Why does this guy try to change history? First the assassination of Hitler and now Charles Manson's plans being foiled. Does he think he's a god or something? Kids are gonna watch his movies and think thats what actually happened
Why does this guy try to change history? First the assassination of Hitler and now Charles Manson's plans being foiled...
he looks like a dried pea
Only dumbasses who take Hollywood movies as historically and physically accurate will accept this as fact.
>Kids are gonna watch his movies and think thats what actually happened
That's stupid as shit bro.
You this big an idiot? Any "kid" that takes ANY movie as absolute fact deserves to be punched in the face. Any adult that gets mad at what is obviously art deserves to be killed. It's too late for you, you're a useless piece of shit.
I don't get it. Why does he avoid making biographical films if he's telling a story that's basically a biography
So most retards in the Us
They don't know any better
Why does anybody make anything but EXACTLY what inspired a piece of fiction? Might as well as that. Bite a cyanide pill.
thank me
If young kids are watching a Tarantino flick, their parents are fucking retarded anyway. Shit tier thread, user. Good job.
Thats like making a movie about apples and casting an orange as the main character.
Because it’s entertaining you tard. You must be an assburger
Thanks for the spam
The only thing entertaining about that movie was the fight scene at the end. The rest was a boring attempt to have direction in a film. Bro I wanted to see Sharon tates baby get cutt out, now that's entertainment
probably cause he can't use the word nigger as often
Speaking of that, not one nigger on the movie..
>Charles Manson's plans being foiled
did you just ruin the movie?
Fuck off you guys ruined end game for me
is it worth seeing the the movie theatre? or should I wait until it is streaming for free on putlocker (I'm in Asia, nobody care)
Well apparently most people disagree with you, so accept that you are fringe
His wife's feet are fucking sexy and look great covered in cum!
That movies was all over the place with no real character development, save you money it's boring and out of character for Quintin. BTW no Samuel l Jackson narration
It's nothing wrong with playing devil's advocate, you'll learn that in the long run kid
My friends and I watched it without knowing anything about Sharron Tate or anything and just had a vaugue idea about Charles Manson. Thought the movie was fiction, not that Brad Pitt actually beat up hippies. Was a lot different watching it a second time.
>it's boring and out of character for Quintin
he's been boring for a while...since Jacky Brown, but I've still seen them all (not the grindhouse stuff)
So you're saying essentially that nothing happens for 2.5 hours?
So what are pitt and leon doing for all the film?
I'd care more if his movies lately were not complete shit. Inglorious bastards was fucking terrible, each scene was about 15 mins longer tha it should have been. There's building tension, and then there fucking around.
Well Leonardo is ruining out of movie roles while trying to memorize the scripts, brad is basically his bitch driving him around all day and fixing shit around his house. The movie follows Sharron Tate around but it leads nowhere with no developement. Brad also beats up Bruce Lee which is mind fuck
Literally nobody in the US thinks any Tarantino movie is historically accurate.
See this is what I'm talking about. It leads you to believe lies while fanboys claim it as "art" and give Quintin a slap on the wrist
But it's all going nowhere?
>Leonardo is ruining out of movie roles while trying to memorize the scripts, brad is basically his bitch driving him around all day and fixing shit around his house
is this building up to something, or is the ending just something tacked on (pls don't spoil)
Inglorious bastards was ten times better than this, at least the story tied together with thriller leaving you on the edge of your seat
>Inglorious bastards was ten times
FFS, I'm suppose to go on a date next weeked to see this. Now I read this.
bastards was terrible
This was a great movie - a thriller leaving you on the edge of your seat
Pulp Fiction was a great movie. Everything else he ever made was B grade or worse
QT just makes cartoons now, live action cartoons.
he's autistic with a foot fetish. how is he not a god here.
and N.B.Killers - but that was the director who made that a great movie
>But you spoiled end game
So brad picks up a hippie hitch hiker and takes her back to the manson ranch, they beefed over b.s and three killer hippies came looking for him, that's when it ties in to the murders
>Kids are gonna watch his movies and think thats what actually happened
Kids aren't going to know who Charles Manson is when watching the film. His name is never uttered. Honestly, kids who watch Once Upon A Time In Hollywood will be confused AS FUCK at the ending.
He managed to make an action movie that was boring.
Kill Bill is mindbendly boring. I saw 1. The only reason I saw 2 was cos I had seen one. yawn fest. even the sword fighting scenes.
It wasn't Django but it was a great story
If you disagree chop your dick off
>So brad picks up a hippie hitch hiker and takes her back
so there's nothing tying them together? the script is that flimsy?
The classic Hollywood sellout.
the script is that flimsy that they couldn't think of a purpose or ending for the film?
>but it was a great story
says you.
>Well Leonardo is ruining out of movie roles while trying to memorize the scripts, brad is basically his bitch driving him around all day and fixing shit around his house.
this isn't a story, this is filler...what is the purpose of the movie?
No infact the killer hippies went to the wrong house for starters (not sharron tates) and didn't even recognize brad at first. Plot holes every where, Quintin really did out-do himself there
Have you seen the new one? Fuck, it was about an hour too long
There was no purpuse, everyone was running around like a headless chicken for half of the film
Does Dakota Fanning have a nude scene?
Thanks for the info. I'm stuck going to see this 'cos I said I'd take her. It's ok, good or bad, I'm still getting laid. That's guaranteed.
True. The film lacked a cohesive story line. Acting was fantastic but the story fuckin sucked and the movie dragged
What a senseless waste.
Be prepared to sleep thru the first half. It doesn't feel like a Quintin tarantino until they go to italy
So you have all these famous actors basically being in the movie so that they could be in a QT movie. That's it. No one bothered to read the script and say...this is bullshit.
That's an hour. My popcorn will be done, coke drunk and I'll need to take a pee.
Kids that retarded are not a concern of mine.
It's not really that bad, it's just long. I think we hold it to a higher standard because it's QT. Decent movie but it's no Pulp Fiction that's for sure
It's more about the money. I doubt L&B sat QT down and told him it was bullshit. Now if Samuel l Jackson had a small role in the movie that would have been something
implying literally anything happened the way you were told it did
>Pulp Fiction
I still watch that and see things I never noticed. (Jules was Vincent's boss, you see that when they interact, esp. before the aparment scene talking about the foot massage)
>would you give a guy a foot massage
classic, I still laugh at that
It misses the key factor of the manson murders... The murders itself
its almost liek someone is leading the world toward a specific outcome
I'm not saying Hollywood wasn't funny, it was. It just lack a coherint story line
her toes do.
Idk man but hes ugly as a motherfucker.
So what?
Better them than the CCP.
I'll take Jewish Freedom over anything anyone else has to offer, thank you very much.
Sorry pals, but I finally have to throw you under a bus.
>funny, it was
ok, then there's something salvagable, thx user.
Fuck those stupid kids.
You’re stupid as shit bro
feel free to update /#F!qLZSECJJ!9F9Z28qzzuTWks96_IRyQw
I liked Death Proof
I havent seen the movie but does he make a cameo where he says Nigger in it? I suspect he does.
As soon as I heard this guy defend a pedo I ignored all his movies...