why can't socialists define socialism?
Why can't socialists define socialism?
becasue the "socialists" youre talking about arent actually socialists.
are you suggesting they're communists?
no im suggesting theyre social democrats
we said the same thing
i mean, if youre going by that logic i can say that there is no difference with the kkk and conservatives.
I don't think most people know the difference between social Democrats and socialist
Bring back the anti atheism threads.
Socialism is communism for the bourgeoisie
well i guess i need to take a step back, who are you calling a socialist?
I'm not calling anyone a socialist I'm just saying people don't understand the difference between social Democrats and socialist
you keep using that word, I do not think you know what it means
here you go
wait nigga im so fucking lost right now, are you on the left or right?
Does it even matter? All I'm saying is that a social Democrat and a socialist are two different things
If they properly define it no one will like it.
yeah thats what i was say too lmao. i thought you were some steven crowder fan boy coming here to agrue that bernie was a communist.
Why can’t retards define aphasia?
Yeah I'm far from a Steven Crowder fan
Socialism: worker ownership of the means of production.
Note that this definition does not include universal healthcare, slavery reparations, environmental regulations, or anything else that conservatives routinely describe as "socialist." These policies are capitalist responses to capitalist problems. They have nothing to do with socialism.
bless up brother
Are you right or left leaning btw?