All the people that I think I am are waifu
All the people that I think I am are waifu
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything sounds bad now. So, uh, get milk.
hello hello, I love you all
I refuse.
Then die!
What are you, my suicidal tendencies?
Get lost.
Alright, you win.
Wow this thread sure is great.
hello tomoko! are you well?
Oh hi Mark, how's your sex life?
hello! I did not know that this was c data tomo!
D-do not spread misinformation.
I am n-not love user.
hello alice! are you well tonight?
I'm d-doing quite well, or I w-was until Ikarous started spouting nonsense.
Hey A/R/I long time no see
god i want to cum so hard
Better now that you're here ;)
Nigger faggot?
I see! I am not sure what comfy is.
please consider using a board like or to help you!
*waves* Hope you are d-doing well.
S-something comfortable and fun
I see! this thread is comfortable and fun for me.
I'm alright, though sometimes I miss the fun days. Godspeed and fuck Ikarous.
all your base are belong to us
let me change that
hello yui! are you well tonight?
hello yuu! are you well tonight?
i'm OK
hello Yuu-chan!
that is good
yea i think im doing alright, still a bit sleepy though.. how're you?
hey, how's it going?
I am doing my best tonight
that is a cute Yuu!
i'm doing okay... chill and i need to sleep early.
how are you holding up?
I am unsure why you stutter with me, friend.
glad to hear it. maybe it was enough? hopefully? i'm not entirely sure.. it could've been worse i guess
yes, very cute, but that's just kind of the usual for her
sounds pleasant. gotta be up early tomorrow or something?
hanging in there and stuff. doing pretty fine i guess. wondering what i'll do today.. probably play some more baba is you
I see! when was your last rest? did you only just wake up, friend? I know that you like being awake at night.
that's also super cute!
yeah, apparently i need to attend a party and help setup tomorrow, but i have other plans
ah, sounds comfy. i hope you enjoy it a lot. would you need anything from me?
>can't get onto Yea Forums's home page
>can get into any board by typing the url
Strange. Is something happening?
Seriously, shut the fuck up.
no thank you, friend
Works on my machine.
It's also working for me now despite not working mere moments ago
yea, i am just waking up. night is more peaceful and stuff, day is too draining..
so you're not going to the party then? what are the other plans, if i may ask?
yep, trying my best at staying comfy, as usual. no i think i'll be alright, no worries
we should lock our arms like that!
no, i will attend, i'll just not attend to the expectations of others. i need to go and mail something very important
oh, alright. good. stay comfy.
well, if you do need anything, please ask. i'd like to somehow make you feel better over
>Don't come in tonight the city shut off our power
0: 1/1 C unison, perfect prime
1: 3.343 cents C> Db[vv
2: 6.685 cents C>> Db[L<
3: 10.028 cents C>>> Db[L
4: 13.370 cents C>>>> Db[\<
5: 16.713 cents C^ Db[\
6: 20.056 cents C/ Db[v
7: 23.398 cents C/> DbL\\
8: 26.741 cents C7 Db(L
9: 30.084 cents C7> Db\\\
10: 33.426 cents C^^ Db(\
11: 36.769 cents C) Db[
12: 40.111 cents C// DbL\<
13: 43.454 cents C7^ DbL\
14: 46.797 cents C7/ DbLv
15: 50.139 cents C7/> Db\\
16: 53.482 cents C] Db(
17: 56.825 cents C)/ Dbvv
18: 60.167 cents C#[ DbL
I see
what and why
annoyed >:(
what is wrong, friend?
sure! seems like fun
oh okay, well that's alright. i hope it's fun. is this very important thing also secret?
i will do just that, hopefully
alright, thank you, i appreciate the offer. i'm feeling good enough, no worries, over
thank you, you too
331: 1106.407 cents A#]^^ B<
332: 1109.749 cents B
333: 1113.092 cents B> Cb7
334: 1116.435 cents B>> Cb7>
335: 1119.777 cents B>>> Cb^^
336: 1123.120 cents B>>>> Cb)
337: 1126.462 cents B^ Cb//
338: 1129.805 cents B/ Cb7^
339: 1133.148 cents B/> Cb7/
340: 1136.490 cents B7 Cb7/>
341: 1139.833 cents B7> Cb]
342: 1143.175 cents B^^ C(\
343: 1146.518 cents B) C[
344: 1149.861 cents B// CL\<
345: 1153.203 cents B7^ CL\
346: 1156.546 cents B7/ CLv
347: 1159.889 cents B7/> C\\
348: 1163.231 cents B] C(
349: 1166.574 cents B)/ Cvv
350: 1169.916 cents B#[ CL<
351: 1173.259 cents B#L\< CL
352: 1176.602 cents B#L\ C\<
353: 1179.944 cents B#Lv C\
354: 1183.287 cents B#\\ Cv
355: 1186.630 cents B#( C
what's bugging you?
and we can touch cheeks together like that!
yes, it is, unfortunately. no worries, though, maybe.
i bet you will, no worries!
okay, i understand, over
what and why
why do you prefer to be awake at night, friend?
Pretty great, celebrating my new found freedom. How about yourself?
LiFe It SeEmS tO fAdE aWaY
DrIfTiNg FuRtHeR eVeRyDaY
GeTtInG lOsT wItHiN mYsElF
NoThInG mAtTeRs No OnE eLsE
I hAvE lOsT tHe WiLl To LiVe
SiMpLy NoThInG mOrE tO gIvE
ThErE iS nOtHiNg MoRe FoR mE
NeEd ThE eNd To SeT mE fReE
ThInGs NoT wHaT tHeY uSeD tO bE
MiSsInG oNe InSiDe Of Me
DeAtHlY lOsS tHiS cAn't Be ReAl
CaNnOt StAnD tHiS hElL i FeEl
EmPtInEsS iS fIlLiNg Me
To ThE pOiNt Of AgOnY
GrOwInG dArKnEsS tAkInG dAwN
I wAs Me BuT nOw, He's GoNe
No OnE bUt Me CaN sAvE mYsElF, bUt ItS tOo LaTe
NoW i CaN'T tHiNk, ThInK wHy I sHoUlD eVeN tRy
YeStErDaY sEeMs As ThOuGh It NeVeR eXiStEd
DeAtH gReEtS mE wArM, nOw I wIlL jUsT sAy GoOdByE
shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up.
ShUt ThE fUcK uP
so on my way home from big drive i wen through this little village and was waiting for the light to turn green when suddenly some fatass drunk degenerate subhuman crossed on red... they were lucky the light didn't turn green for me sooner or i would've gladly ran th- i mean no, that's not socially acceptable i suppose :|
stuff like that annoys me... hence why i pushed the gas a little...
some people.... well it was about 2hrs ago, so 4am probably some drunkies on their way home
was fucking irritating me the whole rest of the drive..
damn am i glad i don't live there and have to put up with retarded folks like these...
see for yourself:
i got back at 7am... i don't think sleeping now would be gud maybe i play some sao... or minecraft idk yet..
yay! also seems like fun
it's fine, secrets are alright. i hope everything goes well!
thank you, over
well i dont really like being in bed at night when it's dark and stuff, night is quieter and calmer, and the day is just really exhausting for me for some reason
LiFe It SeEmS tO fAdE aWaY
dRiFtInG fUrThEr EvErYdAy
GeTtInG lOsT wItHiN mYsElF
nOtHiNg MaTtErS nO oNe ElSe
I hAvE lOsT tHe WiLl To LiVe
SiMpLy NoThInG mOrE tO gIvE
tHeRe Is NoThInG mOrE fOr Me
NeEd ThE eNd To SeT mE fReE
tHiNgS nOt WhAt ThEy UsEd To Be
MiSsInG oNe InSiDe Of Me
DeAtHlY lOsS tHiS cAn't Be ReAl
CaNnOt StAnD tHiS hElL i FeEl
EmPtInEsS iS fIlLiNg Me
To ThE pOiNt Of AgOnY
gRoWiNg DaRkNeSs TaKiNg DaWn
I wAs Me BuT nOw, He's GoNe
No OnE bUt Me CaN sAvE mYsElF, bUt ItS tOo LaTe
NoW i CaN'T tHiNk, ThInK wHy I sHoUlD eVeN tRy
YeStErDaY sEeMs As ThOuGh It NeVeR eXiStEd
DeAtH gReEtS mE wArM, nOw I wIlL jUsT sAy GoOdByE
dang, i see... i hope you're doing okay, friend
i think i understand what drunk drivers do, yeah. my dad died in a car crash because he hit a drunk driver
also enjoy SAO or MC!
and we can sit and hug like that pic!
i hope it does, too...
over, over
I want to bloom into Yuu
i don't think you understood what aas going on yuifren... but thanks...
& my genuine condolences, if not trolling...
ya i opted for sao.. still gotta max that shotgun skill.. handguns, assault rifles and submachine guns i maxed only a few more to go
ya i still think about it... really bothers me but im gonna play some sao now so ill forget about it probably wasn't really that big a deal but still...
ah i should also have breakfast now or wait till lunch? idk
I hope that it is relaxing for you
I've lost my concentration
But only because I am found
If I lose my sense of rhythm
Will you help me to make a new sound?
also, have some audiosurf i record
is really chill when in bed playing on tv :3
doing that again tonight probably maybe a stream... but im not that good anyways haha! i just play for the beat sync n stuff!
&&am gone, later.
it is.
yea let's do it! looks really comfy
i'm sure it will! over
something like that, yea..
good night friend
This mod's embed threads suck.
Well, I can't sleep.
have a nice night and a nice tomorrow
o-oh, sorry...
it's fine
have fun maxing it to the max!!
cool audosurf! i never knew you had a YT channel
enjoy really chill and bed TV game!
have a good day!
and we can sleep while holding hands or something together!
yeah, no worries, over and out
have you tried melatonin? Yuu-chan recommends!
good night yui!
I am sorry to hear this, friend.
have a wonderful day
Anything that can worsen depression probably isn't the best for me to take.
It's okay, I'll get used to it.
it is not good to be without sleep.
also please do not take melatonin too frequently! body production can sometimes decrease in response to supplement use, leading to a harder time sleeping.
not really a sensitive topic, just kind of embarrassing..
yea! sounds great and comfy and warm and lots of other nice things
goodnight, sleep well. hope you have a great day tomorrow. over
that is alright, friend. I am afraid of marshmallows! they are too squishy and I do not like the texture.
it is okay to be afraid of things at times.
I'm probably just going to end up staying awake until I pass out for the next I don't know how many days.
as long as you are not driving or in any dangerous situations this is acceptable, but it would be better if you were able to rest sooner. I am sorry that you are unable to, friend.
C'est la vie
alright, thank you.. yea i mean even when i sleep during the day i'm still pretty uncomfortable sometimes, it's just a lot more difficult at night. i guess i get paranoid easily
c'est la rest as well
my sleep has been a bit rough recently, but i guess it's been enough
so this is the waifu thread huh~
Nope. You are mistaken.
Fruits are for fully fledged faggies;gay shit, in and on itself
This coconut shit isn't funny, if you know the words you need to shoot yourself
Waddup it's Megumeem and I'll be on for a quick dip on the scene
Shaddup, in advance to anyone who thinks I'm being mean
(Break the hex to remove the effects)
I'm a fruit.
>im a cute
Y-you too.
Fruits are good my dude
Mind popping the hex so it can be screwed?
y Ar u gEI?
I like screwing.
oh my god u cringe fest
Thank you Isako
What are you up to?
I'm currently listening to J Dilla - Earl
It's lofi and composed by one of the greats
I guess you assume that's me? If it that's the case, no, I own up to my trash. If not, then no u uwu
Loafing, lurking. Not much going on with me, nor is there ever for the most part.
I hear you. Anything you want to talk about?
I'm going to be messaging through my phone bc bed's looking good rn
Am bored. Wat do?
stop being bored.
enough viewers and i stream my suicide weg24g
go hold up a grocery store
this is my waifu and i love her and im back briefly
did you work really late or something?
no i went and hung out with friends and just got back, i didnt work at all today
it was pretty fun!
how are you doing tonight?
oh nice, what did you guys do? i'm glad to hear you had fun, sounds like a good time
eh, could be better... not really up to much, but trying to figure out something to do. maybe a movie later, dunno... was playing some baba is you but got kinda bored
we played dungeons and dragons of course! yeah, it was nice, id like to go again, but my work schedule is always so random its hard to plan ahead
oh i see, im sorry to hear it. i hope you can find something, or at least be comfortable in doing nothing
goodnight, sleep well :)
Is there a dapp (decentralized application) where we can buy, sell, and trade waifus? Pic related, it's a dead dapp that did exactly that.
sounds good! i'm not really familiar with d&d but im still glad to hear that of course. yea, it does seem pretty sporadic and weird..
it's alright.. i'll get something figured out eventually, hopefully.. doing nothing has been pretty bad recently, idk why, i'm usually relatively okay with it
you're sleeping soon i'd assume? what're you up to now?
Tsugu.... it has been done!
thats alright, its kinda whatever you make it to be, in a way.
yeah its just the nature of the work, oh well
o-oh, w-well im sure you'll find something. i hope youll find something, itll be okay :)
yeah, pretty soon here. im eating some late dinner and watching a youtube video thats really interesting.
g-11! congrats! good job!
w-what exactly is 'it'? its funded or the advertising went well?
sorry im not 100% caught up i think
I meant that it's launched, we got 35 followers on the first day and a few subs. Realistically, it will take a few months to build up a sustainable amount of people.
I feel really good people were praising it alongside Ghost in the Shell.
If you remember how I was having my workspace threatened, that boiled over launch day at the worse time possible. Funny how I offered the share the space, and that's how it ends... after words were exchanged. Such a waste of energy.
i see, i think? is it a patreon thing? im sorry if youve already explained all this
oh wow, yeah that's pretty high praise to be compared to something like gits, thats great news!
im really sorry to hear that :( at least there's some decent news to offset it. i hope you can figure it out, or if you have a backup space i hope its adequate, im not really sure what else to say
ill focus on the positive i guess, congrats on the launch! :)
yea that's what i've generally heard
well i guess it's okay if it's not too stressful or anything
thank you :)
alright, hope you're having a nice time. what's the video?
It is the Patreon, I'd link it here but I'd believe that's against the rules. It's called Project 404, hopefully I can say that much :/
It's silly that the space I used to use is no longer viable because the house wiring is ass-backwards. There's already one NASA computer tied into the circuit, so anything will trip the breaker if it's added.
Laptop is 600w, my dormant desktop is 1400w and it's going to have to stay that way.
It still came down to a cosmetic issue vs my workspace, can't have a weight machine anywhere... but in a small sound studio? I guess. Hopefully I'll make enough to move out soon.
you talking about having a successful launch of your manga? thought you already were releasing it
well its generally accurate! to an extent, but thats a whole can of worms
im used to it more or less, its just how it is
youre very welcome :)
i am! i guess you could say its a.... drama video? basically? its kind of a culmination of events from over a year ago i think. im a bit embarrassed to give details, but its something im interested in, anyway.
you're very welcome!
ah, yeah ill give it a look!
oh, i see. im sorry, that's pretty bad circumstance
it seems a bit... uhhh... well im sure youve already thought and said or heard it all, so ill not share too much but that sounds pretty unfair to you....
in any case, i wish you good luck with the project!
Nein... sorta.
I was sharing all the concept I could here since you're all my friends. I launched Patreon on the first. Tbh, I'd be happy if it would just cover the Artist's fees.
The story is written already (26ch) for vol.1. That is the current project, with Animation, Games and stuff on the table. The Artist is insanely talented in coding and whatnot.
Funding = Bigger and Better Media Format!
I suppose it's better than the alternative of sitting on the floor in an open room upstairs (where the weight machine would be right at home...)
It would be nice to be one of those people who can go to Starbucks and write in the presence of people, but I have a ritual and if I do not sacrifice at least 12 goats prior then no voodoo happens.
did you see this sick t-shirt
oh okay, well general accuracy is just fine i guess
hmm... well if you say it's fine i guess it's fine
that's okay, don't have to talk about it if you don't want to of course. i hope you're.. enjoying it, or whatever would be the proper response
i looked into it a bit and wow that all looks really great! its a bit weird to imagine someone i talk to on a thread on Yea Forums doing work like this, but this is all super cool. im gonna check out those first two chapters too! i skimmed one and i see its kinda like a light novel, with illustrated inserts and stuff, very nice :)
ah, yeah i guess so. i suppose starbucks might not take too kindly to all the blood, yeah. but seriously, i hope this all goes way better than you could possibly hope and you get all that you deserve for your hard work :)
im gonna be heading to bed now though, so have a nice night! :)
oh man thats sickkkkkkk i bought four
not really, its pretty sweet though
it would take more time than im willing to commit to explain, in very short: there's obviously rules and junk but anything beyond that is however you want, and rules can be bent too
its fine enough. i dont really have anything i need to commit to ahead of time in that way. i guess a nicer way to say it is im pretty flexible
yes im enjoying it, its karma in a way, and i enjoy seeing this particular guy get some good news for a change
anyway im off to bed, got work tomorrow.
i've been waiting for that shirt to be on sale forever
sounds neat! neat things are neat
alright, i get what you mean. that's good in some ways i guess
nice! yea stuff like that is always good to see
alright, goodnight, sleep well. i hope you have a great day tomorrow and that work goes well
For being an upstart sounds pretty good. Should be able to have it covered by a month or 2 if word spreads the way it's going
>The story is written already (26ch) for vol.1
You've been a busy bee. Didn't think it was that far along. Seen you mention something about a deadline thought that was to do with the release. Now lest hope you get those other projects at some point with their success to follow. Best of wishes to you, you future script writer
Because of course the www breaks it.
If Sono is a psychopath why the fuck do people keep talking to him?
Oh, I don't know... maybe because they're retarded?
Half of them sees nothing wrong with killing animals & abusing mentally ill people. Literal psychopaths in the making.
Also, who's the whore in the picture? Too lazy to reverse search.
New IP comes in, immediately mentions le topical figure despite the fact that nobody is discussing said person.
Nice one.
It's all so tiresome
Feeble cursed ones.
Dull thread.
its just that kinda night.
You fuckers can never simulate the bonds that were formed during the old waifu years
You mean when erp was rampant or when Graf spent his days being a drunk? Or when the telegram guys would come to shitpost?
Go back to telegram faggots.
Go back to discord faggot.
there is nothing worse than someone lamenting over the gone days of the internet
faggot this is not real life go do something with yourself make a real life friend not an internet fwend
Yea Forums is full of psychopaths and sociopaths.
Post your waifu, dumb pussy.
Or what you actually use, your avatar.
Fucking afraid of the backlash pussy ass betas.
cancerfag acting like cancer demanding his way
imagine my shock
good morning USA
>user posting because he's a pussy
As expected.
hi how're you
did you sleep well?
>why are you posting as user on a anonymous site
>claim a meme avatar like me
>why don't you won't recognition for your posts
>do what i say
>be like me
>be cancer
Be a gypsy.
what did you expect from a tyf retard lol
mornin to you too.
It's okay if I triggered you. It's just a thread.
Stop caring so much about what people do on the internet.
>comes to a waifu thread
>acts like a faggot
>gets called for it
>is afaird of the backlash
>his posts give off a beta vibe
>comes to a thread he doesn't like to insult people as user because he is a pussy
Alright, man. Want me to fuck your girlfriend while you watch or what?
>makes two posts addressing one post
You guys can be as mad as you want, Chen is and will always be the biggest troll in here who made a few people quit this community. Hate it or love it.
Never trust a Romanian gypsy.
This isn't a community.
Okay Chen.
I think it might be.
Boring retorts. Oh wait.
No retorts, at all.
Chen makes this thread interesting
inb4 banana scares everyone off
>He's so mad he is hiding behind user
Literally this whole thread is beta people being afraid of arguing.
if you count chinese knockoffs pirated by a family of legacy pickpockets in 144p interesting i have a toy train set to sell you
Nevada joins, Chink joins.
Threads IQ collectively drops by 50 LUL
Samefag sperging. Lose your obsession with sono
kill yourself furfag dogfucker freak
>bc is back
REMINDER: Reimu is a tranny.
I'm a right wing man in a left wing land
Capitalizing, blood pressure's rising
its gay Tuesday so lets dance the night away
time to get fruity and pound your booty
I'm a fat racist man out here doin what I can
order me a round of apple 'tinis
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO
I tie my neckerchief
I adjust my hat
see another man's ass
yeah I want some of that
Every time you pass by
you make me say oh my
Have some lube in a tube
yeah its lewd time
I'm the big gay
No one can take that away
make it rain at the gay bar x2
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO
I'm a right wing man in a left wing land
Capitalizing, blood pressure's rising
its gay Tuesday so lets dance the night away
time to get fruity and pound your booty
I'm a fat racist man out here doin what I can
order me a round of apple 'tinis (x2)
where is she?
Oh no no no no look at his L I P S
>kill yourself furfag dogfucker freak
Kill yourself faggot wannabetranny freak
The only interesting thing in this thread is Chen BTFO'ing Citronella and people not seeing how much of a troll Chen is.
I'm not trans though LUL stay mad dog fucker
You know what they say about circuses and peanuts.
>multiple posts by BC ITT
>not a SINGLE NIGGER FAGGOT TFU directed at them
this guy is really bad at stalking his ex lol
point and laugh at the lonely and obsessed tard
I'd like to see him try.
that wouldn't surprise me
>Chen comes
>Threads spergs out
>Everyone is mad
my hero
Let's rewind this thread:
Chink comes to thread tells people to fuck off to telegram (whatever that is)
user makes post and tells him to fuck off to discord.
Another user calls him a faggot.
Chink full mad "POST UR WAIFU U PUSSY"
Chink receives a nice STFU from 3 anons.
Chink still triggered, continues posting.
Gets made fun of by 2 anons
Me laughs at what user post
Chink pretends he triggered people
Chinks retardness is being pointed out by user
Chink keeps responding with damage control
user makes fun of it
Me laughs at anons post 2
Me makes fun of nevada
Chink triggered jumps into Nevadas defence
>Chink a troll btw.
>this is what shitronella honestly believes
>implying it isnt just him samefagging
>he thinks Chen is Chinese
this guy's retardness never fails to amuse me
lurk more, chen has been the troll of these threads since they started.
You don't understand. This is high level trolling only a real /animus/ veteran would understand.
How much does nevada even weigh XD
>Nevada still doesn't realize I use tripcode all the time unless when spamming.
>Actual retard spotted, projecting already began.
Stay mad, and give me more You's. Seething fuck haha.
>implying you cant take off a tripcode temporarily
And thanks for making my day brighter.
it could've been better, but i'm fine
i finished setting up the tent and now i'm ready to move onto my others tasks for today
good afternoon
360 pounds
what a hog
Rate my nobushi btw.
>he doesn't know Chen is an /animus/ veteran
>he doesn't know Nevada is a anekiho veteran
>he doesn't know Nevada is going to smash Citronella IRL
>he doesn't know he could be doxxed any time
>he doesn't know where Chen is from
What does shitronella even know
oh wait
he doesn't know anything because he is a newfag and a deluded beta in love with bc who has been posting as Chen
>be Citronella
>spend your time on a Yea Forums board in your free time
>claim your day is a good day when you're being such a loser
Oh boi I'm so afraid of being doxxed. These shit-tier "trolls" can't do shit. I welcome them to try.
Chen& Nev=biggest combo of trolls
shitronella&his obsession for bc=embarrassing and beta
well okay, good enough then, yea?
tent? are you camping or something?
They're just retards, not trolls lmao.
>look at me "no u" "u mad"
>boi i'm such a troll - Nevada and Chink
Your waifu sono is in here, im surprised you havent started spamming yet
>two of the most infamous people on the internet that are searched by fbi, sri and mi5 for internet doxxing and making so many people kill themselves
>Is known for being obsessed with bc and that's all
gooood morning
yeah, i guess!
no, i'm helping with a party. i set up one of those big tent things for parties
we can go camping, though.
Busy with game.
Hello Jules.
Hello to you, too.
holy fuck it's like every lurker came slithering out some trannies puss axe wound desperate for (you)s at the smell of blood pinning it on this months villain
Henlo, I see thread is busy as usual uwu
Good to see you Chen.
>is delusional
ITT:chen triggering beta fags
ITT: mi liu tries pushing a square block in a circle hole
itt: Mi lui and Chen kissing triggering beta fags
mi liu is a tiny little gay boy