What is the safest legal psychedelic??

What is the safest legal psychedelic??

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There is some type of honey but it's rare and not the safest if you od a little :)


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he said safest


Lsd and shrooms

i think salvias pretty safe if you've got a caretaker there to keep you from slamming your head into the concrete

Is any of it legal anymore? Search for something the dea doesnt know about yet


dextromethorphan, benzadrex, diphenhydramine, depending on your area these are generally the easiest drugs to buy with digital cash

if you get dxm get Robitussin not shitty nyquil. the tylenol in nyquil makes it more dangerous than fun for you.

Go to South America and take ayahuasca in the jungle

Legal? Yes. Safe? Sure. The drugs are the least likely things to kill you down there

you're fucking retarded

1p LSD. Ive heard about it, but no peesonal experience

Somebody get a sample pack from the Canadians and report back with results

> legal
> having never heard of the Federal Analogue Act

Plus, it's just LSD with an extra biological step.



my nigger. i've also been calling "love" a psychosis for a while. i'm glad i'm not alone in my realistic cynicism of the condition

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>Rectal administration

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testicular dystrophy?

this, make sure to always get preparations that have ONLY dxm as the active ingredient. other things like apap and guaifen will fuck you up.

To the soy boy who said I was crazy in the last trip form..Your body and your consciousness are rented. You are plugged in via silver cord. We are multi-dimensional beings experiencing humanism. Om is the vibration of all. I am he who is. I am Om


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Guaif isnt that dangerous. Itll just make you puke, but smoke weed at the peak of the dxm and itll send you off

i'm too autistic to find weed.
i've heard mixing it 1:1 with benadryl is good but they one time i've tried a high-ish dose (~200mg) of dph i did not enjoy it.

I prefer DXM over DPH. One 8oz bottle of Equate Tussin DM will have ~450mg of DXM and its about $3.5. Drink the whole bottle and youll be set. Dr. Pepper is the best chaser and do not scratch any itches you get

i've only ever 2nd plateau'd DXM, about 350mg. i've been meaning to get a syrup strong enough to 3rd plat but i hate standing there in the walgreens looking at all the bottles. makes me paranoid someone will know.

Equate Tussin DM should be at Walmart. Its 20 mg per 10 ml which is the highest ive seen that you dont buy online

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Any nbome

Do your research beforehand to minimize awkwardness. Delsym comes in bottles big enough to get you annihilated, but it lasts ~4 hours longer than DXM HBr because it's extended release

> safest
> nbome

[laughs seizurely]

Get 1p LSD if all else fails

yeah, i know about the polistirex, never bothered with it because i heard it's weaker on top of lasting longer. problem with researching beforehand is i never know what the stores will actually have.

Always get HBr

san pedro, or you could make your own ayahuasca neither is illegal until you until you brew it

Not legal, but psilocybin is safe as fuck.

you could also extract ur own dmt

Get 4-AcO-DMT. tis legal to buy

Yeah, that sounds safe...

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>[laughs seizurely]

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You SHOULD get it because it's awesome. But it's definitely not legal to buy for human consumption and you can absolutely be charged under the Analogue Act. Beyond that it will test as DMT and local police will not give a fuck when you tell them "aCtUaLlY oFfIcEr ItS lEgAl 4-AcO-DMT wHiCh TeChNiCaLlY iSnT dMt".

Eat a few stars of death and come talk to me..

It wont test as DMT, it will test as psilocin. Its a prodrug to psilocin. Its legal to buy, its illegal to consume, but still legal to buy

basically if you get high enough you can imagine a lot more clearly and in better detail

he said legal


Holy shit the misinformation in this thread. For any alkali reagents (re ALL OF THEM) the N-propionyl ring will react first and foremost causing it to be identified as DMT. When you actually take it the n-prop ring is going to hydralyze and THEN you're left with a psilocin prodrug and have to wait for the magic to happen.

Stay in school, kids.


can buy on clearnet and very safe, just don't go out walking around with it in your pockets.

nerve gas

Lighter gas or glue.

Robocough dxm had me absolutely floored. I was robo tripping when the Christchurch happening happened. Surreal to watch a mass shooting on a dissociative. Drank one bottle 2 would definitely be 3-4th plataue. Had a fucking awful headache on the come down though. Lysergi is your best bet for "legal" psyches. They are legal for research but not human consumption have similar effects to traditional scheduled chems. I'd Rex 4acodmt. I'm really hammered atm hope this helps buddy

Trips of truth.
How long does it stay in system?

How's the dosing work with that?

Robo tripping is for kids, seriously, it wrecks you for days and it's super disconnected. Mushrooms ftw. I know op said "legal" and there are some RC's that do a pretty good job. Acid RC's in my opinion are shit and don't replicate a real trip. Sack up and find an 1/8th of shrooms, put on some tunes, enjoy living.



They're all safe, but lsd is a happier trip then shrooms. Dmt is different. It's just intense and unexplainable.

Shrooms = depression.

probably derivatives of LSD
but most you need a legitimate research purpose to order in america to order.

LSD is cerebral and neverending, like your mind is unfolding into a giant accordion. Shrooms are really physical and hilarious and terrifying. I don't know which one is safer.


That’s bullshit, shrooms may have a higher chance of bad trip than LSD but it doesn’t guarantee a bad trip. I’ve done them 4-5 time and only had one bad trip.

>stars of death
>125mg THC per gummy
not bad

Yea try lsd, I personally think it's a amazing trip, it felt like I could preserve more at once also seemed to have faster reaction while feeling really good

Depending on your country/state: Shrooms, LSD.

ITT: people not knowing LSD and shrooms are illegal almost everywhere

Problem is legal ones are most likely worse for u than lsd, shrooms and dmt all of these have been proven by neuroscience to be good for your brain

Not to mention really fun if on a good trip(only tried lsd) but also really good to use for any self development you wish to make

Try the Ganzfeld experiment.


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Cat urine


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Shrooms most likely, possibly DMT too but I haven't really tried that yet.

ye shrooms and lsd, i recommend shrooms first the trip isnt as long and i find it easier to relax . lsd can be a bit much if you've never tried any psychs.

I believe the honey is made by bees that pollinate rhododendron, which is legal. The honey is also toxic so I wouldn't necessarily say it's safe. You'd prolly need to dose carefully if you decided to go through the long, painful (but legal) process of growing rhododendron and farming bees who will pollinate it. Also it might be a specific type of bee

just breathe in and out really quickly

I was on 250ug of 1pLSD when it happened. Hearing a bunch of familliar meme songs like remove kebab and the british grenadiers play while watching him execute people room to room was intense to say the least.

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Yo I think that was me, you’re still batshit

cool but OP asked for legal