My name is 久美穂 「Kumiho in English」and I am a representative of a society called in your language as Kitsune.
My mission is research and reconnaissance between humanity and their behavior.
Ask me anything and I shall answer.
My name is 久美穂 「Kumiho in English」and I am a representative of a society called in your language as Kitsune.
My mission is research and reconnaissance between humanity and their behavior.
Ask me anything and I shall answer.
Fuck you you fuckin weirdo
humans like taking other animals and sometimes other humans and pushing out excrement into their mouths as a greeting. they do the same thing with urine as a goodbye. they also find a breeding partner by vomiting into each other's assholes and pushing it back out into their mouths. we also have jews
Yo dyou know any pedo furries? I’m looking to kill someone today because my mom took away my PS Vita.
That's that faggot mask that that drift character from fortnite uses. Is everyone in your species, or race, or nationality, whatever the Fu k you guys are, are you all faggots? Drift is a gay character, so I think you guys are faggots.
I am aware that humans actually can be disgusting creatures. That doesn't take away their scientific value.
I do not know, human. However I am sorry for your loss. I hope you will get your favourite console soon.
We don't really have the concept of "gender preference". We just love a living being, not a gender.
Do you get some kind of gratification from doing this? Why do you spend precious time out of your life for this?
Nice try, SCP-953. My liver ain't for sale.
We live in a time where people are used to that every single things needs a purpose. Needs a certain gain or reward. But it is not the case at all.
Haha! Good one, stranger.
uh actually your name is Jiu Meisui
Going to use them as wp thnx
Whats the square root of 69
I'm sure my first name is Kumiho, my friend.
Glad you liked these.
not in China
why u have double ears
I will take dis one 2
Nice larp
Here have another one
Do you have weed in your galaxy? Here on Earth. People really love weed.
why latin america is so fucked?
To hear better I guess.
Thank you. A really nice picture.
Faggotry confirmed. Its not about what you think or feel, it's about what is. There is obviously a difference between male and female, but if you want to pretend there isn't, then maybe you're not as advanced as you lead us to believe
We have a lot of psychoactive substances, much stronger than marichuana or similar ones.
Because of the people, I think.
Or maybe. We are that much advanced that we do not really care anymore about that. Because in the long run it's completely irrelevant.
What do you eat?
Rice, blueberries, sometimes meat.
What kind of meat?
We hunt on animals so rabbit, sometimes a weasel. However I'm a fan of fishes.
How can I join the Kitsune
Bold words for someone in the tail-fluffing distance.
Nice face hat. Where’d you get ut
You are born as a kitsune, silly.
I like being in a certain distance from... Basically everything.
To my defense, I don't wear a kitsune mask.
I mean like, I’m white but I can be black if I commit a crime and hide in the ghetto. What’s the human to kitsune equivalent?
Then why post one as the first image
That's not very inclusive. You need more diversity.
I think it is more about gaining knowledge. Work on being smart and intelligent. Our people perceive these values as the most important ones.
prove you a kitsune fox thingy, tits or gtfo
Ok. I’m pretty smart. Do I get a postcard or something?
Because it's cool, isn't it?
It's not that simple.
I'll see what I can do.
Looks like the mask from fire emblem. Wait, aren’t the Kirsten the people from fire emblem fates? ARE YOU FROM FIRE EMBLEM?!?! AND IF YIU ARE REAL, AND A SECRET SOVIETY, THEN HOW TF DOES SHIGERU MIAMOTO KNOW ABOUT THEM?! IS HE A KITSUNE IN DISGUISE?
Send it to the following ADRESS
21114 Bristol Edge
San Antonio TX 78259
United States
AAAAnd I’m gettin banned.
i think that you are a brain damaged schizophrenic
Here, I can only say that there are people who knows, that we exist and we have a good relations with them.
All the myths and legends... Are just myths and legends. But they came from somewhere.
Is that your real address?
Aren't we all?
yes. I want to be a part of the kitsune
gimme fox powers
I asked first
Hm.... Okay then. Be patient.
lets both get fox PoWeRs
I can give you both my blessing. Is that enough?
No wait that’s not mine.
I’m not gonna post my ADRESS to Yea Forums. Gimme an e-mail. I’ll email it to you.
WhAt CaN i Do WiTh ThIs BlEsSiNg
It'll provide you a fortune, health and good luck in your life.
What's your motivation?
Can i become a kitsune and how many tails you got?
You are either born as a kitsune or become a friend with them. I have two tails.
My parents. They gave me everything, and they died before I was 20 due to age. I want to keep my family (me and my dog) happy like they did. I hope I can have a child that I can give everything to, and be with for a longer time than my parents were with me
I am really sorry about your parents. But why do you think fox people would be any help for you?
Cause maybe they would accept me as family, as I’ve been missing mine half my life. I mean, I can talk to my dog, but he can’t talk back. He can comfort me, be he can’t give the same comfort a family can.
How am i able to contact you further after this thread ends?
I would really recommend that you should pick up close relations with people around you. Do not seek comfort in mystical creatures, please. It is not the way for you, my darling.
Stop trying to reap off my attempt at salvation.
Most of the time it's impossible. I appear and disappear on Yea Forums in different, random times.
What os are you using?
Both Windows and Linux interchangably.
I have one other person around me, and he’s my boss. I feel like mystical creature could help. I’ve attempted multiple times, but my dog is the only thing that has stopped me. He’s almost on the verge of death. 12 years for a minurature schnauzer. He’s becoming more and more like a statue. Unwilling to get out of bed. I’m afraid one of these days, he’s not going to come out of his bed. Maybe, I could connect with you creatures. I have an offextion for animals more than humans. They are pure, because they have been unaltered by the society we live in today, making for more and more toxic humans. Maybe it is the way. Then again, you know best. All I’m asking is for a chance. Because when gotti does go to sleep forever, I’ll be lying there next to him, in a pool of my blood. I don’t want to do that, yet it seems inevitable
Listen, my dear. We are a lot but even we, cannot defeat death. Please, I am sure you gave your puppy the best life he could even imagine. When his time will come, let him go. If you really understand animals better than humans that's the first step of becoming aware. Just keep on fighting with your daily struggles. Perhaps one day you will understand something. Something very important.
I know I have to let him go, but I can’t. I can’t let love like his leave me. It’s like breaking a part of me off and killing it. That’s why I’m asking for an alternative. Let me be a member of the Kitsune. I just want to be appreciated. I’ll do anything to get in. I just need someone to love and someone to appreciate me.
Do you like dogs?
I feel in my soul that you are a good person. Someday you will be rewarded for that. But please. For now. Keep fighting for what's yours. Your career. Friends. Keep care of that. And finally you wil be loved. We will be watching. ;) That's not a joke.
They scare me a little.
Checked m8
May I ask, how can you tell? For all you know, I could be a serial killer, or a criminal. Words are just words. Let me show you in person what kind of person I am. Please, let me join
Words are words, but I can look into people souls. Be patient. young human.
Ok. I’ll try and hang on. Ill just wait for a signal that you’ll come to me and let me join.
I’ll try and talk in the next thread to you. I just hope you remember me.
This is Dennis, signing off.