Liberals can't refute this
Liberals can't refute this
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gee i wonder why i had all the BLM ads on facebook in an area that has no blacks
>Sticky Dicks,the soap opera
Today's the episode in which Emmanuel jumps in the toilet seat to save his brother who was drowning
the burden of proof is on you, faggot
nobody gives a shit about the DNC emails. the russia problem is that they infiltrated social media with fake news to divide the country.
the key findings from the mueller report aren't even about trump's alleged collusion with russia. what matters is the numerous instances of obstruction of justice
sweetie, the issue is that Russia chose your president
If they'd wanted Hillary to win, they'd of leaked the video of Trump being pissed on by a 5 year old
You need to prevent them choosing, that's the point
People used social media to discuss politics? Holy shit lock him up!
Wait, what fucking video? Holy shit lmao
that's a complete mischaracterization of what I said, and either way no, that's a separate issue that has little to do with trump as far as I know. russia used misinformation and fake accounts, ads and pages to increase the political divide in the US
bernie and russia are two completely different issues...
this. russia spent millions on buying facebook ads for trump and putting their twitter botnet towards pushing the trump narrative.
Sweetie, the bigger problem is that you allowed Rachel Maddow to convince you that Americans believe what the Russian bots are saying and they wouldn't have formed an unfavorable opinion of Hilary Clinton if it wasn't for those bots.
>it has to be the Russian bots that caused Hillary to lose, it just has to be
>otherwise, I was wrong about everything I said for the entire year of 2016
Since you won't consider a conservative source legitimate, here is a progressive source:
That is the weakest argument I've ever heard. Please, shut the fuck up. You're doing your side no favors.
This is bait.
What I see here.
Side A: You lost because your stupid. People don't like you as much as you think, and they trust the media less and less.
Side B: Nah Ah, your a poppy head! Russian bots lalalalalalalalalalalal Cant hear you lalalalalala
Side A: Your a Poopy head! lalalalalalalala Im not listening.
You BOTH need to grow the fuck up and stop believing everything people tell you.
No video. Like all of the Left's "dirt" it was made up bullshit that never actually existed.
Every Democrat politician and voter should be summarily executed.
thinks a handful of twitter trolls swung an election
what a moron
the story is the message and truth got out before enough people eyes
The Democratic party controlled media propaganda got dunked
their not standing for that shit, fuck the truth you think what they tell you to think
and by trump you mean bill Clinton lol
i think you meant centrist cucks
Wait, you think "election meddling" is referring to the Hillary email leaks?
Are you retarded?
So your saying that it would have sided with the Democratic Party if those voters weren’t persuaded by things on Twitter. Huh thanks for pointing that out
Literally no one cares
Observed em
What is it like being such a total coward all the time?
And the media spent billions producing propaganda for the Left and continues to do so today. So get fucked, McCarthy.
What does it refer to, Sherlock?
>Republicuck logic says that because Hillary is dirty we can't hold Trump accountable for also being dirty.
Imagine being this tribal and retarded.
The cowardice of your indecision is showing.
In what way, specifically, is Trump "dirty?"
What universe do you live in? He's a racist misogynist Islamophobic fascist.
I don't believe any of the Russia shit and I never did.
I just think Trump is an awful president that's fucking up our foreign diplomacy.