E-everyone on this board is girl right? boys arent welcome here

e-everyone on this board is girl right? boys arent welcome here.....

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a boy

uh huh

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no girls here
its a women only board dumb animeposter

based and poopypilled

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I ama sexy gril let's be friedns and wee can hang out in my van and play HIDE THE PEEPEE

no you are not a girl
no you are not cute
no you are not young
no you are not thin
no you are not feminine
no dont EVEN try it

yes you are a guy
yes you are gay
yes you are fat
yes you are hideous
yes you are a neet
yes you will never be feminine
yes you will never be a girl

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there are no womens on the internets
u dumb fugg

>u will never be a goddamn pinball table because 350 niggers togued ure anus one day outa tree fiddy

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Try a 35 year old man.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

what is o?

they wish they were girls

Your fortune: Bad Luck

viruse don't click


Your fortune: Outlook good

Man. Penis, job, car, house, lawn, dog, sterile wife. But somehow, I'm still here.

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catchall for trolls traps and liberals

>sterile wife
what have you done

She had undiagnosed chlamydia before we ever met. It rendered her sterile.

are you going to make her sister pregnant or how does it work?

No. Only reason I mentioned the sterile part at all is because without kids to look after, what do I do with all the spare time? Coming here is all I can think of.

Please do not be sexist to me.

Adopt. Or do something else if you don't want to take care of kids idk if a 4channigger would be a good dad

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I am a girl

so it would be cool with you if I went for her sister?

Silly bois, I'll never tell

Iv only been browsing for a few days, but it seems like to me that all the animeposters are girls, rest are dudes

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Seems (about) equal

am a tr*nnoid, does that count?

trans girls r girls

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This is a manly man's board.
No girls allowed
The only exception to this rule is tomboys.

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go back t the kitchen

*braps on ur sexist thoughts*

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*checks those dubs*

>double dubs
Godly post I believe.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger