Hi Yea Forums

Hi Yea Forums

I wanted to know if Reviewbrah / TheReportOfTheWeek would be better at Tinder than I am. I’m considered fairly average to attractive in looks, though I’m not very successful with women. So I made a fake Tinder account imitating Reviewbrah / TheReportOfTheWeek and I can confirm that he not only gets more likes than me, the matched women are far more attractive. I’m lucky If I match a fat girl who isn’t ugly.

I’ll post the bio and semi-censored pictures of the girls.

Attached: CD0A39E8-9383-472C-9C93-2A98A817B4AF.jpg (746x1151, 179K)

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Attached: 45867019-65C2-48D4-8391-22F02482920E.jpg (750x1023, 243K)

I think, in order to be successful on Tinder, one must either be incredibly handsome and /fit/ OR be an honest, interesting, and authentic soul like Reviewbrah / TheReportOfTheWeek. Usually when I write a bio, I’m too scared to put my honest self, due to a lack of self-respect. This is something I’m working on.

Attached: B68459FC-6BCB-457D-A492-4C3238684F2F.jpg (1500x2667, 958K)

Bang on. Work on your fashion style, work out and be interesting. Its not difficult, but if sit there waiting for it to happen to you it won't, you have to put something in to reap rewards.

Literally following the bio you wrote as a template but substituting your interests instead works well.

Sounds like you've got it figured out, user

Confidence is an attractive quality, but many mistake confidence for being something other than yourself.

Confidence in yourself, no matter how fucking odd you think you are, is attractive. Period.

It's attractive because you don't bow nor bend to others. You like the things you like, simply because you like them, and that's enough. Embarrassment for the things you find appealing is a display of uncertainty.

We desire those who are comfortable in their skin, not those who are afraid to begin to live.

I don't know how those sites work exactly but do t you then have to contact the women? And do you think those pretty ones are gonna be in to our boy review brah?

When using the app you swipe right if you find them attractive and would like to meet them, based purely on the limited information you have; the bio and the pictures provided. Those ‘matches’ are young women who saw those pictures of Reviewbrah, read and that bio and wanted to meet our boy.

The real Reviewbrah will likely not be meeting them.

or are bots/scammers/catfishers etc which those apps are LOADED with.

Oh dayum! Shame the real brah ain't getting the lady he deserves, he seems a real sweet guy. I hope he's not a pedo or anything..

The ones that get you to send dick pics then blackmail you for money or fun? I know two pathetic guys who got stung like that. Sad world.

how does one get blackmailed just for dick pics? how self conscious about your dick are you? i mean i don't want my dick spread around but if it came down to paying some one to not...i'd just laugh in their face.

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Bots and scammers are easy to spot but it’s possible some of them are catfish. I don’t think they are though. Users on tinder can now link Spotify or Instagram and link loads of pictures.

>inb4 “they could still be catfish!”

Fully aware.

When will he test the new veggie burger from Burger King?

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>OR be an honest, interesting, and authentic soul like Reviewbrah / TheReportOfTheWeek.

LMAO. No. Its because hes famous. You only get laid because of three things


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Maybe its because the interest/hobbies are actually interesting and unigue and because he seems fairly confident?

So everyone on your paternal lineage was either good looking, had lots of money or was famous?

Virgin detected.

are you implying today is anything like it was 50+ years ago? when women didn't have rights? or are you just 2d retarded? lol

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>when women didn’t have rights

Idiot liberal virgin detected.

Reviewbrah is a fucking stud

how retarded are you kid. you seriously don't see the power switched from men to women when it comes to sex ever since they started labeling all guys incels or rapists? oh, right, you're 2d retarded lol. you can thank the kikes (especially running the porn industry but also hollywood/media) for that, kid. you'd have to be an king autist to think women are the same now as they were 2 generations ago and on

Attached: retard44.png (411x394, 222K)

Not sure on the deets of the first guy but the second is my best mate. He was chatting to a French girl online,bigot cosy and did a few sec video of himself wankin. She said she'd send it to his Facebook contacts like boss, dad, mum, step mum , sisters etc.

She didn't even ask for money.