Why yes, my favorite animal is ants. How could you tell?
Why yes, my favorite animal is ants. How could you tell?
why is that?
they are cool
Are you one of these "trolls" i've heard about?
what do you mean?
ants aren't even animals
Because ants are cool
>ants aren't even animals
I mean it seems like you are trying to say that You are high IQ, yet seem to think everyone knows that You as someone whom has a high IQ, like ants because they are "cool". It makes no sense to me.
Quads are truth
fuck off
they are cool, I like ants alot
Imagine believing in ants in 2019
Why are you so mean to me? I'm simply explaining the answer to the man's question.
t. jealous termite
I don't understand
ants are cool, they are a hivemind and stuff and they are like friends.
While they are hivemind, do you really believe they are friends? They are socialists and fucking cowards.
noooooo they are friends they are friends don't say that about them, they fight to the death to protect each other
so they're colo-socialists?
noooooo they are not involved in any politics they are just united as friends
but they do have politics, that's why they have wars with other colonies.
nooooo the argentine ants are just defending themselves from the barbaric red ants who want to destroy their empire and retake the Californian ant hills
that sounds like an awful amount of commie talk.
I am not communist I just like ants because they are bros man