user, I need help.
Will you help me?
User, I need help
No, but we will listen for personal entertainment
What do you mean
we won't help you, but we will enjoy your story.
Who are "we"...
I am getting a bit creeper out...
Yeah, what's the problem, user?
With what?
Well... what I need is simple. I want to get married to someone here. Anyone.
It is what they call "e-marriage". I'd like to engage in that and be married to someone. I want to feel fulfilled and have a e-husband. I do plan to be a good and loving e-wife, always listening and supporting my e-husband.
I wonder, is it possible? Does anyone want to e-marry me here?
STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you want e-kids, too?
Whoa... I never thought about this before... but I love children, so I can't say no!!!
I think we should stock up on e-money for a while before we get to that. Besides, there'd be plenty of time for us to enjoy and learn about each other.
Have any ideas for an e-honeymoon?
No... I don't know much stuff, it is just something I always wanted to do. I am not very good with planning...
How do you want to consumate this e-marriage?
What's a consumate
It's getting the most emotionally and sexually out of it.
Oh... oh my. I don't know... I like going with the flow...
Now I am embarrassed.
Is you a legal female
What's a legal female
Anyways... I must go... here's my account if someone wants to e-marriage with me...
Am I going to jail if I marry you
Then let's dance.
That's Kik, right?
Let’s find this ho
that's discord