I just failed in drugging my sister. I wanted to fuck her.
I really am useless.
I just failed in drugging my sister. I wanted to fuck her.
I really am useless.
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Story now.
what failed?
Yeah, you are
Kill yourself unironically.
You mom has been saying that for years...
>green text pls
I dont think I have anything special to tell you.
Just the average degenerate around here.
I have a good life. Good work too.
Yet this shit is planted in my mind for years, no other thought gets too me like this desire.
We have been through tough shit together, and basically, I cant get another girl in my mind anymore. Fuck I had 5 years of therapy even.
I strongly believe she noticed me trying that today. Yet she still loves me for the shithead I am.
Some day I'll an hero.
Greentext what you did, freak.
>Watch Movie on netflix together
>Some comedy shit that gets her mood up
>Around 1/4 in, make her a drink with Liquid x
>since i took a hit an hour before her, I dont notice here coming into the kitchen
>"user, 'll be having your glass"
>"There's some weird liquid in there"
> she has to know
> mfw we go watch again and the movie is about a weirdo roofing his friend
What the fuck is Liquid X?
What were you gonna do if she passed out?
Ouch, that messed up your relationship with her forever. Also fucking drug her with something that is not super obvious. Anyone can taste that if they are sober.
Shoulda used some form of benzo powder, only need a couple mg to really knock her out. But she will still realize that Sth happened after, so either way good thing you didn't hurt her like that.
If you wanna fuck her get high together (knowingly) and bring up you kinda like her and wanna make out and move up from there.
If you rape your sister, (and she will realize Sth happened) it will haunt you for the rest of your life.
I just don't know anymore.
Sometimes I just think I should openly confess all that shit to her. But then I thought this was an alternative, with no memory. Would'nt be the first to do it.
Just lure her with pizza
Being worried first of all, since I don't want to fucking kill her. Then again, the sleep is without harm, if you believe reports. Yet I lack experience with this...
Yeah but were you gonna rape her?
Maybe. I really don't know for sure.
to do it in general, or to her?
Benzos and alcohol
You know what, at least I could talk freely here.
This thread is dying anytime soon.
I will probably try this again.
It might fucking destroy my life. But it's either that, or I'm going to jump. I cant get this out of my head. I cant.
Goodnight degenerates.
If its uncontrollable try smaller measures.. Steal her nudes, or hidden cams etc.. Try not to go right to a capital crime lol
Why don't you just end it tonight?
She doesn't deserve to be ruined just because you are, even if nothing of this is true and you're just a massive larper faggot.
Call me ignorant, but I doubt that this will ruin her completely.
i know..
Haha never seen this wojak before the combination of the brainlet and Father wojak
OP you gotta fight this man its a horrible thing to do to a family member this isnt you man you can think about her but never act on it
Stfu faggot, if that garbage human being wants to rape his sister, then he should. She is nothing more than a walking talking cunt. Just waiting to be fucked in the pussy. Its her only value. And the lad should taste that sweet tight pussy before the whore gives it to some fucking disgusting normie chad!
Now kys, hurry up. She deserves better.
get laid u fat piece of shit
when trips make you go insta-rekt
Pizza works EVERY time
I was about to, but the fucking line was too long, so I ended up here
Jesus an hero now. Imagine realizing your brother someone you should rely on is tryinf to rape you. Shed probably an hero herself if she realized. Hopefully she cuts contact soon and yoh can die slowly and alone