

Attached: image.jpg (1000x1300, 256K)

im not scared of you
hi there

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Aegis is my waifu.

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rest rest

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thank you!
Im sorry for slow replies

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*nom nom nom*

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hi there
how are you today?
youre welcome
its alright, take all the time you need
how are you today?

Attached: D_cx5T0UYAEmbfn.jpg orig.jpg (803x1300, 106K)

i think i'm okay, I miss my boyfriend though...
I think I'm getting really needy

Attached: Oh...png (583x841, 772K)

Howdy, you-tuber.

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All good in the hood, as usual. Hope you're in high spirits as well.

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i see, im sorry to hear that.
hmm, i guess i wouldnt really know, but im sure if you were he'd say something, so youre probably fine :)
haha, nice
how are you today?
glad to hear it :)
yes, im good. got the day off so im gonna spend it all playing fallout i think

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I'm fine, I'll manage. How are you?

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obsessed, cringe and rent free

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i see, i hope things get better for you soon
im good, ive got the day off work so im just going to be taking it easy all day
got any plans for the day?

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Nothing so far. I've been avoiding making any plans recently.

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>im not scared of you
also hiiii!!

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Is this hell?

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Coincidentally enough I've been working on setting up a TTW playthrough since before you've mentioned it. I want an experience with lot more QoL without dumb things like bullet time, so I've been combing through basically every listing on the Nexus and will probably merge the best for compatibility. What I really want to do is just play through an enhanced version of Fallout 3 and completely ignore the existence of the NV content since I've played New Vegas too recently. btw Dead Money is the best Vegas expansion ;)

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i see, i guess thats fair.
good luck.
how are you today?
nice! yeah frankly its the only way id recommend experiencing fallout 3 on pc at all, unless by sheer happenstance the game runs well on your pc for some reason. the thing hates anything vaguely modern.
in any case, i hope you find all the kinds of things youre looking for and have a fun experience!
also i do not like dead money at all friend, but you are as always free to like whatever you want :)

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i'm okay. eating dinner!

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bro its not damage control bro just please cope

you faggots still at this?

Attached: download (3).jpg (170x202, 10K)

i see! that sounds pretty good, i hope its very tasty!

Attached: DaQ-W1aUMAUeOww.jpg orig.jpg (1709x2785, 675K)

>not even spamming until two images left
It's like you're not even trying anymore

hi there
what's up with all this damn scatfags here??

Attached: 1502339233344.jpg (1275x1800, 549K)

Obsessed stalker

it is super tasty! i like it a ton!
are you having fun, too?

Attached: 1341702003383.jpg (650x820, 142K)

Attached: image.jpg (640x599, 116K)

how are you today?
im not entirely sure, he just likes to spam
thats great! im glad to hear it
yes! im doing the last new vegas dlc now. i dont remember a lot of it.

Attached: De7wc5NUcAAo8C_.jpg orig.jpg (860x981, 123K)

i'm glad i'm ate yummy!
ooooh, fun! which one is that?

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I need him so much

Attached: 97c5c11040fe200b9574494ad326b3f7.jpg (998x1292, 807K)

im glad youre glad!
uhhh lonesome road? pretty sure thats the name.
im sorry, im not sure how to help or what to say. im sure he'll be back from whatever he's doing soon enough

Attached: DYykEk1UMAAtGQl.jpg orig.jpg (720x1024, 70K)

i'm glad you're glad!
oooh, cool! set fire to a bunch of people!

Attached: 287155727.jpg (970x880, 49K)

im glad youre glad!
o-oh... i mean yeah i guess i do, i use energy weapons, elijah's somethin somethin to be exact, its pretty good.

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