Hey Yea Forums
Help me not be sad
Drunk af
Hey Yea Forums
For sure my duder.
Kek are you in highschool?
Also I know loneliness sucks!
would you like to play a game OP?
overwatch or steam games maybe
nah 23 my duder.
Ah idk about a game, kinda dont feel enjoyment outta them atm.
Thanks though my dude, and i hope you enjoy everything you play.
also kinda drunk so, sorry brospephs
no problem fam,have a good time
>Drunk af
So a normal night for you then? Remember seeing your threads like 2 years ago, now you're back at it again. Get your shit together dude.
Parents house?
Yeah man its escaping demons.
Nah i pay for this apartment on my own nigga.
is that homemade fake gatorade in the aquafina bottle? you're pathetic.
Fuck I hate to say this but we're the same age, I used to be like you a year ago but instead of alcohol it was weed
Trust me when I tell you this but the substance (no matter what , weed, alcohol, food, cigs, harder drugs) is only making your problems worse, if you seriously want to better yourself quit all destructive substances, including porn and start by bettering yourself, in the process you'll make friends
That one was at my 'parents house' i kinda lived there alone for like 2 years because my mom was on heroin
Nah fucker, gatorade? you think im rich? its kool-aid
you still got a cat?
Sorry to hear your mom was on heroin
She better now?
What do you do for a living? Hobbies, pleasure, etc...
What's in your Aquafina bottle?
nah. shes in jail til december or someshit, i dont keep up with her antics.
Yeah man i love this lil thing
Hey duderino, you should try playing MTG and bring some cold ones with you. Great way to socialize with other dweebs. You'll make friends, but no girls tho...
You seem like a pretty cool nigga. Where are you from?
Hobbies? i guess vidya games.
Pleasure? Gf time and being around friends if i had to say
Etc? nothing really, no car no license and no job as of recently. i used to work at subgay but i got fired because i had a breakdown like a fag and didnt go into work.
I stream sometimes, that helps
Pennsylvania duderino
you got a cute kitty
You're third post said you're lonely?
how u affording a apartment if u have no job
you need to join the nearest boxing gym ASAP.
you can be the next Andy Ruiz
Rhode Island here.
i am. I dont have many friends and the ones i do have are far away. I know its stupid as fuck but doing things like physically helps more than just chatting.
I just know thats what helps, even if its infrequent.
i did have a job up until about a month ago.
I might not afford it for much longer tbh.
>pic of when i was wasted on the week i tried to off myself and failed. Im pretty aight now, just sad. lifes dark man
What op is currently listening to.
I know these posts are gay and cringe.
But this board is all dicks and cucks now.
I know i have piers here, and people are fucked up everywhere, i dont want pity, i just want to feel connections.
>>pathetic kys
no but for real your being retarded and theres people who have it 10x worse than you and there not sad to even remotely the level u are rn
wut will you do when u cant afford apartment
Nigga hush. This is the least queer thread on here.
Shut up faggot. It doesn't matter how you're doing. Kurt Cobain had everything he could want and killed himself yet I walk by hobos every day that are the happiest niggas on the planet.
Uh i dont know dude, prolly figure something out. im not stupid. im looking for a job. i know what it takes to hold a place down. I have for 2 years. life is just a nigga sometimes and kicks you while your down, and im bad at coping.
What do you usually play?
>>I walk by hobos every day that are the happiest niggas on the planet
Crack, crystal meth, heroin, PCP, flakka, mdma
>>life is just a nigga sometimes and kicks you while your down
Life has been holding you down for more than 2 years now
pretty sure its just you
piss bath thread going on right now
Damn no one likes you when your 23
everything is fine,i love you op
Games wise?
Fighters are fun
DBZF is my go to atm
TFT on league is also a go to because it takes minimal effort.
I dont find alot of enjoyment out of things.
i have a pretty decent pc too, my friends gave me alot of good parts.
It sucks i used to play wow for hours and be happy. I dont even wanna be happy from a video game, just that like drive to want to keep doing something for more than 5 mins.
Its true
You feel like playing Sea Of Thieves with me soon?
Dont have moneys to get it and dont haves it. seems cool, wanted to pick up the xbox pc games pass thing, but my pc hasnt got the update yet
get ready for 25. It gets worse.
>>my friends gave me alot of good parts
I call bullshit
unless you can prove me wrong otherwise
I just ended up buying it on the Microsoft store when it came out. I haven't had any gaming subscriptions since moving to PC years ago.
It usually ends up going on sale every update (which is relatively frequent).
If you're not a fucking nutbag you can sail with us when you get it.