Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread?
>Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread
Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread?
>Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread
Nigga what?
where's the beetle? this is just the same pic next to itself
If this is your handi work I’m impressed by your craft. Bravo
wtf is this
put me in the screenshot
This right here
This is why I still come to Yea Forums
10/10 OP
put me in the screenshot
Good work user keep up the great work ethic
pretty good if oc
Love it
Simply breathtaking.
whats this? a picture for beetles?
Excuse me what
Impressive collection
Just when you think there is no hope for Yea Forums... good work user. Im wiping a tear from my eye
These two fuck like crazy, im jealous
Genuin question OP? How did you get a bunch of beetles and how did you get clothes for them? Did you make the clothes?
Truly, you do the Lord's work.
Well this was unexpected
This some next level shit. Well done OP. Fucking saved.
nigga wat
Do you have any little beetles so you can make the kids from the movie?
>literally 15 years old pictures
So much summer in here.
Just accept it, sad as it may be.
This is why I posted it.
Where does this guy live, how is his life, and how can i become his friend
I can't be mad at this, I want to, but I can't.
>wannabe oldfag clique
ive been here longer than all of you and i aint never seen those beetles before