What would you do if your daughter started dating some black dude?

What would you do if your daughter started dating some black dude?

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My niece did. I dont really talk to her anymore. A good family with a strong moral code would do the same. Cut them off.

It'd be high time to beat up a nigger.

my man

What if he’s college educated and has a good job, a nice car and a nice house?

welcome him into my home, and ask that he continues to make her happy and to take care of her


Clearly I fucked up somewhere, I can't really blame her for my bad parenting.

Well, then I'd probably ask him if he wanted to ride my unicorn to dinner with Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny.

ahh thanks for the laugh mate, i needed it!


I would fuck her myself to show dominance

Celebrate maybe? She's currently a gay and is dating a puerto rican girl, but maybe this hypothetical negro man can turn her towards men enough that the next boyfriend will be white or asian

Since my wife is black, we’ll mixed, I wouldn’t really care

What’s funny about that? There are some black guys out there who are actually really good people

so an NFL player?
I guess it would depend what team he played for

tell Yea Forums about it so they could lose their fucking mind

Realistically without exaggerating like most people on here, I would just let her know that she will get zero financial assistance from me, can’t live together with him under my roof and that I won’t be watching any kids. I’ll welcome the guy and be cordial with him if he’s making an effort though. All of the above still applies.

tell her to save the creampie for me

Slap the shit out of my wife! As she lays on the floor crying, tell her how for generations we tried to make our linage as white and pure as snow, Now that will go to shit! As you allowed this to happen.

No, I went to a ritzy expensive steakhouse in DC not long ago and the server was a young black guy in a tux, probably makes about 90-100k a year

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So you’re wife-beating white trash?

The butter on your steak was his cum and you ate it.

Oh ok.

I would treat her just like I treat you mom. I do not discriminate,

as human i can not allow me to fall into violence. i will pay some one else to kill him.

I'd raise my daughter to hate niggers so I doubt that would ever happen... But if it did, I would never speak to her again

Dick loving pussy.

Discrete and redpilled

So you’re a racist?

Legit I almost did the reverse. I was very close to dating a hot black chick and bro my dad told me this, "user, if I told my father I wanted to date a black chick he would of beat the fuck out of me" and then he walked away all pissed off lol.

Have to admit it was effective. He didn't have to make any threats... all he had to do was explain this family aint no nigger lovers.

Shit... idk man.,,. she was smoking though. She played soccer and she was fit and had a great personality. I havnt thought about this for like 10 years holy shit LOL.

We all are when it comes to Niggers

>please don't have kids goyum, look what happens to them in the system we socially engineered
Fuck off

This the only way to save white people. You want a negro, paid the the toll alone.

if he was a nice guy, who the fuck cares. Not all black men are "fukkin thugs from tha ghetto"

you fuckin racists.

he still black

Keep dreaming

Do you like asian people, hispanic people, native american people, slavic people?

I’m just trying to quantify and contrast your racism, try to be as honest as you can

So? You’re still white (or non-black)

Wow you're dense.

is good to be human

I hate the worst of all races, niggers, cholos, gumbas, KKK like you.

Teach her the dangers of miscegenation, and the likelihood of single motherhood and domestic abuse. Secondly, I'd reference decades of violent crime rates by ethnicity. I'd then display the normalization propaganda of race-mixing and other degeneracy in media (often marketed towards impressionable youth), and teach her of the Khalergi Plan and also legislation literally named Replacement Migration. Later, I would then inform her on who is behind the media and the government meant to represent her interests, and how psyops and counter intelligence plays into public opinion and function. If she still continued to trivialize or even ignore this evidence immune to any "ism" or partisanship, then I'd be, unfortunately, unable to do much to help her beyond that.

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> Black guy/dude. Nothing
> A nigger. Cry

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If she's not of legal age then I dominate all decisions she thinks she's allowed to make, goodbye nigger. If she's of legal age then it's goodbye daughter, have fun getting written out of the family. Enjoy being a single mother on welfare.
I'd like to think she was raised better than that, but the downside to that is she's free to fuck her life up the way she sees fit. Personally I'd be more ok if she started dating another woman, so long as not a nigger.

Probably wonder when the fuck did I have a daughter?

It'd be rough but not as much as if she wanted to marry him and have kids with him.

Remember, it's THIS that's going INSIDE of her

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Depends on how white he is.
Not color, culture.

There are plenty of "hood" whites as well. That culture needs to die.

Chop his cock off, nail it to the door as a reminder to other Niggers that they are not wanted.

boards.Yea Forums.org/b/thread/806156731#bottom

These fucking gooks don’t stop with this spam shit

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NFL niggers are just the top of the bigger food chain. Still niggers. So probably disown.

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is u a lil bit mad,boi??

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I'd want to know more than that about him before judging because I'm not a pathetic lil' bitch who can't handle the existence of people who don't look like me

Can you handle this dripping into your daughters mouth?

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warn her about the danger

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I agree with this statement as I have worked with blacks for over 30 year. if you talk to blacks, many of them aren't into race mixing either.

Doesn't matter. He's still got other family that may not be as well polished and therefore carries that tainted stigma. Been around enough niggers to know better than to trust them because they have the appropriate spit shine.

I don't have to handle it, she does

looks no more nasty than any other cock

holy shit literally this

insecure children afraid of niggas
kys then you never have to worry about it

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I would tell her that I am not going to pay for her anti-AIDS drugs and that she deserves to die from her infections.

damn we got some 14 yo edgelords in here jesus

>>server at any restaurant
>>$90-$100k a year

Gonna give you a chance to rework that estimate buddy. You're living in a fantasy world.

all I hear is that you a little bitch

you're more likely to get aids than her from being such a huge faggot

rancid radiator hose

Puerto Ricans are fucking psychos, disown her

Doktur MuhDik

Lol Rockwell had some cojones.

Niggers come in all races. It just happens that a disproportionate amount of blacks are niggers. There are white, brown, black, yellow niggers. There are probably extraterrestrial niggers out there too. Who know what color they might be.
The color isn't the point, the ideology they disproportionately subscribe to is.

fuck off cuckboi, go choke on nigger cock some more you fucking waste of air

sounds like you're more scared of it going inside of you. Who cares what she wants in there.

Y U so scared of a nigga's dick?

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I would fuck her to death

protect her from the utter bullshit most people are going to tell her, because no white man has ever been an asshole to his GF or wife. Oh wait, I don't need to our german-slavic offspring will have to deal with all of this bs her whole life.

I'd still love her no matter what.

I'm a race realist and I'm working class so of course I care about my fucking people.

I wouldn't want my descendants to be mixed raced mutts with no fucking roots. That's what upper and middle class liberals want.

Now gtfo to Reddit u nigger faggot.

Tell her to invite him over.