How do i kill my neighbors dog...

How do i kill my neighbors dog? Lliterally every night they let it outside and leave it out all night and it just barks all fucking night. I mean literally every day at exactly 9-11 pm they make sure to let it out and let it bark all night

If i complain will the town come and take it away and kill it or can i just start throwing chocolate over there and it’ll die? How much chocolate do i need? Just go over and throw chocolate every time i hear it bark and it’ll die?

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Complain and they will get warned about it then the dog will be removed eventually.

I am autistic and don’t like talking on the phone. Can I do it anonymously?

Bump will dark chocolate work?

Hate dogs

U should be put to death I hate you motherfuckers autistic ducks die

Yep email

Hahahaha dog loving faggot

They dont have an email just phone number fucking faggots

Hate dogs fagot

Kill your self

What are you 12?

You call in a noise complaint to the cops as soon as the clock strikes 10. You call in every time it barks between 10pm and 8am.

Within a week they will keep it inside or get rid of it.

I had a neighbor who ended up killing a dog with rat poison. I think he laced pellets or meat or something with it.

This guy is a fucking asshole

Everyone says 9/10 cops don’t care I won’t talk to cops but I’ll try animal control

You can always fuck the dog. Autistic retart

I ate sweet corn, and now my shit looks like corn.

I hope the dog keeps you up. Fagot

Not after some nice chocolate and anti freeze

Do it retart

I hope every dog dies

Large bar of dark chocolate wrapped in bacon

Ok we get the point

Will it work if I just keep tossing it over there? Like just chocolate? And it will die?

Honk honk

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soak a loaf of bread in anti-freeze and chuck it over the fence.

I’m worried about more obvious methods and being seen on camera


Dark is worse to dogs. A few doses should be enough.

Are there cameras? You can try throwing it from a different side of the house.

Or you can always just talk to your neighbor.

Or you can throw some food with valium to calm that fucker down.

I was thinking like ride a bike up the road take hoodie off and go back on foot in a hoodie and then throw shit over there from the shadows and then go back to my bike

Call a complaint and stop being a little bitch

I did years ago like 100 times

Get a sponge soaked into beef blood. Put it in the freezer then throw to dog. He will eat it then the sponge will melt then asphyxiate him. Or, get a dog training whistle. Make him go crazy all the time to disturb their master. Somebody will surely complain.

Next concept: record the dog barking, get a loud ass bluetooth speaker, place the bluetooth speaker somewhere close to where he sleeps (possibly his roof, or duck taped outside his window). Then when he is trying to sleep turn that shit on.

I’m pretty sure they’re so old they are deaf and no one cares this dumb fucking animal barks next to 8 peoples windows no one does anything

Steal the dog. Become bros with the dog. Love the dog. They're leaving it out for the coyotes and they clearly don't care about its well being. But don't fucking kill it, it's not the dogs fault his owners chuck him outside every night.

Get into a serious relationship with it

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streaming my suicide in 20 minutes wget

you can thank me

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I'm with this guy.

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Just kill the neighbors its easier.

Post it

Tell me moar. I'm listening

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