This...piece of shit garbage...really ruined the lives of two innocent children...

This...piece of shit garbage...really ruined the lives of two innocent children. I'm unsure what else to do other than post this picture and make it known how much of a PREDATOR he is.

What else can I do to get the word out there to perhaps avoid him from molesting others?

Attached: Neal.jpg (1000x700, 177K)

not your personal army

How about you post some proof or some evidence

Ah yes, I forgot: In b4 Not Your Personal Army.

It's been about 8 years since I've been on here. A little rusty...

I AM the proof. Short of my word, not much else I can provide, right? Or is there?

fuck off not your personal army.

this website (and the world for that matter) has changed vastly since you've been here old fag.

No body does this anymore, fuck off.

Ok, then help out. What do I do about it to get the word out there?

start by killing yourself

Your word is as good as shit so fuck off.

>kid fucking
>cousin fucking
Water is wet.

Some things haven't changed around here. lol.
But no, that's not an option and isn't going to happen.

so.. youd like to buy a laser cannon?

>believe me, I am the only person on Yea Forums who does not LIE LIE LIE!
>I certainly am not trying to get back at someone with a LIE that can convince you!

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report it the police dumbass

Wise pupil, master sexual predator is pleased.

>>Dragon Dick Dominator

Statues. Of. Limitations. Or I would.
So the only thing I can do is make it known to the masses.

Tell us where the bad man hurt you, OP

>No body does this anymore
you truly are a newfaggot. that old "Yea Forums was cooler in the past" psychology trick is the first tactic newfaggots try to get their way

There were tons of gore threads then, You laugh You Lose, even the Jessie Slaughter thing in 2010. Yes. I was there.

Unless you're one of the younger step siblings what's this to you? What did he really do, fire you? Tell us user, how did he hurt your fee fees? If there's anything worse than a pedo its someone who tries to weaponize false accusations.

People from Arkansas always were down syndrome nigger-levels of stupid. How dumb are you to not understand NYPA?, lmfao. Hope you get raped again. I should tell him you're crying about that dick and want more.

That's the problem with the situation, unless you have hard evidence, like video, recording, or images there is nothing you can do.

How do we know if you're telling the truth, or trying to deface the name of an innocent person?

That's why were are telling you to fuck off. If it happens, I'm very sorry, I hope you get the help you need. However, if there is not evidence, we can't arrest an innocent man.

I am one of them. He was 5 years older than me and 7 years older than my sister. She was age 3-9 while she was molested and he was 10-16.

He is a monster. Plain and simple.

wrong! I'm an old fag, I remember when there was fortnight and yellow memes. This website is only a couple of years old.

You're a woman?

Even without evidence, It definitely happened. As a younger kid living there, you don't report it because then the situation becomes 100x worse. The Internet didn't exact exists in the 90s while I became a teenager. It's only recently that I've come to terms with it...and he RAGED so hard on the phone today when I called him. His wife knows and his two kids know now. Whether they believe it or not, that's up to them. But I'm going to make sure as many people know as possible.

Thanks for actually showing some sympathy. Nice to see someone here has some.

stay away from him and at the very least get a lawyer and see what you can do.

Nobody believes you

go to twitter for smearing people and ruining their lives with no evidence, they'll love to be your PA.
i believe you, but we don't live in a society of guilty before proven innocent.

>Even without evidence, It definitely happened.
Go fuck yourself

NO. The ages at the time.

Younger step sister: 3-9
Younger step brother: 5-11 (me)
Offender: 10-16

Now tell me there isn't anything wrong with a 10-16 year-old molesting a 3-9-year-old girl time and time again. No one can.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Tell me about what happened and are you a chick or some homo?

I don't expect everyone to. But it still happened.

Good idea. Thank you. Will give Twitter a try.

There are lots of monsters here. This happened almost 40 years ago and now you want to publicly trash the guy with no evidence? How can you be so sure you're even remembering these things correctly? Care to go into detail what he did to you and your sister?

There is something wrong with some faggot lying on the internet

I'm neither. But it still happened.
Again, he molested both of. Her, time and time again. Me, only twice.
Even once is too many.

There is something very wrong with that. But, you are a faggot. So, who cares? Not me.

How's the weather in tel aviv?

No, it's 30 years. I'm now almost 42.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to admit something like this? Do you know how difficult it was to pickup the phone and call him and confront him? No, you don't know.

I am 100% remembering things correctly. My memory is damn near perfect. From ages 5-11, I remember lots.

Do you have Discord?

Discord App? No, but I can get it.

I don't believe you for a second

i'd imagine if he was doing that at that age, he was probably molested as well
not that it ever excuses his actions
i'd say such a situation is different than if he was a grown man, as OP's picture implied. still fucking abhorrent

Get it.

16-5 = 11. 2019-1989 = 30 + 11 = 41 minimum. 18-11= 7 1989 + 7 = 1996 2019- - 1996 = 23. Maybe as a kid you're too scared. But you've sat on this information for a minimum of 23 years as an adult. Since its a step-sibling I'm guessing there's a beef with the inheritance.

And that's ok. You don't have to. Unfortunately, this is an user board and I can't have a full conversation explaining full details, etc., etc. But he knows what he did and my sister and I know. Plain and simple.

So how do we know you're not just some prankster fag that wants to ruin this guy's life because he just planted a tree that blocks your view of a neighbor's bedroom?

Innocent until proven guilty. That's 'Murica. Or used to be.

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so he was a child himself when it all started at just 10 years old? Sounds like kids playing doctor to me. Unless it was more in-depth, which means he too was molested by someone older thnn you all.

Also you are on fucking Yea Forums, people get off from greentext for these stories.... FUCK OFF


Not sure how to join a server, etc. But that's me.

How extremely calculated

You're almost 42 and this man is 45 but he raped you at 5.
>you dun goofed

What's the number tag after that?

Oy vey

No beef at all. When we left when I was in 6th grade, there was no going back.
Years of therapy and talking it over with my sister to confront him, etc., has led me to this.

I know many fingers are pointed at me and that's acceptable. But I know the truth.


Actually, I was about 8, if I had to guess. 7 or 8. Which makes him 12 or 13. That's NOT playing doctor as someone else said.

And when you get in bed with a 5, 6, 7 year old girl and you rape them dozens, if not hundreds of time, that's not playing doctor either.

This story is becoming more and more believable by the post

Just saw mention of inheritance. That was never an issue.

When we left when I was in 6th, sister in 4th, they remained married for a couple of years (we were living with another relative) and they divorced probably in 93. Inheritance plays zero role. Justification and letting everyone know how much of a monster he is does.


wait so now the ages are wrong? dude just fuck off this is not the place for your bullshit. go to reddit. You are on a place where it has loli threads going 24/7. You think anyone cares about your fake story.

If it was real, just kids being kids or Worse your step brother WAS molested by an adult and was just copying what he did.

What else do you need? No kidding.

He had an older sister, Angela (now a Nurse Practictioner in North La, an older half brother, Michael Williams, who lives in Mississippi now. He graduated from Spearsville, La, the other two graduated from El Dorado High. Both attended Rogers Junior High. The step mom passed Jan 6, 2015

Nudes of your sister.

Ages were slightly off, that's all I was saying.

If he was previously molested, that doesn't excuse his bahavior. He has a daughter who is 24ish and a son a bit younger. They likely were victims as well. Now he has two infant grandchildren.

The most demoralized - do you need more info? DM me again.

Gee I hope nobody does anything to that person, you gigantic lying faggot

Your sister has to be like 30 now. Mammaries or departeries.

Lol, they likely exist, but not from that time period.

But no, they won't be shared.

I hope they do. He deserves it.
Not a lying faggot. Not a liar. Not a faggot.

She's 40. I'll be 42 soon.

Someone said "It will be handled." I HOPE and pray (not religious though) that is the case. This man is a monster and needs to be taught a lesson. Big time.

This is why nobody believes you.
>Gives every avenue to ruin people
>Just believe me guise
Fuck off faggot NYPA

So I just got off the phone with Shane. He misses that tight ass and wants to know if your sister still has that scar on her right leg he gave her.

>It will be handled
I hope you're ready for some pizza faggot

I run 8ch /baphomet/, actually.

No one believes me be because I'm not a lying faggot or because I feel he deserves what is coming to him?

Put yourself in my shoes. You'd want him to feel the same pain you've felt. No doubt about it.

I see. Thank you. Please do your best.
Whatever else you need, you know how to reach me.

A quick google search reveals the purpose of that. Meant nothing to me. Again, it's been 10 years or so...

You are a lying faggot. You are not convincing either.

Have fun with the FBI

How can I convince via text? lol
What details do you need?

Someone asked to describe what he did to me....forced oral twice. To my sister...I wasn't there and witnessed it, but the way he treated me, I know beyond a doubt this happened. She was raped for years.

Not /baphomet/ 1, you dumb fuck. The other /baphomet/.

You should keep posting personal stories like this, they really sell your story

>not this gay club the other one
Cool, have fun with the FBI

I'm not CuntBlaster4000. That shit on /baphomet/ 1 is his shit. I have /baphomet2/. I'm Eirenarchos.

Have fun on your mother's dick.


That's about all there is to it.

Lived on Nick Springs Rd, Rt 5 Box 30-B at the time (changed now due to 911 addresses), rent was $250 (owned by Blackman's that lived two doors down), new roof put on in 1985 or so, trailer across the street, Tommy's Grocery store going south when you his 82, Temple Baptist (I think it was) about a block north of there where my sister and step mom were baptized in about 87. Wayne Cline lived down the street and died right after his hs graduation. Some felt it was suicide, others homicide. Don't know any more details despite trying to contact his sister for years.

Why don't you rape his grandkids then, you crazy slut?