Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread?

Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread?

>Beetles cosplaying as Jurassic Park characters thread

Attached: jurassic-beetle-1.jpg (640x445, 91K)

Attached: DOu25ll.jpg (479x320, 128K)

Attached: DWsRj87.jpg (479x320, 137K)

Attached: jurassic-beetles-2.jpg (640x559, 90K)

Nigga what?

Attached: download.jpg (270x186, 8K)

Attached: 9Op4Ow4.jpg (615x345, 41K)

where's the beetle? this is just the same pic next to itself

Attached: goldblum2.jpg (900x592, 104K)

Attached: jurassic-beetles-3.jpg (640x445, 78K)

Attached: giphy(23).gif (450x249, 424K)

If this is your handi work I’m impressed by your craft. Bravo

wtf is this

put me in the screenshot

This right here

This is why I still come to Yea Forums

Attached: 9634-7588-2878.jpg (320x244, 12K)

10/10 OP

put me in the screenshot

Good work user keep up the great work ethic

Attached: 2E0C11F2-6CE5-4D02-B6C3-BE978CF39F5E.jpg (560x663, 302K)

pretty good if oc

Love it

Attached: instead of laughtracks it zooms in on ross face.png (739x713, 661K)

Simply breathtaking.

Attached: IMG_3080.gif (228x170, 1.86M)

whats this? a picture for beetles?

Excuse me what

Attached: rigsreadsthenews.png (500x500, 328K)

Impressive collection

Attached: 3AEC9124-B705-4002-B30F-E0024E4269F9.jpg (750x738, 125K)

Just when you think there is no hope for Yea Forums... good work user. Im wiping a tear from my eye


These two fuck like crazy, im jealous

Attached: 1546387560930.jpg (828x766, 53K)

Genuin question OP? How did you get a bunch of beetles and how did you get clothes for them? Did you make the clothes?

Attached: sweet bbq baby jesus.gif (245x165, 604K)

Truly, you do the Lord's work.

Attached: 1513888506293.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Well this was unexpected

Attached: hee.jpg (720x899, 67K)

This some next level shit. Well done OP. Fucking saved.

Attached: 1538962271687.png (516x566, 589K)

nigga wat

Do you have any little beetles so you can make the kids from the movie?

Attached: 1562695287597.gif (200x200, 1.8M)

>literally 15 years old pictures
So much summer in here.

Just accept it, sad as it may be.

Attached: nomoretears.jpg (600x600, 132K)


This is why I posted it.

Where does this guy live, how is his life, and how can i become his friend

I can't be mad at this, I want to, but I can't.

Attached: 1564781132350.jpg (711x713, 41K)

>wannabe oldfag clique
ive been here longer than all of you and i aint never seen those beetles before