able to support a family seems like your only downfall.

Get money, get bitches that want an easy life for them and their kids. Maybe go back to college for a degree you can actually use.

>Maybe go back to college for a degree you can actually use.

I've been to college for ten years. Not really want to go back.

You work at a grocery store, you obviously chose the wrong major.

I'm afraid I did.

hey, if you don't want to fuck a hooker, why not become a hooker yourself. you'll get laid and earn more money. a win/win situation don't you think?

have you tried to apply for a laboratory technician job or tried to be a professor in your field since you've had 10 years of study.

Are you the German virgin by any chance?

Yep, you are the German virgin.
Weren't you 38¿

he's age fluid

Most male hookers have primarily male customers. Not gay.

I have. I am considered overqualified to be a TA (I thus remove my PhD when applying for such positions), and not accomplished enough to be a professor.

This is my claim to fame.

Isn't fat, small dick virgin 38?

That's me Yea Forumsro.

Try to find jobs in any country you can think of then. You'd get a work visa hands down.

>Most male hookers have primarily male customers. Not gay.
just whore yourself to females only, is not rocket science

Come to USA, be my bro.

Been applying for some positions in the US and Canada. Otherwise, mostly Western and Northern Europe. No success yet. Bio PhDs are a dime a dozen.

immigrate to the US, I just googled molecular biology PhD and there's a good amount of jobs in several different states.

As I said. I got kicked out of the US two years ago after my last contract ran out and I didn't find anything else.

Why don't you become a gigolo for rich middle aged ladies?

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As I said, I tried to find an industry position while in the US. There are jobs, but they are highly competitive. And I have many disadvantages compared to US citizens.

Women don't even want to fuck me for free. How could I possibly take money?

wow get tinder and meet divorcees and shit

try not to be too outspoken and be a good listener, ask open questions, get laid, success

If uneducated morons can become citizens, you can too.

You will be basically a dick with legs, think of it like rape but you will be doing the penetration.
Pays good and beats being a virgin.
Just don't expect it to be great.

>willingly date women who were tried and were judged unfit for relationships
Better to stay a virgin imo

But he is white

Women get divorced for many reasons. Maybe their husband became abusive or hooked on drugs, maybe the woman cheated because they thought they had no out or maybe they got married too fast and made a mistake. Don't judge either gender when they get divorced.

Trump's still president last time I checked.

were you good at your job during the contract?

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I mean actual mental illness can be a big road block.

Not good enough to make it in academia. My publication record is average. My biggest problem is - unsurprisingly - to network and to sell my skills.

I guess so... still, OP have a way more chances than me and yet, he refuse every suggestion

How fat?

110kg (242lbs) or so
I know I'm not a disgusting fat fuck who can't even move but still...

What suggestion instead of being a whore?

have you tried taking mile-long daily walks? It's minimal but should provide some results.

Oh, I know being fat is the less of my problems. I full aware it's a very easy problem to fix but when I think of the other disadvantages I have I'm like "why bother"

one step at a time. Try to tackle the easier problems first.

Go to bars or places of interest, apps, hookers. I know u try some and fail and refuse others but still, u can keep trying or accept the ones u dislike

You are attention whore, you know it's common right?

If you want to become a gimp, I'll have my gf marry you so you can get citizenship in the us.

Are there any good apps besides Tinder and Bumble?

even if a got as fit as OP I'd still be a short dick guy with no experience in sex, nothing to show off and the massive impact those details have on my self-confidence.
at least OP have a career, a useless one for sure yet, he have one and has travel thanks to it and I'm sure at least some women would considere that a big plus

dunno, never use one myself

you'd be surprised by how many women that are virgin slayers.

sooo, should I use one of those apps and say "shy 36yo virgin looking for his first experience in love"
honestly I can think of any possible reaction other than laughs

If you look younger, you can lie about your age.

I doubt I can pass as anything below 30 so...

>you'd be surprised by how many women that are virgin slayers.

You know that this is a lie. Maybe for guys in their early 20s.


20-25 basically, or lose who pass as that age.

none available and I really don't want to show my face over the internet tbh

there is no need to tell people you're a virgin. A person who is really bad at sex who has had some is no different. the embarrassment of being a virgin shouldn't stop you from getting laid as it's not something the other person can see.

There are a ton of reasons not to fuck random strangers, being a virgin isn't one of them.

this is coming from a 30 year old wizard. I'm not quite sure if I'm an incel or not.

no wonder women don't want you, you're a coward.

well yes, that's kind of the problems attached to being socially awkward

>there is no need to tell people you're a virgin. A person who is really bad at sex who has had some is no different. the embarrassment of being a virgin shouldn't stop you from getting laid as it's not something the other person can see.

OP here. I wouldn't tell anyone anyway. I'm not afraid of under performing during sex. What could possibly happen?

Seriously, don't pass. It's not about who it is, it's about actually getting laid. You will see yourself differently afterwards, and all your awlward hang-ups will seem trivial. You have placed losing your virginity as an unattainable goal. Just go and pay for it, then the flood gates will open. Especially if you actually are the guy in those pics.

turning into a whore seems like a better option, same results plus some money

Hey im in the same boat man altho im a bit younger than you. My problem is that i'm 5'5 tall.. woman hate that shit.. pic related

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You really overestimate the demand for male prostitutes.

c'mon, if it's to solely to lose his virginity, one should be enough, no need to pursuit a career

How do you "offer" yourself?

no idea

Posting my body on tinder and bumble doesn't work. Even for free.

must be a trick in that tinder thing. like i said, never use it so i don't know how it work but some swear it works
