Why don't you own a gun?
Why don't you own a gun?
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But I do
California’s unconstitutional laws
shit laws, shit state
Because I own a sword, I'm not some pussy who needs to own a gun
I'm not an ammosexual faggot LARPing as a cowboy
based kni(gger)ght
but i do my CoatHunger MG brownells m16a1
say something nice about my M25 SWS
it makes your penis look not so small anymore
is it fully semi automatic with a bumpstock?
I do, but too poor to own more.
You're just a regular faggot, then?
poor af but plan on getting an AR and an extended mag reliable semi-auto pistol any recommendations for the pistol anyone?
glock, m&p, hk, beretta
shove it in your ass
Because I'm broke, okay?!
I'm not a retard
because i would probably kill myself :/
what type would fit most comfortably or most uncomfortably?
What for?
i'm australian. i don't need one.
for aesthetics might go with beretta, glock's too blocky, but Hk and m&p have good variety in looks thanks
Its your gun so do what you want but I implore you to make your decision based on how they feel in the hand and not how they look to the eye
Im broke and guns are expensive
well I have big hands so it'll need to be a hefty sized grip leaning toward .45 but 9mm has its pros. I can handle the .45s recoil, but having more rounds in a magazine for the same length is nice when in a self defense situation.
Aesthetics aren't the only thing berettas have going for them, ever fired one? I am no expert but compared to the modern combat pistols that thing was so easy to use, almost halfway to rifle-level easy. Yeah it is has problems like going off when it gets dropped and you never really know if the weapon is ready to fire without looking at the safety but... I mean, you can hit stuff with it without being anney fucking oakley.
HK makes some high capacity 45s, most are pretty reasonable but you can also do a mk23 for about $2000. 1911s are a rabbit hole that I never went down but if I did it would be a Dan Wesson.
berettas are drop safe, the new army sigs were not
Glocks are pretty bulky tbqh
Don't trust myself.
I used to have an M4 like that, but with a different stock. I miss it.
Oh really? I thought all external safety handguns were inherently not drop-safe. Like I said I am no expert.
thanks, it's a mk18 mod 0 clone
pretty much all modern handguns are drop safe, even series 80 1911s, which is why the new army sigs were such a shitshow
Favorite carbine or shotgun?
happy birthday
I'm not legally allowed to own one because of my mental health status being at risk.
Thanks for the info Yea Forumsro, it is appreciated. You would agree that the beretta 92 is much easier to hit stuff with then a new glock 9mm right? Or was I just having an extremely good day. It felt like a dream to use. The only problem with it that I am aware of is the external safety (which is probably part of why it was so easy to use).
Because they are just plain boring af. Guns are to kill, I don't want to kill anything therefore no need
No, not only to kill. They are mostly used to dominate. Dominating other human beings is not boring. It is a morally fraught activity but if you stick to a code and that code is righteous... well...
You'll shoot better with some guns than others. Stick with what works and what you like.
check the fnx 45 tactical brutha
>Watches Boondock Saints again
Heh, I was more thinking of cops and the saints did much more killing than dominating but... yeh.
I live in an Oxford house. I would have shot and killed at least 17 people by now.
because i wanna feel your warm, tender blood running down my cold hands when i kill you bare handed, kthxbye
I do
I like the shoulder thing that goes up.
What’s that black one.
What's that top revolver mate?
I own quite a few.
Oregon memes.
I've no monies :(
People who believe that using melee weapons makes you a man will be the first to die when shit goes south.
The only people I’ve heard advocate this perspective are felons, geek ass fucking goobers, Viking wannabe faggots, and neurotic liberals.
Because I'm poor and don't own anything worth killing over. If I wasn't poor, I'd have guns just for fun though.
mind as well get the best gun now so if something bad comes up were all ready
but how do we know when our cool guns today become weak compared to the new guns of tormmorw?
do i keep buying the new gun?
You got some big ass hands.
Too much effort and money.
>need to go to shooting classes at a gun club in order to get a permit
>need to get a gun locker
Shit's expensive, yo.
>A gun
Because I own 5, duh. 2 AR-15s in 5.56, an AR-10 in 6.5 creedmoor, a 20 gauge shotgun, and a pistol in 10mm auto
Pistol and an AR lower?
Taurus 85
Sw 442 pro
My hands are kinda small compared to my peers.
I used to own a bunch. Unfortunately, I lost them all in a boating accident.
You just get a gun that you feel comfortable using. It doesn't matter how old or new it is as long as it shoots straight and doesn't jam. Guns haven't changed all that much on the inside.
That's not how guns work. Some of the best guns have been around for a long time.
Hey, that happened to my silencers and an SBR. Tragic, isn't it.
I own a few toys...
Very tragic. Just one of the beauties I lost.
I do, its a 1942 Arisaka type 99
cheek pad
Federal laws on people under 21 not being allowed to own a handgun. fucking cucks
H&K aren't the cheapest but they will outlast you. USP9/40sw/45, is my recommendation, enough varients to please everyone. Find a MK23 on the cheap and I'll die.
Yea, you say that, but the perspective really changes when you actually have one in your hand. I get it, but I was surprised to see how my want for a gun changed from personal defense/die, to just wanting to shoot stuff with it instead.
Whatever happened to .40?