Why is the popularity of leftism rising?
Why is the popularity of leftism rising?
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because what kind of faggot wants to keep it the same forever?
It's the ebb and flow of the political process, always trying to respond and try to find the happy medium
>popularity of leftism rising?
is it opposite day here you live? fucking crazy leftists
Because far left ideology infested universities and to some degree has always been a part of the media. It has also been worming it's way into K-12 too. It wasn't stopped and now we have utter insanity being taught to our kids as gospel truth. Our kids are also being taught that masculinity in any form is evil and bad, guess which ideologies attracts effeminate men like flies to shit.
On the bright side the far left is going to kill the Democrat party and probably give Trump a second term as well as the GOP the next presidential slot after that too. As a lefty myself I cannot wait for this to happen and I hope what rises from the ashes is a party that is actually liberal, not a bunch of fucking illiberal progressives, socialists, and commies bastardizing the term with their complete and utter contempt for liberty.
It's not.
People are getting sick of fat, sunburnt, crusty dick old people being mad about eberything and thinking they're entitled to anything they want. Younger people are trying to change the foundation for future generations.
You just described the left, good job.
Lol no the left is edgy teens with skrillex haircuts that look lile shit. The right is fat, sunburnt, crusty dick old people.
That's statistically wrong.
Prove it.
The majority of attendees at the last few marches were between 25-45. Teens don't care about politics.
It's rapidly declining.
'cause the world is going down the shitter and only solidarity - joining forces - can overcome this...
Don't be a leftist. Be like this proud citizen.
If you want solidarity go to the right. The left is horribly devicive.
Anyone with a functioning brainstem can see that the Republican Party is really just trying to get as much money into the hands of as few people as possible, and people only vote them because they either see themselves as one day being one of those few people or they are willing to get fucked because they're content knowing that everyone else is getting fucked too.
So that leaves everyone else who aren't fucking idiots and realize that 3 people having more money than 100,000,000 people combined is probably bad so they turn to the other party.
Except the other party just wants slightly less money in the hands of those few people so everyone can get a few more crumbs, and don't actually care about anyone. So they turn to the only option that actually says it's going to solve any problems, even though it's extreme.
Honestly, though, the best way to slow the popularity of hardcore communism is to give them mild socialism. As long as people aren't going into massive debt over medical and education they won't give a shit. But the longer we put that off, the stronger their case will be.
ok.. but I like all people - imho no one's better than anyone else - I don't think right-wing people would agree to that...
Because it was a KGB program from the last century to slowly insert the Soviet system into the West.
Watch this 8 minute video from 1985, its from a KGB defector explaining how they do it and its more relevant than ever - social media and the internet has multiplied the rate of its spread
Why do you still naively believe that life is separated neatly into your Left and Right box?
Are you so confined to your own idealism that you cannot see how juvenile this is?
That's an assumption the left drilled into you tho.
Pretty much.
>I'm gonna assume what 63% of Americans think hurt durr
because jews.
Just what happens as more people become educated. Turns out its really hard to be able to think logically and be right-wing, as most of their argunents come from emotions rather than reality
Lol they tried giving just a little socialism to Germany in the 1900s look how that turned out.
I have a thought experiment for you if you're willing to chat for a minute.
That is literally the opposite of what's happening
Because college-age kids think they know everything.
is it? where?
gotta love this kind of reasoning, while truth is that right wing people are more likely to be emotionally stable and mature. So I have to disagree here, faggot
At least they have dicks
ITT: We ignore the success of socialist safety net policies in northern Europe and equate anyone not blindly sucking Trump's cock as evil because ooga booga words have been fucked into my skull by rich fucks and traitors for decades.
The main reason is that the right wing has totally neglected to even acknowledge the endless stream of shitskins that has been pouring over the borders since 1965.
Why are the leftists always doing the exact same thing they accuse the others of?
This, it's leftist university indoctrination to younger people that weren't alive during the period of the soviet union and European communism and don't remember how badly that ended.
Because women got rights.
Yeah. And you sound like some middle aged small business owner and not some pathetic teenage edgelord. Tell me how your factory is doing jackass.
The left, can't even make one sentence without contradicting itself.....
If you think this guy had a lot of influence on the west, remember this was only a few years before the Soviet system collapsed and he didn't see it coming. The only thing the USSR was successful at producing in quantity was rust.
China has lifted more individuals out of poverty than any human civilisation in the history of Mankind.
Stay deluded and keep sucking your Oligarch Overlords Cock OP.
Imagine an event which happened so much it’s illegal to say it didn’t happen
Being more emotionally stable and mature doesnt mean they cant make arguments based on emotions user-kun
because all you know is 2016 to present day.
bake my gay cake or I sue
call me by my self created pronouns or I sue
give me a raise or I say you raped me
hire me because I am black, not because I am the best, or I sue
yeah, sure wallstreet is ruining people's lifes
China isn’t really communist anymore.
Wait a second. If conservatives are so anti-left, why did they elect a russian asset and traitor to the highest position? Do you hate western values?
So YOU get to use the retarded “not muh real communism” defense huh?
No, it makes you just as retarded
True, women are naturally socialist because they believe in the transfer of wealth, from men to themselves.
Lol "people of color" racist left can't even separate the voter groups properly. Classic propaganda to say "Hey darkies, white man bad, vote for us."
>right-wing, as most of their arguments come from emotions rather than reality
Then why are there so many white liberal beating conservative minorities in the streets screaming "white supremacist" at them?
Bring back the 50's agenda
Because Repulitards are even more hypocritical than leftists
Ok so I'm guessing you aren't religious at all? Do you believe in evolution?
>russian asset and traitor
According to a dossier fabricated by Russians and bought by a traitor spy?
Im not saying he had influence, I'm showing the reason why there's a growing Marxist influence in colleges and why SJWs exist.
That video is more than 30 years old and is still highly accurate, if not more so
Stop promoting a false equivalency. And don't bother with an ad hominem meme reply.
They’re not.
Next retarded question
Cult like power trip. Strength in numbers. Easy way to join in. Feeling like you're part of something special and dangerous. Literally gay. Jewish.
You missed my point.. But ok. being not or less emotionally stable like left however makes you prone to resort to emotional arguments more often..
Anyhow.. I'll just wait till the larping faggots get tired and need their naptime..
Grow the fuck up. The only common denominator in why your life has always sucked is YOU. Go neck yourself and blame whoever you want in the suicide note. Or hey, you can always go for the high score!
Granting voting rights to all citizens was the greatest disaster to ever strike America, and eventually the entire western world.
America was founded as a republic, where suffrage was limited to landowning white men, and military servicemen. There was a reason for that.
I'll let you ponder what that reason may be.
It makes more sense to you that “some secretive enemy is enacting a plot” than “the world is complicated”
Pro-tip: the answer is always that second one
Because orange man bad
Look if it weren't for the fact of every bitch (sorry but be real why keep your mouth shut for so long "oh because I needed other people to say something") who came out and gave him shit this would be at 50% as shitty as it is right now. The only arguments supplied are his comments on things almost never on his plans or actual political moves. Just because he's an asshole. Thats it.
They aren't smart enough to be trusted with restructuring and changing our futures.
lol, whatever you cuck sheep
Because the ppl wanting this escrement think communism/socialism equals anything they desire will be handed to them for free
What else could the point to what u said even be
>they're not
Good one sport
>I'll let you ponder what that reason may be
Because George Washington, angry at being snubbed from a position in the British House of Lords, wanted to set himself and his friends up as Kings of the lawless Americas.
Read the note next to the asterisk on the bottom.
you can't say that when you still live in your mom's house.
Aren’t real
In reality it's probably more along the lines of WELCOME TO THE GULAG BITCH because of a tiny bit of wrongthink.
Antifa has a few thousand members in the usa
>citing the mostly non violent organization that only exists to battle the always violent right-wing extremists
You can believe what you're told to believe. Or you can do a few searches to see where the actual collusion happened.
When in reality ....
What are you talking about? I'm not referring to some conspiracy theory like the illuminati etc.
We're talking about the Soviet Union, not a tiny country that had almost no power or resources. Have you listened to all of that video?
Because ethno-nationalists are faggots. Plain and Simple.
Also communism is better because you can use non-racist expressions to kill all the jews: let me ellaborate:
>Kill those who statistically have more gold
>Kill all imperialists that occupied palestina in the 1950s and their supporters
It's so easy and it's politically correct
Unga me educated
Because hating America is all the rage now.
Oy vey, shut it down.
So i assume you are for checking everyones genitals before they enter any bathroom then, user
>big scary country
>see previous “enemy”
And America did the same to the Russians, and the Chinese.
It’s called “politics”. All countries try to influence other countries, in much the same way Coca Cola tries to influence you to drink Coca Cola.
Are you a soft brained easily led sheeple?
Of the two possible answers to that , there are implications;
1. No, not a sheeple - (therefore why would the psyops of an enemy nation state not affect you the way you say it effects everybody else?)
2. Yes, I’m a soft brained sheeple - in which case, we know why you say the things you say.
What the actual fuck are you on about, the entire premise of ANTIFA is violence. They're a step away from saying their should be another Reign Of Terror
They don't act as a shield for the dems in case they get harassed, their "job" is to break up any gathering or protest by anyone who sides with the right. By wearing fucking mask and using the most retarded shit to attack people.
>russian asset and traitor
Kek, you still believe that? what a joke.
nazbol gang
"Trickle down economics" is a liberal meme that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States.
At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.
Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.
and killed more people than Nazi germany. Nice job
Maybe you should engage them on the free open market place of ideas instead of labelling them violent extremists, huh?
Sounds like YOU are the real Antifa.
I don't think it is, I think it's dying.
Found the triggered faggo
Fuck off boomer
Based and breadpilled
So you dont like labels huh?
So, you support them then?
Found the MMTfag
Fuck off commie
Fuck off and die boomer, your time is over
Do you want me to say that fascism is bad because anyone with common sense acknowledges this. Their ideas are radical to the extent that they don't make sense anymore, theres no need to blow up parliament or go crazy because theres other people with different opinions. Its a little difficult to not label a group who's "sworn enemy" is a political standpoint as extremist.
Economically a socialist or at least less free market economy makes sense; however, the left gets caught up with the social issues. Theyre more concerned with forcing nigs, spics, dags, trammies, etc. on everyone than they are with helping the white family and its quite retarded. A nation should serve its people (in this case white people) not focus on giving gibs to ungrateful crime committing nigs, spics, fags, and trannies who hate white culture.
To be Honest
Stalin has a nicer mustache than Hitler.
He really has blowjob lips, thats why im leftist
Basically it's because humanity fucked up.
The leaders of the world were supposed to do something about climate change and all they do is argue on who should be forced to pollute the air less and work climate changes problems from there. Scientists have warned that we won't survive if they don't act quickly and they are stalling like complete idiots (USA, Canada, European Union, Middle East, Russia, China, India... all of them the same sorry excuses). While we wait it's getting harder and harder to survive.
In the meantime you got hackers stealing data from banks all over the world. This shit is going to blow in everyone's faces when you get criminal organisations giving credits to people who uses data that was stolen from the banks.
>Its a little difficult to not label a group who's "sworn enemy" is a political standpoint as extremist.
So, Antifa are your “sworn political enemy” huh?
Sounds like YOU are the real Antifa
>but I like all people - imho no one's better than anyone else
Things that only white people say. Every other group knows to put their "own" first.
Because it doesn't effect a whole population all at once, the beachhead was the universities where it still has its grasp. I haven't been to university and don't intend to but if I did go I could very well be saying something different.
I've had friends that went to uni as moderates, then they came out as far lefties. I've had others say it's a breeding ground for progressive ideologies
Stop with the sheeple crap, I understand how introducing an ideology to a culture works
It's not, but these faggots have infiltrated media and academia so they spread their bullshit despite how sick of it almost everybody else is of it
When people try that anti-fa have a habit of physically attacking them, especially in places where the local gov tells the cops to stand down and nobody's packing heat.
Because it's perfect for groupthink faggots without backbone.
>I've had friends that went to uni as moderates, then they came out as far lefties.
Because the more intelligent you are, the more leftist you’ll be.
It’s why America is so right wing
Blow me
"Normal people" normal people havent been represented in America since the 1965 immigration act you dumb nigger. Imagine thinking trannies, fags, spics and niggers are normal
>trying to take jew meme
Imagine wanting to subvert white society this much.
Well, maybe you should try engaging them on the free open market place of ideas instead of labelling them as extremists.
Sounds like YOU are the real Antifa
pieces of shit want free stuff and they want it taken from those who are capable without gubmint. leftist gubmints take away from one demographic to give to another while they make themselves rich. simple but leftist scum won't admit it
I get that you're probably trolling but if you have to make yourself look like a dipshit to do it you should probably stick to what you're good at, like sucking cock.
Autistic nonracists cant even read the asterisk on the bottom. Not surprised that someone who isnt racist misses something thats right under their nose though.
It is nice how us people consider left=dictatorship.
In italy it is the opposite.
Just marketing afterall and we drink our own coolaid.
Mom told me to tell you that your ramen’s ready and come eat at the table.
And she said to tell you, when you start to cry and argue, that yes, she knows it’s an online only game. But you have to get yourself to a save point THIS INSTANT or she’ll throw your ramen away and then you’re grounded.
Hey, don’t yell at me - I’m just telling you what she said.
show me what hypocrisy looks like
this is what hypocrisy looks like
I think america would really benefit from soviet-style policies:
>We would get rid of the homosexuals.
> Free homosexual Labour
> We could prohibit motorbikes and stop manufacturing them alltogether.. Less sound pollution
> manufacturing belt would rise from its ashes
> We would build a fucking IRON CURTAIN around mexico
Why so mad?
show me what hypocrisy looks Iike
this is what hypocrisy looks like
Also there's the insect apocalypse, you also get the rise of diseases like Ebola, Measles, Yellow fever and MERS-CoV. Add the fact that dears, dogs, foxes, racoons, bears, wild boars have started spreading what seems like a zombie plague all around north America with distemper virus and chronic wasting disease... you can guess that a lot of people just want to cut the middle man and abandon the economy.
I myself want to move to a ressource based economy because fuck monetary based systems and all their stupid issues.
The shit has officially hit the fan.
>projecting this hard
Yeah, . They should be silenced!
let’s dismiss those Antifa faggots without even hearing what they have to say.
Preferably after beating them to death.
I'm the guy that posted that image.
I'm also white.
People like you make me ashamed of my demographic. For ONCE in your life, try to pull your head out of your ass long enough to see what life looks like from someone else's perspective.
Pretty much this.
maybe you should try engaging them on the free open market place of ideas instead of labelling them as extremists.
Sounds like YOU are the real Antifa
you'll have to put down the concrete milkshakes and bats before playing the victim card lol
>boomer memes
Sure you are, jude. Tell me how exactly Im the bootlicker when I dont want my people subjugated to rule by nonwhites?
maybe you should try engaging them on the free open market place of ideas instead of labelling them as extremists.
Sounds like YOU are the real Antifa
you'll never understand it, while consider die ideology as reason. People seeking only power is. As you see -as an example - by looking on USAmerican post-imperialistic capitalism, who cost way more lives than the dictators, who claimed to be socialists did. A socialist idea is attracting therefor it is used to attract a base, quite similar to racist rethorik.
99% chance your social media has anime profile pics because youre embarassed of your ugly face, my guy
The "victim" in the image on the right needs the same armband & labeling as the assailant on the left. There's a reason alt-right hate speech isn't tolerated by normal, educated people, stormfaggot. If you weren't a Reich-wing cuck dicksucker, you would know what that reason is.
You’re playing yours pretty early for a diaper wearing weeabo faggot
>94million dead
1. Source for this number
2. If that's real then I just converted to communism because the world needs to burn and history shows that it's the champagne socialists and intelligentsia that get it in the neck first.
>hate speech isn't tolerated by normal, educated people
hate speech is free speech
>Tell me how exactly Im the bootlicker when I dont want my people subjugated to rule by nonwhites?
Simple. Because
>I dont want my people subjugated to rule by nonwhites
QED faggot.
telling bullshit and still not getting antifa is not . so if one bastard shurs you down, maybe because you're a racist, it doesn't mean all antifascists will shut ... oh sorry, they will because racism is not an opinion its living out stupidity.
Now you’ve done it.
She says she’s thrown the ramen away, and you’re grounded for 2 weeks.
And she’s hidden your switch , and changed your fortnite password.
Don’t blame me, I tried to warn you
Actually the majority of normal people do support hate speech being legal. The only demographics that dont are niggers, spics, trannies, and fags.
RACISM is the left's new "Russia"
Why do the Reich wing always say stupid shit like this? Why is whether a group can or cannot "meme" even a fucking THING?
Oh right. I forgot. Because the ability to "meme" is the only thing the alt-right stormfags have going for them.
So by all means, go ahead & claim the crown of being able to "meme". That'll leave the ability to argue intelligently, coherently and with well-researched, credible facts to back them up to the left.
Meme on
I see.
YOU’RE the real victim in this scenario.
There there.
Have a good long cry.
That’s it, let it all out.
Now what did the bad Antifa man say?
>scrolls right past the arguments
>only looks at the pictures
>wonders why the world is so confusing
>hate speech is free speech
If I go to the mall & I'm approached by the Ming Palace lady with the tray filled with Kung Pao chicken samples, the food is free. But if I don't want to eat it, I don't have to. She can keep her Kung Pao chicken for herself, or someone else who might be interested in it.
Back in the day, AOL had those discs w/ "4000 free hours" they gave away at every opportunity. How many people actually USED those damn things though? And of those who did, did anyone come anywhere close to approaching the advertised 4000 hours?
Point: just because something is free doesn't mean everyone else is obliged to consume it. Pic related.
>normal people
>not the majority anymore
that's a good one
Citation needed
That literally proves im the opposite of a bootlicker. I dont want the white man under the boot of nonwhites. I dont want them under the boot of the faggot, and i dont want them under the boot of the faggot capitalist ruling class. Now please explain how who's boot im licking because Indont want spics, nigs, fags, trannies, et al. to be able to have any say over what i can and cant do whatsoever?
More like
>saw someone responded to something I'd written
>read user's response to my post
>respond to his response
>right-wingers have no arguments, only memes
Yourr a fag or tranny until you prove otherwise.
Fuckin' no kiddin'.
I’m a left winger, posing as an extreme version of what I imagine a right winger to be, just to troll shitty threads like this one and antagonise people.
get off the prager u dude
>responding to copy pasta
Faggot - you need to fucking lurk Moar
No more posting till you’ve lurked Moar for at least a month
Old meme is old and still incorrect
Those who remain silent consent.
When trannies complain, the media listens and they get to dictate the terms we all live under.
And there is nothing you can do about it because the masses will not speak up.
Here's what you don't understand, Hans:
Wanting only your own demographic to rule you, and your demographic embraces nationalistic jingo & dog-whistle racism is, by its nature the definition of "bootlicking".
They want free stuff and have their student loans forgiven. Bunch of freeloaders trying to disguise their greed by saying they're trying to restructure the system to help future generations. Utter bullshit.
So, sounds like YOU’RE the real victim here huh?
There there.
There there
Theres more ants than whites as well. That doesnt make their opinion valuable
further: you've not only not to listen to anything, you've also the right to argue against it. so that's free speech. And if the first one doesn't like what I am saying, he or she may argue against or leave. only thing, I am not allowed to force my opinion on you as well as you're not allowed to do it with me. in a free debate, we would lusten to arguments and reflect on our opinnion. thats it. and now kill me for my language mistakes, I don't have to listen.
I've not posed as anything, stormfaggot (here's a hint: any posts in this thread using "stormfaggot" or "Reich-wing" were me).
Now get back in the kitchen & make me a sammich, bitch.
found the jew
The rich also vote right wing. And just about anyone who isn't so dumb to only get their income through a J O B
I guess because younger people are less realistic and have become more soft which would then translate to more dreamy ideals
Because it works. A socially adjusted economic system benefits the group, therefor being the most efficient. The costs outweigh the benefits.
No more posting until you prove youre not a faggot, tranny, or nigger.
This. People who can't stand on their own 2 feet
>disguise their greed
In contrast to capitalist, who do not hide their open naked greed, and exploit entire nations for their own individual profit
>implying that’s a better system
>just because something is free doesn't mean everyone else is obliged to consume it
Correct. The right to freedom of expression is constitutionally protected in the US. There is no protection against being offended. If you're offended, then turn the channel, keep scrolling, or just walk away.
that's not my point. my point is that you alienated groups that would make you the majority, but discard them because they have different ideals than you. you can keep playing the game where you think they don't matter, but as the years go by your opinion become more and more worthless.
Here’s your victim card.
Please see it any time you feel personally threatened in a discussion
bullshit. socialism is not free, its al together, something completely different.
skin color doesn't make your opinion valuable, user.
dreamy ideals like the american dream? the nation?
>in a free debate, we would lusten to arguments and reflect on our opinnion.
Except pic related.
You don't get to preach intolerance & then complain when your message isn't tolerated by other people.
For the record, that's not hypocrisy; that's irony, and if you had any education, you would know the difference.
Not a Jew
A lot of reasons actually.
First society has a trend of becoming more progressive as time goes by, thankfully both US parties are much more conservative than parties in the UK and such, looking at the full spectrum the US is a conservative country no matter who’s in office, we just disagree on certain social issues that make the divide seem larger than it really is.
Second it’s the excitement of having Obama in office, followed by the general anger of having trump in office, so many people were outraged that it became the “woke” thing even among conservatives to hate trump, and therefore increase the appeal of the liberal cause, and by proxy increase the amount of leftists. People are outraged because it’s popular.
Third is social media which is intrinsically connected with reason 2, media is now social media and it’s dominated by liberals, they are reaching more people with their message faster then ever before.
Four, the increase of liberalism triggers a backlash, previously regular conservatives feel attacked by all the hate towards trump (and the literal attacks on people wearing red hats) this forces them into a corner and further to the right, they feel angry because it’s “uncool” to even support trump and they’re treated lower than scum for it, so they lash out. After the right pushes back it suddenly becomes “a rise of neo nazi ideologies” and it becomes a false call to action, forcing more liberals to the left in order to “save society and their country”. Thus widening the divide and forcing individuals to more extreme ideologies.
The ironic part is the more extreme each side becomes, the more similar they become in concept.
Incorrect. Polls show that nationalists actually believe in high amounts of individual freedom for whites. Polls also show that blacks and spics want freedoms from whites restricted and feel entitled to free shit from whites. You lick the boot of the darkie my man, i want to live under the boot of no man.
ok so why not become fascist
>the rich
Implying the rich are more intelligent.
If you win the lottery, are you suddenly smarter than you were yesterday ???
Or are you just luckier?
centerism ftw
So triggered.
Lurk Moar faggot
because the whole purpose of fascism is to keep power from changing hands.
British and Dutch East India Companies
Congo Free State
Great Bengal Famine
Irish Potato Famine
the American Military Industrial Complex
because righty is tighty and lefty is loosey.
When did i play the victim, niggerlover?
If there’s one thing both the left and the right can agree on, it’s that retarded centrists need to be lined up against the wall and shot.
>still cant provide evidence. Lmao dude its not that hard.
Everything free
In a way yes, the American dream + all the pot that the younger generation smokes and the retarded internet culture that is soft which would then give people softer ideologies
Left leaning ideologies
I do get it. My point is that they don't want to be the majority. They don't need to. They need to make more noise than you do. And they do.
Just look at the type of replies the chapofags in this tread give. It's snide and petulant low-effort attempts at banter. It just takes up space. But it's low effort so you can spew it out incessantly.
And that's how they win. People listen to this.
Germany tried to produce the best possible panzer in WWII. Americans took a tin death-bucket and stuck a turrent on it.
right off the bat that papers bullshit.
all veterans with honorable discharges have life long health insurance for free, regardless if it's good or not it's there.
The GI bill would allow him to get paid to go to college AND pay for his tuition and books and supplies.
Get better job retard, use your gi bill
same as before see above.
This is fake as all fuck.
>still cant provide evidence. Lmao dude its not that hard
Gambling has nothing to do with it and for bringing it up it makes you look even more stupid.
For a simpleton such as yourself, when we refer to the rich as a class we mean someone who earns a significant amount of money through work and effort, not pure chance
Lol niggerlover mad
the american dream is not a left wing ideal you crackpot
>Everything free
you mean, asking corporations to actually pay their legally obliged tax to pay for social security programmes?
>retarded internet culture
you're on Yea Forums
>still cant provide evidence. Lmao dude its not that hard
What a retarded pic
Everyone on this website does all of those things
It's just a Yea Forums thing because retards come here and people pretending to be retards come here
> If you're offended, then turn the channel, keep scrolling, or just walk away.
That'd be great advice user, if only the right were as capable of that as they expect their opponents to be. But then you have
>Timothy McVeigh
>James Alex Fields Jr
>Jeremy Joseph Christian
>Cesar Sayoc
>Robert Gregory Bowers
>John Timothy Earnest
And now, what's this? ANOTHER Trumptard got arrested beating up a leftist?
You make a rational point. Unfortunately, your side of the aisle appears incapable of holding themselves to that standard. Therefore, anyone who opposes your line of thinking has no reason to engage with you because "politesse" and "consideration" are one-way streets to you.
Where did you learn that phrase from? A far lefty or a far righty?
I've been both left wing and right wing and its the logical choice when you realise that balance is the most important thing
For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.
Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.
They were the Confederacy.
They were the KKK.
They were on the side of the Robber Barons.
They were anti-suffragists.
They were anti-civil rights.
They were anti-LGBTQ rights.
They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.
With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, they're also now anti-democracy.
They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion, or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on civilization after a few years.
And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or wrong. What's true or false.
They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding, and they know it.
i've noticed this pattern with american right-wingers a lot, you ask them for a bit of evidence or even a debate and they quickly retreat behind some xD insults and pat themselves on the back
Maybe they voted Trump just to spite people like you bro. Like a really big elaborate troll. And it worked :^)
>i want to live under the boot of no man
Sure you do, Hans. Sure you do.
>Gambling has nothing to do with it
Had Donald Trump done nothing, other than invest in blue chip stock 500’s, he would currently be richer than he is.
If hard work pays off, show me a rich donkey.
>they dont want to be the majority
most people don't give a fuck about that, except for a certain group of individuals in each race that think somehow they will be better at leading than any other race. while i agree you don't have to be the majority to change stuff, some groups of people will try to fearmonger that once they lose power it's all over. I mean i wouldn't try to equate over/under-engineering in WWII tanks to internet debate styles, but i can kind of see where you're going with it.
There's a perfectly rational reason for that, user...
but muh prager u video told me the democrats were the bad guys >:(
Facebook tier meme
>hurr durr fox news!!!1!!1!1!
Meanwhile literally every other media station and news outlet is Left Wing
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
Damn....that immediately outs me as a “leftist”, because I read books.
nice meme, you think the guy sucking Trump's dick and using racial insults out of nowhere is the intelligent one huh?
And Hillary’s going to prison.
Any day now.
Any day.
Real soon.
Any time now.
No, not yet.
if you're far right everything looks like left wing.
Sometimes you work for opportunities and to learn new things. If he only invested in stocks I doubt he'd have the skillset required to win a presidency
That metaphor is perfect for a labourer, not a businessman. A donkey works hard, but not smart. Rich people work hard and smart but I don't think you can put 2 and 2 together when you spout shitty sayings like that
LOL holy fuck this take is so dumb, please lay off the ben shapiro, go read a couple books on media, but murr hurr durr CNBC is actually ran by Lenin's corpse
You might get heated
I won't cause IDC
They can pay without everything being free because nothing is free
I don't have solutions for the world's problems but one thing I do know is that free comes with a price
Free shoes, free meal, free food, free anything comes with sacrifice
Retarded internet culture as in Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, things that are more left leaning in themselves
That's why you have vocal faggots, vocal blacks, vocal anti white speech online when half of those fuckers would probably never say that shit IRL
Maybe though because I'm from la (liberal shithole) and have been to a comedy club where in between sets it was a black dude just making half assed white people jokes that are/were borderline racist
Soft generation+soft ideals+left leaning culture/think tank/education system/left leaning system=mass leftism
No, it outs you as an idiot because you're incapable of higher thought
>Rich people work hard and smart
Or cheat.
>Meanwhile literally every other media station and news outlet is Left Wing
Clearly, you say this because anything NOT Fox HAS to be Left Wing.
Rest of the world destroyed it.
Uh, no user. The guy sucking Trump's cock is the pigeon. Why would you even ASK that.
Note, not a question.
Spotted the crying triggered trump faggot.
you're further proving your brain is not functioning, you do realise paying for social programmes with tax (MONEY), is not herp derp free stuff?
>America completely ruled by the GOP
>Most people screeching about Mexicans and the big durp wall to make all the problem go away
"mass leftism"
The bad 0.1% cheat, why bring it up?
The 99.9% provide you JOBS and advance society because you're too lazy to go through the shit they do
spotted the libfag tier wannabe troll who cant meme
Lmao you’re a libertarian, not a liberal. Stfu shill
What is this, babychan?
>wannabe troll
tfw you made a career out of living in your mom's basement and think others want to aspire to such great heights
>you're further proving your brain is not functioning, you do realise paying for social programmes with tax (MONEY), is not herp derp free stuff?
We're on the same page
That don't change the ideologies behind the demands for reality
(Free college, free healthcare, free etc)
Those places, if made true, would probably be left leaning
No good
dont inject reality here
We’re talking about the 0.01%
You really should have stayed in school, at least until maths lesson had finished
I'm sorry
I'm from la and have only been here my whole life
I see the world in a much more different light
That guy didn;t realise you were both arguing the same point
oh my god you're literally lacking a brain aren't you
>free college
>free healthcare
read these words very slowly:
paying for socialised programmes with taxed income from corporations is not "for free"
You're an idealistic idiot. How would you possibly change America over to socialism? It's so incredibly stupid it doesn't merit discussion.
typical right-wing dum dum, can only think in anecdotal terms and what he sees out the window
Whats your point? I'm saying the bad element of the rich do not outweigh the good element of it
>Those places, if made true, would probably be left leaning
So, the left are supposed to build free hospitals, colleges, etc,.....but the right want to control them?
Build your own free hospitals and colleges etc,....then you can make them right wing leaning ,....
Oh you won’t do that, because then you’d be leftists.
Free at the point of use you utter retard
The rich ARE the 0.01% you Fucking retarded shit sucker
do you have a problem with the "sacrifice" of taxing corporations their legal share that they avoid paying?
if you're about to pull out the trickle-down durpomonics on me this conversation is hopeless
Ill chime in with this: if you tax those corporations hard, they'll either find a way around with loopholes, or if shit is too fucked for them theyll relocate to another country, leaving you with very little money for healthcare etc.
idk if you were making a point for or against socialism either, just running a hypothetical
so you think we should just submit to corporate power and accept it?
Oh I get you. Calm your tits bro its sad.
No, I mean the 0.01% OF the Rich, not of society.
To think all Rich folk are corrupt is ignorant beyond all measure. The vast majority contribute far more to any society than anyone else; hence why they're rich
You monkey gook I see liberalism at hand
Just because I see conservativism/liberalism doesn't mean I'm on either side
The buildings would be left leaning environments regardless of whoever were to fund them
Because they'd be taking on leftist ideologies
(That they are somehow "free")
I'm looking for the solution that is tried and true
Not whether it is left or right
If it is tried and true then I'll go for that
They won't pay them if they haven't been paying them and it is apparent to the general public
Wonder why? I honestly wonder why? Is it because left or right are working in unison so that they pay not? Or what? Who? What? When? Where? Why?
here you go
>tax corporations hard
>literally a fraction of their income between 4% to 12%
I don't know the answer but checks and balances are to be made otherwise it will look like one of those distopian future movies where corporations run countries. Im just saying that corporations for the most part are shrewd, so you'd have to give them big incentives to stay in the country while taxing them out their asses.
Maybe take other countries money while giving them other benefits?
You’re so single minded that I’m not sure you could even understand the big picture.
All those conservatives aren’t the same people, they don’t live for 1000 years, but there will always be a Conservative party no matter who’s alive. Read very carefully now so you can try to process this.
As a whole, both parties have chosen to become more liberal as time went on, in line with the societies view and the effect of externalities on the US public. Liberals were just as racist as conservatives during the civil war, not to mention Abraham Lincoln was the one to actually free the slaves. Liberals did not beat back conservatives at every turn for the good of humanity, rather the views of the general public shifted together. There will always be extremes at both ends, that doesn’t mean the parties aren’t shifting, and you cannot blame common views of a time period on conservatives, the “change” you talk about is politically and socially driven by Americans, not just your precious liberal, just like conservatives are lashing out against trump today.
Another thing, you say conservatives are authoritarian tribalist cavemen, yet they want to reduce the size of the federal government and give power to the state. Just from what you’ve written I can tell you’re a sheep that’s completely uneducated on the subject, yet you feed off the confidence of your fellow idiots who can’t exercise lateral thinking.
lol yeah if you make corporations consistently pay 4% to 12% tax they will all get up and leave the USA
They already semi have their feet in the "doors" of other countries where they don't have to pay as much
and where will they earn their money? the thread is useless.
I don't know the numbers for free healthcare etc but I guarantee consequences, they would never just let the government stick their hands into their pockets and get away with it.
Perhaps outsource entire departments to other cheaper countries? IDK but its just how businesses think
McDonald's leaving the US huh
maybe if we had more consistent laws on an international level they would have nowhere to go and we wouldn't have to blithely submit to corporate power
but muhh globalism
See Unemployment rates may jump, for instance
There would be one country not to adopt the international level laws and all the business would go there, if only on paper.
It's the Jews
They want that
This whole thread displays how good the goyim are