9/11 thread
Where were you on that fateful day?
9/11 thread
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Fucking up pornfags
I was in my 7th grade computer class. Class ended early and we were sent back to the classroom, where we watched the news for a little while and then continued with the school day like nothing happened.
I was over 3000 miles away in the UK. You’re not pinning that shit on me.
girl in my class (probably 11 years old) started crying, like hysterically, because her uncle worked in the first tower hit. They sent her home, the rest of us stayed for the duration of the day
i was a baby, so probably playing with Hotwheels and shitting my pants
5th Avenue when the first plane hit. It screamed over my head and I watched it's collision course from then on. I made my way toward lower Manhattan to watch with other bystanders. During the first collapse, I took refuge in Brasserie Les Halles restaurant and stayed until about 11:00am. I still have dreams about it.
Queens, not ever a hamburger we were just there visiting family. It was a strange fucking time because a lot of my family over there were firefighters/cops/idiots who would eventually join the Marines then kill themselves two weeks after getting an "honourable discharge".
I mostly played Pokemon with my cousins.
you we're even random spooge in mommy's cunt
was home sick (faking) from school. was sleeping and mom came in and said some shit was going down and I should probably come watch tv. started watching right before the 2nd tower got hit, so that was fun. Later in the day I noticed on the local weather channel, there was a message repeating that was saying that all air traffic in the US was to land shortly, excluding some firefighting that was going on at the time.
I was in a classroom reading a book with the children when one of my advisors told me what was happening. I like to think that I did a pretty good job of remaining calm and definitely not busting out laughing because I already knew it was happening; just as planned.
Crazy shit. Take any pics?
I was a baby in Russia. They fed newborns/babies ground beef and peas in Russia cause they didn't believe in baby food lol. But I turned out okay..... right?
Oh, George.
Oh Georgie boy.
nowhere near the twin towers, that's for sure.
Fuck off Vlad, we're talking.
in middle school. my teacher dropped his lesson plan and lectured about the significance of the event. i don't think many of us would have "got it" if he didn't seize the opportunity.
First year of college, I was in line at the bank and someone wheeled out a TV with the news.
Tony Bourdain was head chef at that restaurant, he was probably there too.
Don't really remember, was about 14 at the time so probs masturbating.
I was in America co-ordinating an important operation then later that day my family members and I flew back home to Saudi Arabia on our private jet even though there was supposedly a blanket ban on any civil aviation in US airspace.
>I still have dreams about it.
8th grade english class. our teacher told us our lives were changed forever. of course being 14 yo little shits we didn't understand/believe him
actually on a plane, we found out about it after we landed
i was in 2nd grade and at school. the entire student body was taken to the gym for an impromptu "field day" so the teachers and staff could watch the news. there were maybe 300- 400 kids all playing in the gym till around lunchtime when all the busses had shown up early to start taking kids home. i lived close enough to walk (i could see the school form my house) but they wouldnt let me till my mom got there. i didnt find out what happened till we got home and i say the news that my ex stepdad was watching.
5th grade classroom with poor vision and tight pants ... with a hidden lunch cookie in my desk
I did with a disposable camera. No idea where they are now. I've moved houses a few times since then
So in 2 sentences max, what was his big point
I don't remember seeing him there, he might have already been doing his TV gig after his book was a big hit. I wasn't familiar with him until years later and now I find it kind of cool that I chose to ran into there. Just circumstance
That's cool thanks anyway, glad you didn't get fully 9/11'd.
At work, watching the clips of the towers on the internet.
Like 2 or 3 years old at home with my mother who was frantically calling my father, my aunt went to college very close to the towers I guess and she was worried that something may have happened to her. I don’t remember it, I’ve just been told about it. Still, eradicate the Islamic faith.
In college. Using my roomates latop to download files off iMesh.
I was cleaning the stairs to the cellar
At work in Albany. One woman from our building was in the first tower hit for a monthly meeting in our NYC office. The first plane went right into our offices...lost 40 people.
I was a union carpenter working a job in a building right next to the Prudential Building in downtown Boston. When the news went around that a plane hit the first tower, I thought it was just some old geezer that had a stroke flying a cessna or something. Once the second plane hit, there were fucking alarms everywhere and the place was evacuated. I raced back home to get my kid from daycare and we spent the whole night watching the tiny red lights from the fighters way overhead. Fucking scariest part was on the drive south, looking over my shoulder expecting to see planes or even bombs coming down.
Was out of work at the time, on unemployment, staying up late all the time. I slept in until 11a Pacific, missed the whole thing.
That night just headed out to the bar to commiserate with all my friends, couldn't think of anything else to do.
did you cum while 9/11 was 9/11ing
On break before first grade I remember watching it on tv
Also when we got back to school we had to draw what happen then present our drawing and say what happened
Disney world. They evacuated the whole place but wouldn’t tell anyone what was happening. People were running for the exits while employees were throwing one day park passes at everyone. Got to go to the parks for a week for free later that year because my fam grabbed enough.
lmao still got the pic?
Wasn't me either, me mom can testify for me, that I was at home that time and home is in Europe! But shit I can still remember it and it was kind of the same situation when Obama became president, not that I have a strong opinion about him, I just also really remember that day.
Back to 9/11, it's crazy how much this must have changed our world and potentially will continue to with this massive foothold the military industrial complex has gotten there and how much our life is going to be restricted by the governments fear of terrorism... It at least has accelerated some things, I guess. Not an expert.
Seeing the twin towers nowadays has something surreal, even to an European. My condolences to the victims and their families (still keeping the meme with the two big bens and the flying doubledecker bus tho)
on break at military school. we were near macdill AFB, so they sent us home.
Worked in Trade Tower 1 and also in one of the buildings behind for Lehman Bros at the time. Was out front when 2nd plane hit.
Nah sadly
I was at work, sitting at my desk, browsing the internet.
When the first plane hit, news trickled out... some of the news stations were showing the tower on fire. Someone rolled out the TV cart and tuned it to the news. I thought, damn, that's too bad, hope not too many people got hurt.
Shortly after that, live on the TV, the second plane hit. I remember the feeling quite distinctly. It was a realization of "oh shit" and dread. I knew the world was gonna change, and nobody spoke for a long time.
Thanks for not thinking we're all the stereotypical fat, idiotic, assholes that most of the world definitely does. Cheers bloke or whatever you guys say.
Dub dubz check'd.
I was in middle school, we were sent home early. I thought it was the best thing ever, my exact thought was 'oh my God, thousands of Americans just died, and that means I get to go home early? Sweet!' of course, only after I had grown a few more years did I realize what a tragedy it truly was.
For real, it was a pretty uneasy feeling for a while that day. Didn't know if we were going to keep getting attacked after all the shit that was going down. My mom was really scared I was going to get drafted or some shit.
West coast. Sleeping.
Came down stairs and parents had the TV on, weird.
Mom shuffles me past the TV room and end up at school.
Regular day at school + a moment of silence that was pretty intense.
End up at the doctor afterschool.
Little 8 year old me playing with my squishy Boeing plane, and the giant Lego set in the lobby.
Reenacting the 2 second clip I saw of one of the planes hitting towers.
>Get called back to my appointment.
>instantly switch out of play mode
>put away the Legos and walk to the exam room
That poor receptionist was traumatized.
We never went back...
>Be me
>Highschool 9th grade
>Standing in some bullshit literature class
>I'm the only one there because I'm early
>Suddenly teacher comes barging in
"Oh my god someone just hit one of the Twin Towers, they think it's a terrorist attack!"
>Whatever, we're not starting class and everyone got to chill with their friends
>She turns on a class television and we're all watching as one of the towers has black smoke coming out of it
>She's bla bla bla-ing to some older professor
>Everyone else is talking amongst themselves, but I'm the only one watching the live coverage of the Twin Towers
>Squint my eyes, and just blurts out genuinely confused
"Is that another plane?"
>The second tower is hit live on tv
>Teacher looks at the screen, then fucking walks out crying, leaving us all there alone
>I stare at my friend, who just says to me
"Dude...this is kinda serious."
>This kid NEVER takes anything serious
"Lets go to my house and hang out."
>We leave the school, and the roads are littered with minivans and cars as parents frantically fight with the school demanding they release their kids
>We walk by the preoccupied teachers and security guards, and head to his house to smoke some weed
>Call my mom to let her know I'm alright, she's crying, and I have no idea why
At the time I didn't understand the gravity of the situation, but as the years went on I grew to better understand what happened and why it was a big deal. Also, seeing all the sudden surge in patriotism was kinda neat. Before then, people just did their own stuff. We loved America and said the Pledge of Allegiance, but that was it. After 9/11, we UNDERSTOOD why we loved America.
I was at work, and my mom called. I had a little shitty Nokia 3310 that I thought was so cool at the time. I answered, and she told me that her boss' brother just died in a plane crash. I had no idea what she was talking about, so she told me to get to a TV. Poor guy was on American Airlines Flight 11 that hit the north tower.
>After 9/11, we UNDERSTOOD why we loved America.
9/11 was an inside job.
that's a whoops
Seth MacFarlane and Mark Wahlberg were both supposed to be on that plane. Scary shit.
yeah seth had a hangover and missed his flight. life is funny soetimes
that's absolutely retarded. our government can barely function yet people believe it can pull off something that complex and keep it a big fucking secret.
That's cool man, go get a Big Mac and don't worry about it.
Keked out loud
you saw the explosions, no?
There was shit going on at the time. I don't know if it was a full-on diabolically evil plan, but Bush-Cheney were up to something.
we all went home early
At home, shitposting on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums in 2001