I’ve built a crude mechanism to stab the back of my head. Tell me why you think it won’t kill me

I’ve built a crude mechanism to stab the back of my head. Tell me why you think it won’t kill me

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Not heavy enough

it may kill you but most likely it will maim you pretty bad, you may become paralyzed for life

How heavy is heavy enough?

Ok, so what if no one comes to check on me for me days? I can promise they won’t, probably not for weeks

why not just rope or some shit edgelord

Easy, nowhere to hang it from

Considering the length of the plank the amount of downforce it would get to hit your (assuming) head laying on the floor it wouldn't go through even the skin much and even with weight it is more likely to just cut your head in a line (falling to the side) than to go straight in to your skull

jump from a place instead

Also anything else I’m admittedly to pussy to try because there’s too much left to me to do. This way I just let go of the string

what about pills? post a video of the thing working

how about you use somerhing better than a fucking phillips head screw driver

Does it change anything if I say I’m aiming for the softer fleshy part just below the skull and into the spine/(hopefully)brain stem?

I’m open to reccomendations, it was the sharpest object I own that I could strap to it

If I can post a video I will soon.
I’ve tried overdosing before, I always puke it all up and end up fine

how about you get dumbbels and then throw them on your head. Given you came up with this contraption, you'll find a way make another mechanism

To reach a force enough for it to pierce you and go deep enough you would need way higher force, if you want to end it so badly this way you should instead fall on to a nail rather than it to fall on you

That’d be a great option if it was actually feasible for me but without going into detail it’s not

Go to top of small building, tie thin wire loop around your neck, attach the wire to a fixed object, glue your hands to your head, jump.
People find you and it looks like you ripped your own head off.

I don't remember how it is exactly but why not make a contraption that beheads you ? also glue your hands to your head so that you end up holding your head in your hands, you'll gain more edgy points in faggot hell.


I’m not sure I could let myself fall like that, trust fall style or whatever, I’m more likely to mess that up I can assure you

I’ll quote myself, “that I could strap to it”

The skull is pretty damn hard.
Try stabbing from the neck and up, should get the part responsible for breathing :)

I can’t get anything sharp enough with a wide enough edge to do the job, this was actually what I wanted to do at first but I had no choice but to go lower budget

That’s where I’m aiming

I would do everything than that. I have the feeling that that will not work like you want to. I think it will not do enough damage to end you quick.

It doesn’t have to quick honestly, I’m more looking for something to take more control away from me. I just let go of the string and if tales starving to death while paralyzed than that’s what it takes, if I’m really going to hell like they say than this pain will be minimal

kill yourself faggot

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Can’t post a video, but it my first time actually dropping the thing on anything and I can say it didn’t end well plus I have a few takeaways: Definitely not heavy enough, needs some kind of guide rail or something

You’re kind words fill me vigor and a lust for life, thank you oh gracious user for blessing my soul!!!

what the fuck do you mean there is nothing to hang a rope from? Just go to a hardware store and buy some anchors and a fucking hook then install the anchor and hook on the ceiling and hang yourself! this stupid "mechanism" you built is only going to make your life shittier

Helium gas mask

I don’t want to encourage you but if you want that I would jump of a building or drown myself. If you do one of the two options you have no control. And i think you will not rot in hell. I think there will be nothing, but we can only hope that there will be something after death.

>"without going into details"
>>without exposing my lies

Machinist here man you dumb lay the board on the floor same as your height fall straight back or jump on that shit work smarter not harder
Well I guess that's why you're stabbing your Brian

Yeah that’s the obvious conclusion to jump to I don’t blame you. I live in a small town and I don’t have a licence and I barely make enough money to survive as it is, it’s not an option to just take a trip up to the city to “maybe” find a building whose roof isn’t locked or something

If you're MAYBE thinking about doing it... MAYBE you should fuck off and not come back until you have a livestream link you fucking labia

Hey OP, you ok? I'm here for you if you want to talk it out. Not all of us are sociopaths who revel in the misfortune of others.

It’s ok, there’s nothing left for me here, I’m ready to see what lies beyond; Whatever lies beyond

So you’ll tape a screwdriver to a plank and string but won’t just jump off a building? Your homemade contraption took WAY more effort and prob has 5% chance of being a success

Get one of those paddle drill bits, they are sharp as fuck and will fit in the same hole the Phillips drill bit does.

We used to use them for spear tips when we were kids, they would stick in the side of a tree when thrown.

Just lay in front of a train
Lay your neck on one of the tracks at night

I'd say your best chance of stabbing your brain with that thing is by aiming for the eye.

This is probably the dumbest way you could commit suicide. Atleast if you light yourself on fire or force yourself to drown youll go quicker than this

i recommend this i read it when i'm down

not sharp enough, not enough force behind that swing, wont hit core parts of brain. You'll end up retarded but not dead

Attached: home alone detroit.webm (334x576, 1.96M)

>Suicide by volcano
>involves jumping into molten lava

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this is the dumbest suicide method I've ever heard of, and I've heard some doozies

look, here you go take this for free

fill a backpack with rocks
put it on
padlock the straps together
go swimming

Run through the hood and scream the n word over and over. Wait to die.

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jesus christ op what the fuck are you fucking doing

just jump off something tall, don't bother with some stupid rube goldberg suicide machine

seconded, also the only number 1 way to go

Well if you're paralyzed and nobody checks on you you'll starve to death

Either it will just stab you and it will hurt or it'll get your spinal cord somehow (not heavy and strong enough to do that IMO) and paralyze you, that gives you two more options. One is your lungs stop working and you asphyxiate or you'll just be paralyzed but alive and if no one comes you'll die of starvation or some other long and painful way. And there's also that 1 in 10000000000 chance that it will actually kill you right away but I wouldn't count on that. Just get a gun if you weigh less than 500lbs just jump from somewhere high with a noose around your neck.
TL;DR you're retarded

60 foot pounds should be enough to drive the screwdriver through the skull into the brain but just because you stab the brain doesn't mean it will kill. There's people who have survived shotgun blasts and taking a 9mm hollow point so its where it hits that is the most important. Go for temple or brain stem.

OP this is a great idea but it just wont kill you it will make you an invalid. Pic related is much more effective and painless.

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OP already an hero himself.

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uncle jim what are you doing here?

Quit being such a faggot, user.

You went through all this trouble to make some faggy suicide machine, because you make excuses about killing yourself.

You don't want to, or you would have done it. Take a shower and go outside, start playing some DnD with some dudes, meet some bitches, get a job.

You'll get over it.


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>not just jury rigging a guillotine

test it on a coconut.

Honestly fkn using that screwdriver to touch your computer or microwave capacitor would be much easier and less of a waste of time

you are going to maim yourself m8 better do it right with a gun, and you better stream it

>Tell me why you think it won’t kill me
because you need to smash the brain to kill. with modern medicine people survive such minor brain injuries simply because they don't bleed out.

although if you hit the cerebellum...

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Same here. Took a whole bottle of Flintstones vitamins, and survived. Felt really queasy afterwards.

I mean if people actually READ the bible they would understand that hell is essentially nothing...

Because you can't overdose on vitamins dummy, gotta take a whole bottle of fiber one fiber gummies. Shit out your whole spinal column

are you gonna stream it

Lol suicide wiki has a sense of humor?

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Friendly reminder that people have survived after being impaled through the skull by all kinds of shit.