Hello Yea Forums. I came from the finnish imageboard ylilauta org. Today russian anonymouses from 2ch invaded our board. We barely managed to fight them back because they were using VPNs to avoid bans and to flood our boards and our threads with interrasial homosexual porn images. Please help us fight them back. Revenge thread is here!
Hello Yea Forums. I came from the finnish imageboard ylilauta org. Today russian anonymouses from 2ch invaded our board...
Other urls found in this thread:
homo :-D
what board exactly?
Russians came from 2ch hk / b
Fuck russian fags!
nypa ya herring chugging faggot
goddamn, i still didn't figured out how to create a new thread
Tortillat avataan
it's alright i know, finbro you should screencap that also, and post here for other anons to know that
This is fake news - dis-info.
Russia again? just cant let it die yet.
Хyecocы блять
Fucking russians, I am moving with war on 2ch imediatly
Кoгдa мнe былo 15 лeт, и я хoдил cpaть бятя вcё вpeмя кaк-бы нeвзнaчaй кpyтилcя вoзлe тoлчкa, и вcё cпpaшивaл, чтo ты тaм зaтих, пoчeмy тeбя нe cлышнo? пepвый paз я нe oтвeтил, тaк oн нaчaл лoмитьcя в двepь, и opaть, чтo ты тaм мoлчишь, чтo c тoбoй? нaчaл мaтepитьcя, и гoвopить, чтo вooбщe двepь c пeтeль cнимeт, aлco, бaтя pyгaлcя, ecли я cpy и нe cмывaю, пpичём нe пpocтo вкoнцe cpaния, a нeпocpeдcтвeннo пocлe вылeзaния кaкaшки, мoтивиpoвaл этo тeм, чтo вoняeт, и caм пoтoм мнe гoвopил: вoт я кaкнy и cмывaю, и ты тaк дeлaй! oднaжды я cpaть ceл, и cлышy, бaтя гдe-тo y двepи вcтaл в oтдaлeнии, нy я жoпy вытep, и нa пoл нaкapaчики пpиceл, a тaм щeль oчeнь шиpoкaя cнизy y двepи, нy я в щeль и cмoтpю, a тaм бaтя нa кapaчикaх cидит и в щeль cмoтpит, и мнe гoвopит: ты чё? eбaнyтый? чё ты тaм дeлaeшь? бaтя кcтaти вcё вpeмя кaкиe-тo тpaвы пьёт, чтoбы cpaть чacтo, cpёт пo 5 paз в дeнь, a пoтoм гoвopит, чтo жoпy жжёт, и eщё пepдит oн. пиздeц кopoчe! peaльнaя иcтopия. я нe тpoлль
lol, go to 2ch
Wait a lil bit to see how's traffic going on their Yea Forums
a sta si se raspisao toliko, pola njih te ne moze shvatit
What the hell is russia
Pyccкиe впepёд!
Fucking russian, guys let's go to 2ch for attack their forum!!!
Es lets du ziz mai frend
I'm in OP. Let's go destroy some slav asses
The intervention has started! The thread is at 2ch hk b res 201190682 html
2ch hk Yea Forumsres/201190602.html
я жиpный
Btw, russian 2ch's owner, Abu, often reports anons' IP addresses to the authorities.
teach me Finnish in exchange for helping the raid
wtf, my ip is already blocked, and i haven't created a fucking thread
By the way, its russian provocation, thay want you invade them just for luzl. I thought you should know.
reve it up to me, my name Lee btw. This should be ealy beacuse it the same as yerrow fag war we won. btw What should I post?
thx for sharing that info Yea Forumsro
use vpn
VPNs won't help me learn Finnish, user
Absolutely endorse them
It's copypaste from Yea Forums faggot
When I was 15 years old, and I went to remove my dad all the time, so as not to unsharpened the jolt, and asked all of you, why did you feel quiet? the first time I didn’t answer, so he started to break into the door, and again, that you are silent there, what is wrong with you? nachal matepitcya and govopit chto voobsche dvep c petel cnimet, alco, batya pygalcya, if ye I cpy and ne cmyvayu, ppichom ne ppocto vkontse cpaniya, a nepocpedctvenno pocle vylezaniya kakashki, motivipoval IT'S tem, chto vonyaet and cam potom unto me govopil: here I am and rinse, and you do so! Once I took off the village, and when I heard it, wherever I opened the door, I wiped it off and I opened it on the floor, and I opened the door a bit wide and a bit too Sits and looks into the gap, and says to me: what are you? fucking? what are you doing there? by the way, at the same time, I drink some kind of drink in order to save it often, it will be off 5 times a day, and then it will say that it’s burning, and it will stop. fucked shorter! real history. I'm not toll
dead board
Bump! Help us forchan, today they invaded our board, today they will destroy your!
where are all of you, are you scared or just pretending to be a fucking though anons?
> пyк
Lee is here
btw way why don't you go and invit the chinks over too
Steven, you? Remember me? I'm your classmate. I recognized you by your schizoid words and shitposts. Do you remember how the whole class pissed you into a mug in the third grade, on a sweet tooth? You still drank, licked my lips and asked for supplements. And then your father came to take you away, the same janitor who raped a dog on Wall Street and received a suspended sentence for stealing the processed cheese in the store. He entered the class, everyone began to laugh, and you crap under you from shame, and then said that you would hate wipers all your life, but in 9th grade, when you went to the raid to , they let you go in a circle, after which eight seams were put on your anus. How are you, Steven?
Neekerit vittuun suomesta
I have some problems to post anything there, and i think that is made by firefox hardening. Can someone help me about that issue?
Pic related
Hälöö finn bros , we fightin vodkaniggers?
Something big up liberal asses
Oof , you might want vpn . They are probably prepared for counter attacks
it's not winter yet
No, you're just some faggot behind the screen
I think I just seen some shit on chink Yea Forums
Did you go to jap chan by accident?
Grow up you fucking immature kid
No nope real chink Yea Forums
I think it's cp
Im not from russia but this fukin pedo problem