I hate being white. My race fucking sucks. Black people all look out for each other and boost their races social status while whites let our whole race get degraded and white men get cucked and humiliated constantly.
I hate being white. My race fucking sucks...
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Nobody cares
says the cuck
Think you should look in the mirror again you sound black dude whites is the supreme race on earth...highest iq...best looking etc...thats why you always see these "white woman made for bbc" and "blacked" threads....its all black dudes who find their own black woman so disgusting they want white woman....white is the best man
Black people are murdering each other for less than $1,000 in most US cities. What Trump says about Baltimore is the same situation Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, New York, Houston, etc. is dealing with.
Those cuck bbc threads are made by chinks and hapas from plebbit newfag
so fucking what you idiot? only 3000 niggers get murdered by other niggers in a year. compared to the entire population that's nothing. meanwhile white men get degraded fucking everywhere and nobody respects us anymore
Black people do not look out for each other, dummy.
Yeah they look like that but pants down asses in the air
no retard. niggers are cucking whites and if white men had balls they would cuck niggers back. nobody respects white men's masculinity anymore and there is literally nothing more cucked than bragging about "muh white women" while they fuck niggers behind your back you pathetic fucking idiot
what's wrong with that? that's hot as fuck. he's lucky
Fragile mind. Probably why you think whites have it hard, when really it’s just you.
white men have the second highest suicide rates after Native Americans in the US. you're just a cuck who accepts your people being degraded and doesn't even fight back like the subhuman doormat bitch you are
Listen man, I know this is probably just b8, but I gotta say something.
I'm not racist or anything, I want to make that clear right off the bat. I think that humanity in general is pretty shit, and your skin color doesn't affect the fact that you're statistically more likely to be an asshole than not.
When a child is acting out, we look to the parents. When a section of society acts out, we look to the culture they're subject to.
Black culture (in contrast to African-American, because it's not limited to the US) is fundamentally broken. You have record levels of teen pregnancy and single motherhood, which leads to poverty and lack of education, which leads to a lack of morals and principals, which leads to crime, which closes the loop.
Why are these things more common in black communities? I don't know, and I'd be surprised if anyone else did, because it's been 2 generations since the acceptance of civil rights as the norm in this country and things have not changed all that much.
Now, that's not to say that white people and latinos are not prone to these issues, but it's much more common with black populations.
If you ask me, it's a cultural mindset of entitlement and a severe disillusionment with the American spirit. I feel that black people have been so deeply entrenched in the racism narrative that they resign themselves to failure and refuse to believe they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty the same ways that other racial groups do. I observe an amount of general apathy about financial success that I don't see in latinos or white people, and that bothers me.
We need to re-enfranchise black communities, get them to believe in the American Dream again. Only then can we make real progress towards better futures.
guess what retard? the things that you think make black culture shitty are actually allowing them to outbreed and culturally dominate whites
>herp derp help niggers more. be a little bitch ass footstool cuckold
Christcuckery: not even once
High birth rates mean nothing if the kids are getting gunned down in the streets before they hit 25.
Cultural dominance means nothing if you can't build or maintain a civilization.
I wouldn't mind a cultural shift, I just want it in the direction of a better tomorrow.
no it's more like the leftist media panders to niggers and doesn't hold them accountable for anything they do wrong and makes them feel entitled to white people fixing all their problems and then cucks like you go and do it for them like the retards you are
only 3000 niggers got murdered in the US last year. murder is not a leading cause of death or anywhere in the world save for a literal war zone. heart disease kills 100 times more people than murder
Nobody wants black women. The best black man can fuck white trash, that's 99.9% true.
cultural dominance does mean shit retard. niggers are dominating our culture. they are fucking and partying while they destroy the society that whites built. they are reaping the spoils of everything that we worked for and whites are too fucking pussy to do anything about it. white men used to be aggressive and masculine. now we are pacified pansy faggot doormats, there won't be any tomorrow for white people with our rock bottom birthrates and the immense amount of race mixing in every white majority nation
Not a Christian, and I never mentioned any "help."
I only want to change the cultural zeitgeist, not give anyone any advantages or undue boosts.
You're right. The media and the extreme left are perpetuating a victim narrative. I want to introduce solutions for black communities, show them that there is a way to better not only themselves but one-another.
Would you happen to have a source for this? And even so, 3,000 people being murdered is far too many.
I know how you feel, lad.
Our people have been brainwashed and conditioned to think that race doesn't exist or has no meaningful effect other than cosmetics.
We're told to forget our histories and cultures and unique identities, and become new "world citizens"
But forget all of that, lad. Because it doesn't work if you don't let it.
If this is an issue you feel strongly about, then you'll get pleasure from helping other whites realize our unique shared history. Don't talk about how we're "so superior to all the little ants" but how we're our own unique genetic family. Everyone wants to know who they are and where they come from.
And for those whites who will never listen, and are simply self-destructive due to brainwashing, 'guilt', etc. let them meet their own fate.
It's all an ebb and flow. We'll come back to our senses as a whole race once we go through this chaos cycle. You can't stay in order forever.
why not? you should want black women. if you breed with a black woman you will have many grandchildren where as if you breed with white women your son will be a trap faggot and your daughter will be a white hating slut whore. if nobody wants black women why do blacks have the world's highest birthrates? why did whites rape black women by the millions during slavery?
that sounds nice but as bad as things are i'm starting to believe that as a whole white people really are genetically inferior otherwise they wouldn't be dying out. i dont think whites are universally inferior but as a whole. if we weren't we wouldn't be dying out. i want to breed with a black woman so i can check my genes out of this sinking ship of a race
It is fundamentally broken - by whites. Lets see how your hood stands strong when the FBI and CIA deliberately target it with crack cocaine so they can fund off the book regime chnaging wars or to fund Central American death squads to you know - help spread democracy.
Do you think blacks didn't think the same thing as we enslaved them for hundreds of years?
This is obviously much more complex than you can realize. Than any of us can realize.
But if you're so quick to give up, then you will be doing whites a favor by removing your specific genes.
Cultural dominance is something that happens repeatedly with time. It's not the fault of black people, just the younger generations in general. Life is good for young people right now, so the opportunities to life a more bohemian lifestyle are increased.
White people may have built the great empires of history, but the society we live in right now is maintained and built upon by all of us, regardless of color.
Most men are not wimpy as you describe, it's just that the cultural zeitgeist currently exemplifies these individuals as more common than they really are. If you search outside a large city, you'll see that most men are what we would call traditionally masculine. Plus, it seems that the soyboy socialite doesn't breed as well as the countryside farmhand, so the phenomenon will probably be over within the generation.
you can say 3000 is a lot all you want but it hardly makes a dent in the death rates of blacks which shows your original premise was fucking retarded
it means jack shit that we enslaved them. they are free now and they are on pace to be the most populous race on Earth and they are fucking our women while white cuck faggots cheer them on
>we maintain civilization
for what? so shitskins can leech off of us? that makes us fucking retarded tricks you idiot.
I'm offended that you excluded so many races with your (insert other race here) bullshit. They aren't other races, they're fucking HMUAN BEINGS. Include them in your fucking picture.
You're either baiting or such a pussy you're not worth saving.
I can't wait until cucks like you die off.
no you are just in fucking denial.
These strategies only worked because black communities were already vulnerable to them. They were already in poor conditions. If the FBI/CIA could've targeted any other racial group, I believe they would've.
Take it in context, though. Black people make up only 12.7% of the population. Those 3,000 will make up a larger percentage of their group than the white people will theirs.
Well, if we start proposing and implementing solutions, maybe this wouldn't be a problem 2 or 3 generations down.
>pointing out the problem makes me a cuck
no retard you just think claiming this shit doesn't exist makes it go away. it has to be fought against and stopped. look at google images. you dont even have to search for cuck shit but it's everywhere full of degrading shit about how white guys are all fags and niggers have giant cocks while whites have tiny cocks and niggers fuck all the white women while white men are all cucks. EVERYONE sees that shit and fags like you just live in fucking denial like the fucking retards you are.
You're doing a good thing, lad.
By removing your cuck genes from the white genepool we will be a little bit greater than before.
it doesn't matter you fucking idiot. 3000 dead niggers per years does not make a significant difference in their population. suicide among whites is far more common than murder among blacks
being in denial won't fix the absolute shit our race is in. chances are your son will be brainwashed into becoming a faggot and taking nigger dick up his ass by internet jew porn
nice nigger conspiracy theory suck
the solution is white men need to collectively stop being faggot cucks and sissies and launch a propaganda machine which can combat that of the Jews but the chances of that happening are fucking slim because whites seem to mainly be blind and complacent
You are taking these numbers as per capita figures. It *does* make a larger dent in their population because there's less of them.
Why do we have to choose one over the other? Why can't we work towards solving both issues?
regardless the black homicide rate will not cause a significant influence on their population. 3,000 out of 40,000,000 million American niggers is nothing. Hundreds of thousands of people die from heart disease each year. That's a more significant factor.
But I (and therefore my genes) am already subjected to that, as you've been saying.
And I have proven to be resilient to it.
You on the other hand are so insecure and neurotic that you're sperging out letting the propaganda affect you.
Therefore I should reproduce and you should not according to your own values.
Sorry buddy but counting on black on black murders to solve the nigger problem is coping and delusions.
you are resilient? no you are just a faggot doormat who doesn't have enough testosterone to get angry. and you let your race get shit on while doing jack shit. your son is gonna get brainwashed into being a little drag queen faggot. and chances are you are majorly cock-blocked and disrespected in everyday life cause of Jew propaganda and yet you just let it go like the weak compliant little goyim drone you are.
>herp derp my race is getting cucked and bred out of existence but it doesn't bother me so I guess I showed you buddy
What do the Jews have to do with this? What does homosexuality have to do with this? What does cuckoldry have to do with this?
None of these things are impactful to the suffering of black communities. None of these things are even remotely related.
1 murder is too much. We can greatly reduce crime by combating it with education.
That is not at all my proposal, and it's rather grotesque that you would insinuate it.
i bet you saw girls in your school fucking niggers and you thought it was cool. i bet you were friends with the niggers. i bet you buddied up with them while they fucked your women like the deluded little cuckold faggot bitch you.
I don't give a shit about black people. They can all go fuck themselves as far as I am concerned.
>1 murder is too much
why? i really don't give a shit if niggers murder each other but the fact is it won't make a significant difference in their population
>not your proposal
oh so you're just a cuckold
hilarious how you give more of shit about nigger issues than white issues. what a good goyim little cuck faggot you are
you are^
>Black people all look out for each other and boost their races social status
Black people kill their own at astronomical rates.
Look no further than gang violence, abortion, fatherless homes and psycho mothers who generally aren't smart enough to be mothers.
another faggot already made this shit argument. yes niggers murder each other a lot but they don't murder each other because they're black. they murder each other cause they are naturally predisposed to be violent. they murder other niggers more because that's who they tend to live around and 3000 dead niggers per year makes no significant difference in their total population
It's sad that you don't care about people dying. Nobody deserves to be shot and killed on cold concrete, and skin color is a rather stupid way of establishing any such justification.
How does not wanting genocide, whether internal or external, make me a cuckold?
I give a shit about all racial groups and the unique problems that plague them, it's just that black people are the topic of discussion in this thread.
Blacks haven't made it past 13% in decades in the United States.
but they build each other up in social reputation
>yes niggers murder each other a lot
Sooooo, they don't look out for each other?
Maybe you forgot what OP.
Maybe you also forgot to read the greentext I posted.
Maybe your IQ Is so low you don't understand the point.
>social reputation
According to who?
what OP said*
Yeah, black on black violence is through the roof and you say they look after each other. Lol Black people may have a high "social status" amongst them selves but to the rest of white America they talk, act, and dress like a bunch of chimps. Like if we have a chimp a pile of clothes and told it to dress like a human.
>once you go black you never go back/muh dick
>blacks don't crack
>we wuz kangz
meanwhile whites
>condemn their own race for looking out for their racial interests
>claim niggers are more athletic/masculine
>let niggers fuck their wives while they film it and do so in the context of racial humiliation
Dirty Bill. He's such a dirty old geezer. Lol
maybe you are a fucking retard who doesn't understand that murder is such an uncommon occurrence that it means jack shit. in world war 2 whites killed each other by the millions. niggers killing a few thousand niggers per year doesn't mean jack shit and they don't do it because they are niggers. they aren't targeting their own race they just have a higher predisposition to murder
What percentage of young black males go to jail or prison?
What are they going to prison for?
Why didn't they take care of their own and teach them differently?
You're unironically the actual retard here.
>Waaa our people are drowning and you're not throwing them life rafts!
I'm saying let them fucking drown so the only ones left are the ones who can swim.
You lot are the first to go.
again retard. third one to make this argument
3000 niggers getting murdered in a year means jack shit.
niggers have high social status among white females. white females fuck niggers constantly and stupid ass white males do jack shit about but say "herp derp maybe she'll pay the toll" or "we didn't want her anyway" like submissive little fags and some whites even go so far as to encourage niggers to fuck their own wives.
How many black abortion per year?
guess what retard? once whites are a small enough minority they will literally be able to massacre us without consequence. your kids will get murdered just for being white
just be glad you are not hispanic, we are all a bunch of backstabers,or at least the ones i know are,of course im also one
Murder isn't the only crime they commit against their own, bozo.
who the fuck cares if they're in prison? are you bragging about another tax payer funded institution that comes out of white people's pockets just to feed nigger mouths? this is a fucking nonargument
15% of niggers have been to prison vs 6% of the general population but again it's a non argument
Not in America they won't.
>who the fuck cares if they're in prison?
I can now see that I'm speaking with a 50 IQ imbecile.
Carry on.
who fucking cares? crime stats mean jack shit. the fact this is your only claim to "white power" is absolutely pathetic. power is about social dominance not gay ass spreadsheets
If numbers were all that mattered China would fucking decimate us you weak-minded cuck
you can't explain why the fuck that matters
>"HAHAHAHAH that nigger fucked my wife but he did 6 months in prison one time AHHAHAAH we really go those dumb niggers"
if numbers don't matter then why are the Native Americans and Australian Abos irrelevant on the world stage?
China is on pace to surpass the US.
>They take care of their own
Meanwhile, in reality...
>Sociologists Bruce Western and Becky Pettit have shown . . . that the cumulative risk of imprisonment for black men ages 20-34 without a high school degree stands at 68 percent
>They take care of their own
For boys born in 2001, the lifetime probability of incarceration is estimated to be 32 percent for young black men, 17 percent for Latinos, and 6 percent for whites.
>white people put them in prison so that means they don't promote their own race
so what? explain why that matters.
The question you should be asking is how did a relatively small number of whites utterly dominate them.
It's all about your tech and the minds behind it.
In what respect? You're just repeating shit you've heard online.
If blacks were actively trying to take care of their own, these numbers wouldn't be so high.
They wouldn't be murdering their children and astronomical rates.
Their fathers wouldn't be leaving them behind.
This is common sense, you moron.
ask 20 niggers on the street whether they support black power and i bet 17 will say yes
ask 20 whites on the street whether they support white power maybe 1 will say yes
That doesn't mean, "taking care of their own" you idiot.
>how did a relatively small number of whites utterly dominate them
the keyword here is DID you blind cuck. i'm sure if whites got there shit together it could go back but as of now whites are fucking retarded blind cucks
in terms of economic prowess and world influence. China is going to surpass the US in GDP
yes it does
No retard, it doesn't.
no you are the retad
niggers never politically shit on their own people
whites politically shit on their own people all day long
yes blacks kill a lot of blacks but they aren't specifically targeting their own race they just have a predisposition towards violence. whites on the other hand will publicly attack their own people. it's not uncommon for a white liberal to say "fuck white people" but you would never hear a nigger say "fuck black people" in a million years
this is not me
yes it does you fucking retard. they want power for their own race whiles whites want to shit on their own race
>>this is not me
we know you fucking asshole
There's this saying,.
It goes, "Actions speak louder than words".
You should look into it.
They, statistically, don't look out for or take care of their own.
imagine living in a country where your race makes up 13% of the population and you are most likely to be killed by one of your fellow nigglets, but complain about the white man keeping you down, borderline pathetic. explain to me how any of that boosts their racial social status, what a dumbass term anyway. you making this thread everyday doesn't make any of your statements true, it just means you are a retard. but its all just bait right? huehuehueh yea sure, you are just a faggot who hates himself. niggers don't even look out for their offspring, in fact one of the reasons why nigs act like aggressive animals is because their mothers treat them like shit as a baby and i know this is true because black people who are raised by black/white couples or functioning black couples don't act like animals going "muh dick" all the time. but what can u expect from some faggot who thinks crime statistics don't mean anything. just kill yourself already you stupid fucking piece of shit
and meanwhile they are completely socially and sexually dominating white people
3000 murders is irrelevant especially when whites murdered each other by the tens of millions in Europe for hundreds of years
Why do you keep repeating that stale response?
I already countered it three times, scroll up moron.
Broken families.
Other crimes.
All proof that they're statistically not looking out for their own.
wrong and you didn't answer my question
>they are completely socially and sexually dominating white people
Every empire has fallen. Rome over-expanded, let too many foreigners in, became fractured, and fell. The same will happen to us.
Does that mean the all Italians disappeared? Were they bred out by the foreigners they let in?
No, they remained the most influential ethnic group arguably in the world for well over the next 1000 years and even today are one of the most influential. All of their successors that overtook them, like the US, have modeled themselves after their glory.
Go cuck your weak genes out.
>in terms of economic prowess and world influence
China is way too dependent on exports (specifically ours), while our economy is much more diverse and stable than theirs. We spend 36x as much on our military than China does on theirs. That means we are much more influential.
You are retarded, I'm done wasting my time.
We are much more
why should blacks care? they will just keep fucking like rabbits at the white man's dime
>every Empire as falling
very nice EXCUSE for white men turning into weak cuck faggots and the white race dying off
every empire has fallen*
Lol you sound bitter as hell. Did you have a few cuck arrangements go sideways? Maybe try being a little more Alpha next time. Or at least don't let some dude (regardless or color) try to fuck your girl. Even if you're not Alpha at all. Even if you get your ass kicked, if you have a decent girl she will see you stepped up.
all over the internet white women are taking nigger dick while white male cuck faggots film it and white men take nigger dick up their ass
yeah i am bitter cause my shit race is a bunch of retarded subhumans. i would never fear a white male fucking my girl because white males are fucking weak cucks and everyone knows it. nobody respects white guys. they think they're all cucks with tiny dicks. and fags like you live in denial
Again, I think you're conflating birth rates in Africa with America.
They been sitting around 13% for almost 70 years.
They abort an insane amount of babies annually.
On average, 900 Black babies are aborted every day in the United States
i have beaten up 6 niggers but the vast majority of whites are weak cowardly little bitches who haven't been in a fight in their pathetic pussy ass life
again like i said. they will keep fucking like rabbits at the white man's dime. those aborted babies had to get their somehow
Shit bait. The fact so many people replied trying to counter your argument shows just how shit Yea Forumstards have become.
*specifically to us
China is too dependent on us buying shit from them.
Wouldn't they do better if they "took care of their own" and raised those babies?
and yet in spite of all the abortions they still have higher birthrates than whites and Africans have massive birthrates and Africans are immigrating to Europe and the US
more denial
interracial porn isn't as popular as you make it up to be, can you at least try to come up with 1 statement that is somewhat true? they even need their own porn-sites because most people aren't into that stuff.
So much backpedaling, you're the physical incarnation of COPE.
BLACKED is the third biggest porn website on the internet and google images is full of black dick propaganda/ anti white humiliation/ white genocide porn
you're in denial of the fact that white people are going extinct while blacks take over the world
>while blacks take over the world
Africans are living on one of, if not the richest Continent in the world and they can't even take care of their own there.
How do you expect them to "take over the world"?
>My race
by breeding like flies and then moving into white countries where white liberal cucks and nigger loving whores will welcome them with open arms and they can leech off of whites and later they will most likely be able to move into East Asia and do the same should China become more egalitarian which it likely will as it modernizes
>by breeding like flies and then moving into white countries
Now we're just going around in circles.
13% of population.
Hasn't increased in the last 60+ years.
You're talking out of your ass.
African niggers are on pace to reach 4 billion population by 2100 and they will mass migrate to Europe and America
for gibs^
I'd rather be white and actually be able to share my own opinions. Peer pressure in black communities is on a whole other level. Think family and community ignoring you because of your views for white people, death threats assault, and sometimes straight up homicide because of your views for black people. They "look out for eachother" because they'd rather be together and not have individuality than have to stand on their own, but have their own opinions.
google image search is full of pictures of anything, doesn't mean shit. and blacked isn't the third biggest porn website, but thanks for calling it propaganda you dumbfuck.
>and they will mass migrate to Europe and America
t. Edgelord on Yea Forums.
google images is full of small white penis/big black cock fetish propaganda
Thanks for proving my point.
Much appreciated.
Europeans are taking in millions of refugees already. Africans are coming over by the hundreds on boats. The Eurocucks will help the refugees forever until they're bred out of existence.
get cucked by niggers some more. stay in denial. your race is being bred out while you lie to yourself that everything is okay.
go on youtube. blacks completely dominate culture. look at how many of the top artists are black. the most viewed video on youtube is a wiz khalifa video. look back at the 60s, 70, and 80s. it was never as bad as this. It has gotten worse and worse over time and white men have turned into bigger and bigger pussies over time.
look at the NFL in the 70s. it was majority white. now it is majority niggers. white men have become fucking pussies
You sound like a regressive. Do you consider your self to be open minded? To the point of covering your face and running the streets in little packs, beating up white people who disagree with you?
i am just telling whites how fucking stop and cucked our race is. I think it needs to change but I doubt it ever will.
So what you're saying is you're trans racial? You're white but you identify as black? Did you try out for the basketball team and they told you to fuck off cracker?
>Black people all look out for each other
by "look out for each other" do you mean "murder each other at rates so high that to even mention them is considered racist"?
i've addressed this 10 times already, cuck
lol funny how even in your attack on me you apply that niggers are superior athletes like the little cuck nigger cock sucker you are
Oh, I'm sorry faggot, I didn't read all 166 replies to your autistic original post. Maybe you should go kys.
No I hate niggers. I have beaten the shit out of 6 niggers in street fights. That being said I recognize where blacks are doing better than whites and I don't live in denial like 90% of you deluded faggots sitting idly by while their race dies off.
Whatever. Glad you've taken the black pill though brother.
You're not actually arguing the statistics, your being intellectually lazy. The numbers don't lie. Per capita they are leading the way in terms of assult, murder, and theaft. There is a reason why they are so likely to be or have been in some form of corrections in their life time. You can say cuck all you want, it doesn't change the statistics sweety.
you need watch out better then. white/european countries haven't responded well to the refugee crisis even tho the gov and mass media tried to guilt-trip them. alot of parties that are consideres right or far-right became powerful in a couple years just because of that. people don't just go about murdering refugees because some of them act like animals. they try to use the system to do that. If you really think they would just let in billions of niggers you couldn't be more wrong
you have never explained why crime statistics matter.
said the cuck while the nigger fucked his wife
yet it's still going on
Niggers are literal retards all of them.
Also dont be a cuck.
Just look out for your self and your family. Fuck all the race bull shit. Every body is a stranger.
>he says while he's alone on Yea Forums while niggers are off fucking white skanks
can't wait till your kids are murdered for being white, cuck
niggers are retards yet they are cucking white people. who are the real retards?
The human race evolved and prevailed over all the other (far stronger and more deadly) species in the food chain because we're smarter and more innovative. Niggers have split off, some of them are smart and athletic. Many are skinny and can run. Selective breeding (thanks to white men) coupled with rinning from police dogs made them fast runners. Athletics don't bring home an earning that can raise a family. Not unless you're a professional athlete. At that level it's such a rare thing, it's impossible to say a whole race is physically superior because a select few won the genetics lottery. When niggers are unhealthy they really swing for the fences. Ever hear of sickle cell anemia?
Nah, unlike you I'm not some self-hating white faggot who worships black people. You're a sick asshole.
It sounds like you love niggers. Like your sucking nigger cock in hopes to become one.
You are a weak little bitch. Women love strong attractive dominant men. Whites have low birth rates cause most white men don't want to be strong and manly anymore.
you're a retard who is in denial about the state of the world
Who gives a fuck? We'll all be dead eventually anyway
I'd bet money you've never beaten the shit out of anyone
Fuck off nigger
i respect their strengths and i think if whites were smart we would apply some of their methods to ourselves. they are currently winning the war for survival. they have dominated our culture. we have to fight back and retards like you just want to ignore it like the submissive fags you are. i want to crush niggers. you just want to ignore them like the cuck you are.
Join our white supremacy server
i love how every reply to this post is shit and lower quality.
racists will always be lower iq than the niggers they hate.
I'll bet my dick I have beaten 6 niggers in fights but the fact that you don't believe it is proof you are in disbelief a white person is even capable of beating up a black person like the brainwashed cuckold you are. The Jew propaganda machine has crushed your masculinity.
>Black people all look out for each other
As in, look out, here comes that nigger Jamal. *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*
Just kill yourself then faggot
Objectively false. Average African nigger has an IQ of 70. Average American mutt nigger has an IQ of 85. Racists are smarter than niggers.
I'm not the problem. Other white cuckolds and faggots are.
You're a fucking retard, I said I'd bet money you've never beaten up ANYONE. You poor little keyboard warrior
the nigger didn't punk the emo the emo punked the nigger dumbass cuck
if all you can do is complain about non existent problems, youre the problem.
And all lord cheeto did after tweeting it was drag his lard ass onto air force one and fly to his golf course.
Who cares what others do, if your so disappointed then just neck yourself
i bet you my dick i have beaten up 6 niggers. like i said you little fucking faggot you are so brainwashed by Jew media you are in denial a white guy could ever beat up a black guy. i lived in East Side Buffalo and got in many street fights
> most white men don't want to be strong and manly anymore.
Well that is true, the progressive types are doing a great job of ensuring that. They've also managed to spawn what the progressives call male feminists. These are extreme betas in hopes to get some pussy of they wholeheartedly adopt this beta way of life. It's fucking sad to see.
actually you're the problem with our race you weak tranny freak disgrace
Whites are lumped 8n with Latinos in that chart.
There are blacks and other minorities that don't like inigratin ether so there's that. Immigration can be good if there's a job or skill that could be bought in but if it's just bring in people for the sake of feeling like you done some kind of a good deed then its fucked up. Look at Turkey some city took in like 1 million or so refugees. The town had to lower minimum wage and it was bad for the local community.
streaming my suicide in 20 minutes 6432
my trips informed me that youre just a race baiter
oh look another retard missing the point that the amount of murders in the US is so infinitesimal that it is irrelevant to population growth
and whites let it happen
O fuck, you caught me. Please don't tell my wife. She thinks I'm a baller with my good job, nice car, nice house and all the vacations we take. If she reads this she will definitely divorce me and find some broke nigger with 4 kids from different mothers to fuck her brains out one night. Then leave her knocked up.
says the tranny faggot disgrace to white people. you are the death of our race
Far too many things in that pic were the product of whites.
Remove the solid homes for mud huts. plastic buckets for woood ones and clothing for nudity and some animal skins.
Daily reminder whites are the only race that can stand up to the jews
stop saying our, white people dont talk liek you.
bet she fucks niggers on vacation. take her to Jamaica cuckoo
-Why don't niggers marry Latinos?
-Their children will be too lazy to steal.
You know how you defeat them? Don't vote for any of the left leaning parties that want to get niggers or other minorities in office.
when whites are the minority voting won't do jack shit. whites gave up pour country to niggers and now we are on pace for extinction.
implying your vote matters and its not just to trick you into thinking you have a say
meh i actually have a reason to live unlike you, you little whinny bitch
go away with your shitty bait thread.
streaming my suicide in 20 minutes 4greg
jerking off to niggers fucking your wife?
- In the fourth grade, nigger and white are studying. Whose dick is longer?
- Nigger's, because he is eighteen.
I have a theory. I think India was filled with white people then African immigration happened there and they inter breed with the whites there and it is the country it is now. I think USA will be like India in the future or it will be like Brazil. My step mom is Brazilian. A far bitch she's white but her grand ma is black. I think that's how USA will be like families will have blacks and whites In them. Also she has black friends but she talks about black people and bad like they ruin everything.
Why the hell would I want to go there? It stinks to high hell of niggers who don't bathe. I'd rather go to Detroit at that point.
Fox News culture warrior garbage, fuck off to HuffPo gramps
you wouldn't want to because your wife would leave you for a nigger
found a picture of you
streaming my suicide in 20 minutes wg4eg
In 50 years there won't be whites or blacks. There will be slightly tan people. The media will pick something else to create a crisis over. Hell in 12 years we're all gonna be dead due to global warming, or "climate change" I mean. Haha
No, my family and friends
Tell that to the niggers
My vote made a difference in 2016. It will in 2020.
who suck nigger cock?
Oh boy this thread again, have you considered killing yourself? If not, you should.
- How to starve a nigger to death?
- Hide food stamps under soap.
actually in 50 years there'll be more niggers than ever you retard
go be a guest commentator on MSNBC you mainstream media little politics bitch, read some fucking Breitbart about it and comment on Daily Kos
/pol/tards ruined Yea Forums
suck another nigger cock libcuck
wishful thinking
all the problems will be over an hour after the solution starts
im sorry you think that
Kys cuck
go back to The Atlantic you /pol/ pundit freak, go join the fucking Heritage Foundation you politics-poisoned shitkicker
What's a HMUAN?
hurrrrrrr Republicans hurrrrrr Democrats hurrrrrr culture war bluh bluh bluh race politics blah blah economy duhhhhhhh I'm a programmed little politics robot and I loooooove to suck politics cock
yeah, the common negro cares for no other than himself. like the bond scum they are
youre poorly informed about who is human and who is not.
in short, get rekt
suck another nigger cock fagboi cuck
u mad about politics little /pol/ baby? you qqing about gramma Pelosi and all the big boys at the Cato Institute? a bloo bloo bloo
Superior training and firepower. White America with all their ar-15's will make their little strap useless if shit were to pop off in this country.
niggers rail you up the ass faggot bitch race traitor
>bring niggers to the US
>complains about niggers
>teach sandniggers how to derka derka jihad
>complains about sandniggers
>bring spics to work farms and cut grass
>complains about not having jobs
>let's white women do whatever and say whatever they want
>complains about sjw's and the birth rate
>let's faggots do whatever they say and want
>complains about faggots
>let's the church fuck little kids
>wonders why Christianity is mocked constantly
I think being white is a mental disorder.
the liberal government of the majority brown America will confiscate all the guns
we brought them here to be slaves not citizens
haha yeah and then the Republicans will health care tariffs huffington post elon musk MSNBC Fox News the media taxes POLITICS AM I RIGHT
>be nigger
>get aids
shut up nigger
it's almost like there is more than one white person in the world and they we opposing view points
it's almost like there is more than one white person in the world and we have opposing view points
>brings trash into the country
>doesn't understand why the country is trash
Jesus Christ. It really is a mental disorder
Here are a few more
>gives jews all the financial power
>complains about jews
>sends all factory jobs to asia
>complains about gooks
>posts a white woman taking nigger cock
>at least she got beat up afterwards
she still took nigger cock you fucking CUCKOLD
niggers weren't a problem as slaves
get more rekt
>white people have opposing viewpoints
>all complain about the same thing
Thanks for verifying the mental illness. Anyone else?
streaming my suicide in 20 minutes sg243t
says all whites
probably claims not to be racist
nice bullshit kike. not all white people complain about the same shit. conservatives and white liberals complain about opposite shit
>sees someone call out hypocrisy
>must be a niggerjew
Anyone else? All the retards are trying to speak up. Anyone else want to try?
sure have a hell of a lot of discourse compared to modern niggers reparation fueled political ideology
Kill em all and let the Norse gods sort it out.
my bad, thought you could follow a conversation
wont make that mistake again
>actually thinks reparations will ever be a real thing and not just a kike tactic to get niggers voting for them
Dam, the retards can type. But do they see what they type?
hes just talking into his phone, you know as well as i do that they cant type.
t. nigger Jew
any proof they won't be a thing?
>retard feeling hurt
>better post nigger pic
You're actually a fucking jew, right Seinfeld? Being there Lebowitz? Fucking haha Weintstein. Get the fuck out. Now.
native americans got nothing, were not paying out to dead niggers
youre so mad :)
>has no idea what "proving" means
Yeah, you're a spic. Listen amigo. Learn the language and how it works before you try to type. Ok jose?
well no shit you fuck, i didnt say they'd get it. I just said all their beliefs are fueld by it
so no
niggers are more of a cultural force and a bigger population than Natives
Put some more happy faces. It helps cover your hurt and anger Seinfeld. Don't worry, we'll get rid of your kind soon enough funny boy.
he was pointing out that you cant prove a negative because there is no evidence of something that doesnt exist.
in this case you are making the claim that reparations will happen. where is your evidence for this claim?
have fun with the fbi. Threats of physical violence are against tos and Yea Forums reports them to the authorities.
im sorry youre not happy about your race.
the fact that they are talking about it in Congress
the political movement and discourse centered around the topic implying there is a group of people deeming it worth of discussion and consideration
they talk about a lot of things that never see the light of day in congress
implying things happen because citizens want them to
Hey hey white man, stop using logic.
Jose over here wants me to prove something that will never happen.
I bet most of these fucking wogs typing are Irish and Italian mongrels who think they're white.
wow this kike is awfully triggered. are you gonna cry little baby kikeboi? go watch a Holocaust documentary
thinks i cant see the pixels
if whites become a minority reparations are gonna happen
please dont stop posting
fair enough but with enough sway the populace gets what keeps em happy
whites will never be a minority. you guys are less than 13% of the population
stop kidding yourself
not happy.
and nothing makes niggers productive. so good luck on that one
it's real. google it
implying memes dont catalog to google
implying theirs not an overwhelming population of whites who actually care about there pet niggers foolish enough to not give there pets what they want
Listen leroy, it will never happen.
You gotta get spics, who outnumber niggers, to go with it. They won't.
You also gotta get gooks on board. They won't go for it.
Anyone who thinks otherwise should be shot at their door for buying into kike propaganda and being traitors to their own people.
i didn't post the "threat" you dumb little kike that was some other faggot but it's amazing how sensitive you are especially when kikes are literally calling for whites to be murdered
you can try to argue what you said to the police.
I've seen the archived twitter post. it's real
so in other words assumign your story is true
its an illegal statement and no longer hosted on the platform
He's a fucking kike. Aggression scares the gimpy retard. He's probably writing a blog about how scared he feels right now.
The blog is going to start "As a gay jewish person"
and yet the kike didn't get in trouble and still works at buzzed
I said you fucking faggot. I'll explain to them that you're a jew, we'll have a chuckle, and they'll leave. Because I'm white, and you aren't. You deserve this. Your kind has it coming. Remember this post in a few years when the fun begins.
>bragging about white whores getting killed by niggers
you are just making white men look like weak pussies who can't protect their women
i didn't say it you fucking idiot
you're so obviously not white. do you think we cant smell you because you're behind a computer?
whos gonna protect a niggerlover?
im not even the one who posted this post you fucking idiot
whatever man, its archived
why are white women nigger lovers to begin with
just delete the post you retard
because theyre fat or nasty and cant attract a white male
i didn't type it though you're accusing me and i didn't do shit
if that jew on twitter didn't get in trouble why would that faggot get in trouble for an empty threat on Yea Forums?
if its not you stop replying. the site logs IPs so the truth comes out regardless
the girl in the pic looks pretty sexy
the jews bosses can pay out to settle.
Yea Forums deals directly with the state
sweet opinion for a black dude
well you are a vindictive obnoxious Jewish freak who accuses people of shit as a weapon meanwhile you Jews are threatening to kill white people without consequence. sorry faggot Jew but most likely that retard isn't gonna get in any trouble
p.s. shes hispanic which isnt white
you're insane if you think anything is actually gonna happen
is it passed your bedtime?
im white
shouldn't you be sucking baby foreskins, kike?
go on youtube and type "Yea Forums swatting" or "user raid"
people who say stupid shit on here get their doors kicked in by the police all the time
there are too many actual murderers and rapists posting their shit here for the police to ignore it.
the moderators have to forward such things to the police by contract or the site cant stay up
hope you like jail and dicks