Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread
American Education Edition

Attached: Amber12.webm (454x760, 441K)

Other urls found in this thread:


if Kateanon swallows I will fly to the west coast to be with him edition

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A private sloot!

Every drop, yeah. Why so interested?

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not so soon but still SOON

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I mean, kinda, kek

>Every drop, yeah.
oh my

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it just turns me on, sorry. I'll stop with the questions.

>hydrateanon likes to dehydrate people
I'm not angry, just disappointed

Attached: RiRi Green.webm (250x444, 392K)

If being gay was okay then natural penis shrinkage would not occur. But it does. The more gay men that don’t use there dicks properly will see a 5% decrease in size each passing year.

keep arguing about this dumb shit in the old thread please

5% from the original size or from current size?

Citation needed

It's okay, you're fine

Attached: dietcokeisgross.jpg (1118x1716, 134K)

no I didn't assume that. however you implied gays don't have any effect on evolution. the dicks getting smaller has nothing to do with it.

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This needs to be talked about now. Or it won’t be talked about at all.

From its current size

I'm scared. I'm already small. I don't want to lose so much.

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Just don't be gay

i hate going to town

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I'd go to town on your boypussy

Not possible.


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i already beat you to it, last night

Kateanon suck me dry 2020

Well it reaches a plateau. The smaller the gay penis is the slower the loss rate will be. Eventually it will reach a point where no loss occurs. That point is around 4-5 inches. But rarely it will shrink to 3 inches.


Citation needed

oh fug

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I'm already around 4 inches :(
Maybe it will stop now

He literally got trips, what more do you need? He is clearly telling the truth.

Satanic trips. are you implying the Devil would tell the truth?

not user but yes of course. that's why he's the bad guy

Attached: KSsuchafknqt.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

Yes, he always told the truth. The devil isn't evil, he just tempts you with the things you want deep down.

I don't even know what's being talked about anymore tbh. The first guy mentioned evolution but now he's just talking about a gay guys dick shrinking within his own lifetime, which isn't anything to do with evolution. It's just schizos all the way down


Attached: okay.webm (640x480, 123K)

>Cara will never bully you and drop your pants in front of the whole high school, revealing to everyone your tiny sissyclit
>She will never push you into the girls bathroom because "that's where you belong"
>She will never force you to drink her warm piss down to the last drop while you apologize for being so pathetic

Why even continue living?

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Hey Chad?

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can she smother me with her feet too?

I got a boner

These are the only things I want in life. Why no cara dom?

I'd do anything to have Cara bully me like that

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So you're saying humans don't evolve during their own lifetimes? Get out of here with your bullshit!

I'll jump in, apparently everyone wants to get bullied by cara. Me too!

Fuck yes

fuck off user

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Of course. If there's one thing Cara is, it's sadistic.

You're a ruralboi right? Makes sense, cities are shite


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Look at this fucker, mad he got usurped

what u want boi

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>she will never tie you down naked on the locker room bench and laugh at how you're squirming and moaning like the little bitchboy you are as she fucks you with her strapon

Bullshit, I go swimming every day and I've already started growing gills.

thank you based Cara

abuse my prostate Ms. Cara!

yes, i live in the mountains outside of town

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this thread is weird


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leaking precum

oh shit, cougarnon?

it's because of him

pls dont kill kiki

Really? And I am not even larping today...

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you can try, but goodluck is all i have to tell you

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is this the northy guy?

yes he massive gay

I want this sexy Lily to ride my pee-pee

Are you the og cara poster who used to post all the caras with the silly faces and stuff?

you've talked about it before, sounds like something out of a dream
how isolated is it? I pictured it like some cute cozy cabin by a stream but I'm sure I'm just romanticising it :3

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hi you
i would never. ever.

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yep, they just found a dead body on a butte nearby a few days ago

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long time no see, glad to have you around (no homo)

Ah dam. That was a german giggle. Fuck
It would be Teeheehee in english
Is your pee big enough for such a queen?

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that's me

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>she will never make you eat your own precum while she keeps on milking your prostate

we can scarcely hate anyone that we know

Attached: nathalieemmanuel_67202225_444841703027111_696417471784983387_n.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

have I seriously been reading that as 'hi hi hi' meaning 'hello hello hello' this whole time
am I a retard D:

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oh fuck please go on

is how girls say hi in a cute way when they are in highschool.

oh okay, cool :)

me too, fucking krauts amirite?

that sounds exceptionally gay
scarcely or secretly?

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I need her to ruin me

that makes me happy
we get swarmed by tourists in the summer months because of the lakes and rivers, its a normal house nothing fancy about it, but i have a lazy river down the dirt road from me

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I am the pepega. I forgot
Not in germany, that's the thing. And I totally forgot about it since literal months if not years
Yeah you are wondering about that when you talk to a cock addicted guy?

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Moar puhlease

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always thought germans were just saying hello a lot
gah damn

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Must look gorgeous in the winter though

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We are not chinese! Yet

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What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
I will try not to sing out of key

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yeah we get alot of snow here, good exercise
i post pics on disc sometimes during snow storms

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where are you from? Colorado?

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fuck off shillon

fuck Germans tbh fam

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Never, except kiera, she hot af

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I do not have you on disc. Any chance of that changing? :3

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fuck the krauts, lets nuke em

I believe the word is scarcely
I think he means to hate someone is to not know them, and I think I mostly agree

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Thanks for that

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They will take over
You can only hate someone if you know them

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I wanna lewd kateanon :(

That not really him

me too but he's rejected me like 3 times so I stopped trying

I know lol

Me too :(

I don't get it. You guys aren't missing out on anything.

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>giving up that easily
for shame
I'm so down

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sure ill have to add you later when i get home, im about to leave for town
im right on the west coast

cuz ur cute

I believe it's more about wanting what they can't easily get

prove it daddy

think people want what they can't have
PLUS a lot of the time the sweet wholesome lovely anons turn out to be the most naughty, idk

I just want all the chill Anons as Discord friends so I can ditch this shithole

you got 4 2s in a row at the end of your post number

great :3

kek this is true

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maybe you disagree, or maybe you use a different 'know'

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Hell yea

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Quads checked

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>so I can ditch this shithole
It's not that bad, I don't think .. When there isn't spam or drama.

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Pretty sure I'd hate Hitler even if he was a nice with kids and animals

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ya, she a super cute

Attached: Jodelle-Ferland-Feet-3141968[1].jpg (1080x1350, 1.8M)

that's getting way too frequent for my tastes

but you're german? you should love him

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You'd only hate him because he's Austrian, you racist cunt!

True af. Austria is german in better tho tbh

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no they won't. daddy fat sacks aka the USA will keep those slant eyed faggots from the door. don't you worry bbyboi

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But I will pray for her, I will call her name out loud

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of course, there are always exceptions, and when it comes to things of this nature, he is most often one

Attached: missandei-is-dead-long-live-2229604.jpg (2000x2400, 989K)

I'm not a fag Lily...

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daddy big sack aka chad will protect us?

Oh, can't anybody see
We've got a war to fight
Never found our way
Regardless of what they say

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dat filename


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Actually got a real laugh out of me.

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Storm, in the morning light
I feel, no more can I say
Frozen to myself
I got nobody on my side
And surely that ain't right

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My tongue fetish likes...

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Vicky's sister

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Dem Reed feet

Is there a derpier name than Jodelle

my everything likes

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you miss the point, if I say peacocks are colourful, showing me an albino one is not very meaningful

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I think it would be nice to kiss a moner on the lips

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>American education
Irreprehensibly wrong

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It's still not right what you say imo

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you're welcome

actually think it quite suits her

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very nice

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I don't often like septum rings but she really pulls it off

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better to shove cock between them

Attached: moner lood.webm (742x740, 456K)

that is ok, you don't have to agree with me or him

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I would drink her mouth water

Can I haz date plz?

Attached: Meikadreamdate.webm (480x600, 1.81M)

I'd let her give me a liquid nitrogen enema


Who wouldn't?

Watch out

Attached: Meikaalpha.webm (640x640, 1.36M)

Imagine if she sold it like that girl who sold bath water.



So nobody from b

moner is for looding

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i want to squeeze my onworthy cum out for her

I'd buy the whole stock.

She definitely would do it.

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That hoe

Everyone here then

dump it into a tissue and throw your pathetic load in the trash where it belongs.

>aim it at my mouth, daddy... you know i dont like it when it gets in my hair

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we aren't gay, we just like getting men off

You'd buy the whole stock.

or else?


Attached: 2019-07-31 00.58.54 2099731606834175513_256404863.jpg (1080x1350, 181K)

but ... it's your daughter

come disc caraboy


Attached: 2019-07-22 23.11.14 2093879207038751126_1702555068.jpg (1080x1350, 179K)

Hhnnggg fuck!


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Marilyn is a timeless beauty

I think so too. Wonder if she likes being cslled Micah though.

you think mom has trained lily in the art of public trading and sharing in the limelight?

public teasing*

think really careful about what you are going to post next

Attached: isabela-moner-dora-and-the-lost-city-of-gold-press-conference-in-beverly-hills-08-01-2019-7.jpg (1280x1918, 223K)

That user wasn't me..

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Hope so

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no it's not

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Attached: isabela-moner-dora-and-the-lost-city-of-gold-press-conference-in-beverly-hills-08-01-2019-5.jpg (1280x1918, 242K)

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Fuck, Pey is perfect.

Attached: 12.jpg (1367x2048, 308K)

U have very lovely daughters. Knocked up 4 different women and not running off? Respect.

better not bring that micro penis game


Attached: monerjiggle.webm (782x657, 627K)

back, what'd I miss?


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Other Brie please

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Attached: moner.webm (780x438, 1.98M)

Yes thank you

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Late arrival;who is that girl?


lewding is sin

Attached: Rihanna2.webm (612x1080, 1.64M)

Fapping hard

Attached: Isabela-Moner-Feet-4158802.jpg (2484x1863, 531K)

Eat your greens

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Isabela Moner

Attached: 35.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

How can you post vids like that and expect me not to lewd?

what a run of posts right here, sums up /cel/ well

Attached: gg602.jpg (1280x1533, 146K)

Still on that /Nofap/? :P

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Imma eat you

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Eat the bodies

I expect you to resist your urges and be well rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven

yes :p
might be even longer than I thought -_____-

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Attached: moner3.webm (1360x1176, 1.29M)

Is it not this week?

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Attached: moner7.webm (780x438, 1.99M)


why haven't I watched this movie yet lol?
Moner, Rosefu and based Marky Mark all together

end of the week I think, last year it was like the 7th

Attached: Rihanna3.webm (450x450, 672K)

Karen is best

Take that back!

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>talking that shit in what is clearly now a moner thread.

user... that is not wise.

Attached: moner9.webm (920x384, 1.92M)


For me, it's sweaty Pudgens

Attached: 14.jpg (1767x2566, 922K)

Sorry, redheads are top tier


sweaty huh

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Attached: moner12.webm (480x852, 1.06M)

>no sweat
that's the opposite of what I asked for smh


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I want to be her foot stool

are you joking or blind?



that is clearly a sweaty hudgens

Rock solid

it literally says 'no sweat'

oh... shit.. you're one of the ones who can read, my bad user.

More Lilly Mo nudes when?

fucking cunt. imagine if she or any celeb said the same thing about blacks. ALL these young black men illegally obtaining guns.. Scary!

she should not wear shorts.