Roll to see what type of toast you get

Roll to see what type of toast you get

Attached: toast chart.jpg (620x413, 32K)

Better be 7-8. Only way to eat it



Fuck yeah

Attached: 52e5dd8ad621bb68a901e2d4ac018b4f[1].jpg (500x376, 32K)

5-6 are the best


6 or it goes in the bin.. roll


All looks good to me.
Although I think 5-7 are the best.

Well it's trash..

get me a sweet golden brown taste of heaven

This is a thread I can get behind. Rolling



Op's toaster is fucked...

You got bread..

Rolling for 6

I'm with this goi


any's good ngl

Please. Toast is best served moist.

Whatever number my post ends in

Why bother toasting it if you want it moist?
That's just bread

Based 7


5 or 6, thanks.

I'm gonna go make eggs and toast now you've inspired me

Meh, not bad.

Every morning I make toast (6 and 7 are both good). I put some vegan chipotle mayo on it and eat while reading over the code I wrote yesterday. It's junk food but it gets me through my 4 hour morning programming spree.

Rolling 5