Being in a small town is the worst thing ever. You can’t become a celebrity or a rapper. You have no friends...

Being in a small town is the worst thing ever. You can’t become a celebrity or a rapper. You have no friends. Everyone’s poor. All you can do is look at fields all day

Only way is if you get super lucky and do everything the traditional way and everyone here is too fucking stupid to leave

Fuck I hate fucking god. I lost my entire fucking life. Fuck god

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Where you at?

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>you can't become a celebrity or rapper

You have some shit aspirations there kid.

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the first 2 is normal for evry town if u browse Yea Forums, everywun poor is not nrmal and fields are fun!! ヽ(*・∀・)ノ

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I moved from DC to bumbfuck WV. It's fun. If you're bored then you're just boring.

Serious question, since I've never lived in a small town so I don't know: What's stopping you from leaving?

what is higher than celebrity rapper tho?


We both know the reason... because he's an unemployable faggot who can't stand on his own 2 feet.

Athlete, inventor, major directors. Are you black by chance?

>You can’t become a celebrity or a rapper.

Yeah mate, because that pesky small town is stopping you from having realistic goals or talent... you stupid fucking mongoloid cunt.

This, OP. If you want to become a celebrity/rapper, do what they've been doing for ages and move to New York or LA with nothing but the clothes on your back and big dreams.

you are an idiot.
Find ways to help yourself.


Isn't county rap a thing now? You could be a famous country rapper. You could play all of the county fairs.

>Athlete, inventor, major directors

Holy shit, this thread is full of 12 year olds.

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You could always trying growing up into not a piece of shit commodity in a vapid waste culture that is based on mass marketing.

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Dude alienated literally everyone he grew up with. I doubt he has the social skills and personality to succeed. Still, better to try and fail

>Tom Brady, Elion Musk, Spielberg
>nameless nigger only 12 y.o.s talk about
Kys kid

>weak men create shitty hackneyed memes

That was back when it cost a dollar a day to live in nyc and you could just walk into a store and they started paying you 5 dollars a day

Now it’s like application, need an address, 2000 a month for an apartment, more laws, harder for homeless people, everything is more strict now

And god trapped me here and I lost my entire life

Yeah, you know what those three have in common? As career paths, they're no more realistic than celebrity or rapper. Go back to the fucking kids' table you little shit.

i'm white if that makes a difference. white celebrity rapper would rule the world

You might not be aware of this, but there are literally hundreds of cities across the US that are much, MUCH cheaper to live in than NYC. You're shooting yourself in the foot if that's your first choice when deciding where to move.

Just leave, pack your shit and move, then you have an excuse for having a fucked up life until you settle.

imagine being this butthurt that someone answered someone else's hyothetical question. calm down kiddo

Learn to read the thread dumbfuck

Why the fuck are you still here? Isn't it past your bedtime?

>can't read thread l8ks
>underage gets butthurt at own stupidity
You're as retarded as OP. Stop posting.

Yes, blame your inability to break into the entertainment industry on your location instead of your lack of any talent

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Still on probation for being black?

>underage burger thinks everyone lives in retard land
Godbless America

Your shitty opinion is not needed, by anyone. Do the world a favor and stop existing.

It’s god trapping me

Not everyone, just you.

>kek and /thread

>newfag tries damage control
>gets wrecked

nah i think this is a different small town guy. the other guy finally convinced his parole officer to let him move to the city

>shit, I have nothing else to say to this guy
>get rekd fag

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You know the answer, underage user. Kill god.

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Move along faggots

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I’m trying to. Fuck god FUCK GOD