I feel so lost Yea Forumsros

I feel so lost Yea Forumsros

I love my girlfriend so much, she does practically anything I ask her to, she cares about me more than anyone, even her family. We've been together for 2 years and I'm about to turn 21.. I can definitely see myself marrying her, but at the same time these are my prime years, I feel like I should be out there fucking multiple woman a month and getting to know different types of women before I stick with one for the rest of my life. What should I do

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Stay with her idot

Don't be such a shit. Marry her

Leaving someone who legit loves and cares for you (and you feel the same way about her) just to follow a juvenile sex dream is retarded, you don't deserve her then

Don’t fucking blow it if it’s true love fagtard. If it doesn’t work out like they say there’s plenty of other fish in the sea and like you said you’re in your prime years, but if she’s the one, don’t fuck it up.

You've got a loooong way to maturity if you're in this "dilemma". Imagine how she'd feel if she heard you saying that juvenile bullshit.

Fag-tier bait

It is. But his reasons for that questioning are not mature at all.


I wish i was in your shoes because id fucking stay dumb ass. My ex did what you're thinking of doing and not only did it break me, she then became a slut who jumped from guy to guy for dick


You should stay with her, OP. Don’t end up like me.. 32 and totally alone. I no longer can attract women and can’t even get laid. Just stay safe, enjoy what you have. Some of us aren’t so fortunate.

>I feel like I should be out there fucking multiple woman a month
You won't. If you break up with her you'll just be throwing a relationship away on some idiotic frat boy ideal. Don't let fucking movies tell you how you "should" live.

I’ll kick your fucking ass OP.
Come to Oregon. I’ll knock your dick in the dirt.

If you "take a break" or something like that, and somehow still end up with her forever after that, you will forever regret the period of degeneracy you spent away from her. Everytime you have an intimate moment with all, all the women you've ever fucked will fill your head. You will never be able to enjoy your relationship fully. Dude, from man to man, it is so rare in this time period to find a women who will truly, and 100 percent be behind you. Do not allow that to slip by you. Be the man you've grown up to be, and marry that girl.

Mary her and start a family. You will regret it if you don’t.

>Im a faggot who was taught by the TV that fucking around was better than settling down

No, OP. Dump her. Go fuck thots and get aids.

Was going to say the same thing

Look, man. Don't do it. I threw away a seven year relationship for the exact reason

Feels. Call me. Ate wun seben sex too niner seben too ate tree.

What, you're gonna sacrifice a potentially successful long term relationship for short term potential sex? What are you stupid? Do you think 80 year old you is gonna look back on his lonely ass life and go "Well at least I was fucking sluts 60 years ago". Don't be a retard.

Ok so the issue raised by this obvious b8 is nowhere near as simple as you guys are making it sound. In our society this can actually be a serious question; what do you do with a good, serious relationship when you are what qualifies as "young" in our society.

Don't get me wrong I agree with the Yea Forumsros about this hypothetical (because b8) situation, but why are you guys pretending this is so fucking obvious. It isn't, not in America in 2019.

Young or not, that doesn't change the fact that losing someone important to you will take healing, even if out having fun, and fucking women. It will hurt you in a way that will never heal, you just learn to cope with it. Op should consider himself lucky to have a woman he would consider marrying at a young age.

Again, I agree with you mostly. However I feel obligated to point out that the best evidence current available shows that younger marriages, like around the "age" of the b8tist who posted this thread, are much more likely to end in divorce. The ideal age to get married in today's society (by divorce rate minimization) is early 30's.

Don't marry her yet. For precisely that reason. A lot of things are still changing in your life when you're 21. Stay with her, but for the love of god, wait until you're actually an adult before you go pledging your life to someone with a binding legal contract.

Don't leave her, but it cannot hurt to give yourself a couple of years to mature and think about it

Jesus fuck youre so lucky, faggot.
"Guys, I landed my fucking dream job and Im loving it so much, but I feel like Im missing out on my stressful years where Im working jobs I hate and struggling to have a place to stay. What do I do?????"

You know exactly what to do. Dont be a fucking moron. You may think fucking other chicks would be great, but like communism, it only looks good on paper.

Cheat on her, epic for the win

Dude I get that.
I lost the woman I loved because of university and distance. I ended up rebounding with several woman and catching genital herpes through a condom.
Stick with this girl man, if it doesn't work out then that's okay and you can find other woman, but you never know what you have till it's gone and those woman will never fill the massive valley of emotions you have for this one specific girl.
Don't be like me, now no woman will ever want me.

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Same x 2. You're gonna be a lot happier forming an honest, solid bond than you will be picking up STD's from random sluts

Bro stick it through or leave her. Prime is prime for like 5 years. Party with her if you love her so much. If not leave her and just get black out and become a achloholic like me and chug vodka in your mid-late 20s.

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If you have a chance like that, please, for the love of God don't throw it away! This is a chance that some people will never get their entire lives, the fact that you have it now is beyond lucky! If you're worried about losing out on your prime years, then I would suggest get married, but don't have kids until later. It's very improbable you'll get another chance like this if you don't make the most of it now!

OP send me your gf. I'll marry her for you

user.. I met my ex when I was 17. If she wasn't a fucking wrist slitting, psycho stalking cunt, I would have stayed with her. Even after I left her when I was 19. I fucked so many women when I was in the Army (was after I left her for a time, got out and was on and off). I have been with my current gf for almost 7 years once she moved out of state (I'm 32 now), if given the chance I would go back to when I was 19 and try to change how my ex felt about her own life and be with her. The fact she is insane, I can't even formulate a fix for that. I can't live with that. Loved her to death, but every fight we had she'd cut herself and devolve in an amazingg feat of "depression", even if it was over something fucking stupid, I mean stupid.
>text me asking if I could come over several times throughout this essential year...
>after Army, working a normie wagecuck job
>be working overtime
>A LOT, but making decent money
>can't leave, it's mandatory
>she'd spend the 5 hours of OT saying how depressed she was
>sending me videos of her cutting her wrists several times
It was sideways and def for attention, but ffs I am not a fucking freak who gets off on that shit. I left her. I might be an extreme case, but if there isn't anything wrong with your current gf, don't ruin it. If she's not crazy, a full on slut, hooking for a living, vapid as fuck, keep her. I got the worst end of this spectrum with fucking crazy, tiger family chick. I wanted that HS sweetheart, but I didn't b/c she was irrational. Don't ask the internet, just trust your gut.
But if she's perfect, then why fucking risk your relationship for some poon?

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streaming my suicide in 20 minutes 452

you only get one good one trust me i am on my 4th wife and finally got the right one