What do you think about black conservatives?
What do you think about black conservatives?
Well I think they're black and conservative what else can I fucking think about them they're conservatives who are black who gives a shit
proof that not all blacks are niggers
Their fine your a fagit. Kill yourself.
Fasho. Love Candace Owens
Descendants of head house niggers. Aka uncle toms
That pic is too true, it’s really weird and cringy and just overall douchey how white liberals are too black and Hispanic people who aren’t liberal
Good people. Haven't met many bad ones.
This to, black conservatives are always pretty solid people and good
My favorite thing was how she switched from a liberal to a conservative when she realized she'd get more money as a black conservative than a black liberal.
I typically have more respect for them than for black liberals. They seem to grasp the concept that a multi-generational reliance on the welfare system isn't good for their people. Calling them uncle toms, or coons is laughable. White people are the ones who have crafted this welfare state, not black people. They are trying to break free from their reliance on the white man's handouts. I respect that.
My favorite type of people. Nothing makes me happier than a black family proving racist democrats wrong by living the American dream
Found the jew
The abuse and shit they take on a regular basis is proof positive the left should all be put in mass graves alive. Then set on fire.
It's probably because they are black conservatives.
The entirety of the liberal system is based on the racist assumption that blacks cannot even survive, let alone succeed, without free handouts from whitey. Black conservatives are the only ones who seem to understand that.
you probably haven't met many at all but whatever
They can see what' better for their race, that's all i can say. I don't hate black people I wish them the best but is time for apartheid.
Uncle tom sellouts. Voting for the party that wants to put them back into slavery
Good goy/niggers