What do you think about the Xtreme Justice League and other real life costumed heroes?
What do you think about the Xtreme Justice League and other real life costumed heroes?
show me an article of them actually doing something, even like saving a cat out of a tree or some random shit
and why do they have all of this baggy clothing and cheap looking armour? all that shit would just hold me back in a fight honestly
Yeah, I don't give a shit about this, but you got legendary trips. 666 love that Lucifer
check'd. These autistic faggots should be gassed.
spoken like a pussy ass criminal shaking in his boots. your days are numbered, gaylord.
> (You)
well ig if they're doing good things for their community i don't have much of an opinion. Good for them really, its just that they look stupid and most of them are fat. I hate fat people.
You're the pussy. You reply to my post where I check 666 trips, but you're too much of a coward to check my 777 trips. Do you understand the likelihood of what I just did? I might as well have just won the god damn lottery.
The Iron Squadron has less fat people but the same attitude to helping the community.
streaming my suicide in 20 minutes
Why don't you go check yourself a job you sweaty basement virgin? Cause crime doesn't fucking pay.
Check'd. See? You're the one who is a criminal. Criminally rude and autistic.
Don't go through with it bruh.
trips decie your future, become irl superheroes
kill gang members/ped0s/terrorists
or do anything that will actually make you a IRL hero and post it on Yea Forums ofc
The Autism League
>"you're autistic!"
>obsessed with meaningless numbers
Fuck you. You should be in jail and your mom should also be arrested for letting you sit on Santa's lap all these years. You broke his god damn legs every time you fat fucking faggot.
Now go crawl back up inside your mom's fat nasty pussy so she can waddle to the nearest prison and queef you out into a jail cell, you criminal scum.
The only fat smelly mommy pussy I'm gonna crawl up into is your mom's you fucking piece of shit. I'm gonna film her licking my hairy asshole and then I'm gonna make you watch it you fuck.
Ladies, please have some decency.
Go fuck yourself with your faggot ass meme you 13 year old nigger.
Nothing could reach your asshole fatty. The density of your fat ass cheeks clamped shut is probably rivals that of a neutron star.
Go eat a 5 dollar foot long and then go five dollar fuck yourself, big titties.
Jokes on you retard, Subway doesn't offer that special anymore. Your mom's giant kike nose will reach my asshole you Semitic shitstain.
Then I guess you can go suck Jared's footlong when you get to fucking prison, you boy touching land-whale.
I feel sorry for the chair you're sitting in right now, as I'm sure it wants to kill itself more than anyone on this planet.
check'd. If by the chair that I'm sitting on you mean your grotesque jew mother's ugly face, then yes, I'm sure you're right.
ITT trips rain
No human has ever been underneath you, you corpulent anti-poon. Every prostitute you hire probably has to bring climbing gear and a sleeping bag just to stop for rest halfway up the climb to get on top of you.
Then they jump off and kill themselves after realizing they just fucked the biggest faggot on the planet and no amount of money was worth it.
I don't need to hire prostitutes when I have your mother. Are you mad, jew boy? You better get used to me because soon you'll be calling me daddy, you little fuck.
lyou two should date already
I'm already in a relationship with his mother.
thats cute
Why would I call you dad when your tits are fucking bigger than my moms, you chub goblin?
Go stage dive off of a small curb and obliterate whatever retard city you live in by causing a 10.0 magnitude earthquake, you super cow.
you're cute.
nah iam a disgusting son of a bitch... you're cute :gayassemojigirlsusewhenlookingforcock:
I'm gonna fuck your mother every night in the bed she used to share with your faggot ass dad before he died. You'll be kept awake by the horrifying howls of your zit-faced mom as I fill her gefilte fish pussy with hot cream. Maybe if you behave I'll let you watch.
I'm glad you like jews so much. It makes sense.
You turn whatever house you're living in into an automatic concentration camp because your fatass eats all the food before anyone else gets a damn chance. Your starving family is going to be thanking the Xtreme Justice League when they help chainsaw open a doorway so that the team of forklifts can maneuver their way into your house and lift your substantial dead body out when you die of a heart attack in the next few days, you moronic hamplanet loser.
You win. You're the biggest faggot.
God damn right.
I think all superheroes are for children. If you're older than like 13 you should not be into that shit
Completely agree. I automatically think less of people who are into capeshit.