Femanon here. So I've been dating a guy for 3 years and I really love him. He really wants me to do scat play. Not even just like poop on him but poop while hes in my butt. I really love him but lately he's insisting that I do not love him if I won't and I'm freaking out. I'm worried I'll actually puke if I try and he will leave me if I won't. Help me Yea Forums what do I do?
Femanon here. So I've been dating a guy for 3 years and I really love him. He really wants me to do scat play...
leave him. wtf is that ultimatum "do what i say even though you hate it or i ll leave you". he's obviously not into you and is just using you for his sexual desires. wake up
happy birthday
Its really important to him though and hes done a lot for me.
This. Find a dude who isnt going to threaten to leave you if you dont shit on his dick.
Could be more to it than that.
obviously not as important as taking your feelings into account. first of all he should understand that is fucking gross and most people would find it gross too. He should understand not many people would be into it. And to force your gf into doing it or break up, that's a huge red flag. What other ridiculous ultimatums will he give you in the future and use "breakup" as a way to threaten you? Have some more respect for yourself, just because he's done a lot for you before doesn't mean you owe it to him to do scat play with him
he seems emotionally abusive, OP. don't try to talk yourself into it if you're going to fucking puke if you do it. And think about the shame you'll feel afterwards
Tits or GTFO
You should do it. Step up and shit on his cock and please your man or go date a guy who beats you. Retard.
If you wanna do the poo poo, you do the poo poo.
If you don't wanna do the poo poo, do not do the poo poo.
Each of these actions have consequences. You must accept them as you make your choice. I think you truly want the latter but you're worried that you'll be alone or he'll get upset or some shit.
I live at HIS apartment. This would undo my whole life.
Better get nose plugs then whore.
user's right. I got nothing against depraved fetishes, but if you're gonna have them, understand reciprocity. You have no moral obligation to commit to a sexual act. Asking repeatedly is kind of annoying and can be overlooked. But threatening to end everything over it is what a manipulative asshat would do.
Ultimatums are basically threats. And threats don't come from a place of love. Seems like he's not into you the way you are to him. You love him. He loves that he has someone that has sex with him and might shit on him.
Not to mention that that's fucking weird. Monkeys and mentally ill people play with shit.
You can come live here, I only need bj's and pussy. And to eat your pussy :)
>worried he will leave me
Dumb bitch is overreacting like dumb bitches do.
Why isn't this happening?
Tits or GTFO!!
Get a job, move out, or move back with your parents or with a friend. Stop depending on others that'll destroy your life. You're surrendering your entireself to him- basically his slave in both your body and your mind. Are you so foolish you can't see that? Stand up for yourself stop being so pathetic. Living at his place is not an excuse to force scat play with him.
Why live with a beta apartment dweller when you could chill with a chad home owner :^)
OP is a troll, and this thread is full of Reddit niggers moralfagging. You dumb cunts think people come to Yea Forums for advice?
I have. Might be 2 nonretards. But not for this. She shit shit on his dick like he says or show tits.
Clearly you dont love him. He loves you so much he is even turned on by your shit. So much so he want to make love to your shit hole. This is something special that you should honestly respect. If not then it's obvious your not really dedicated to him or your relationship with him. Hes not asking for much and if you cant even squeeze out a bit of shit for him then you literally dont give a shit about him.
is your boyfriend andy sixx?
also,im pretty sure pooping on his dick will end up giving him a uti
Oh no, people were solicited for advice that will never be used. Whatever shall they do with the lost minute?
This. (You) awarded
>Waaaaaaah. Its poop
Women are fucking spoiled.
Could be b8 but whatever. Im also femanon who dated a guy really into scat. It was fucking gross, and he used to do the "sex is about pleasing your man," and proving my love by doing disgusting things for him even though it was genuinely uncomfortable. Sex isn't one sided and he should care about your feelings, not manipulating you into fulfilling some twisted porn fantasy.
Once you start doing shit, literally for him, he is not going to want to stop.
My (14/f/cali) boyfriend (52/m/israel) wants me to literally shit on his cock while he's balls deep (3.5 inches) in my ass. I really love him, he buys me anything i want, but I'm scared that blasting ass on him will make me sick. Is this rape?
Mamaries or departure poopwhore.
He needs to find someone that is comfortable with his fetish. If you are coming to Yea Forums to talk about this, then you're not comfortable.
If you're not willing to defecate on someone, you don't really love them and you don't deserve their love or respect. Mutual defecation is the highest form of showing affection.
Classic wrong attitude. Such a common mistake for younger women to make. It's not that he would be using her more that hes celebrating every part of her. Her fear and reluctance is brainwashing of a prudish society. She needs to reclaim her power and take a huge shit on her mans cock without shame. Dont you dare slut shame her.
If you're a person who is playing with shit for sexual gratification, you're sub human.
Also, op, lots of people have offered advice and that's honestly more than you deserve. Take the advice or fuck off and go play with shit, you stupid fucking dung Beatle. Go be in your shit relationship where you guys roll little pieces of shit into perfect spheres and then you throw them a eachother.
What the fuck else do you want, op? Fuck off
Super gross. Sane people draw the line thier. Your life is going to get much worst if you cross this point. Anybody who says otherwise has a mental disorder. Like your boyfriend for instance. Sounds like he needs therapy and not awful sex acts
what’s up?
Bingo. Listen to this guy.
Your choices are these
Become a degenerate
Retain some semblance of dignity
Very sexist answer. She has the right to shit on any dick she wants and if that's her truth then how dare you try to oppress her.
Sure is fucking Reddit in here.
Lol your boyfriend is a faggot and you’re a faggot for dating him
I used to force my girl to shit into condoms then freeze them and we would sword fight with them later while she rode my shit covered dick. She didnt mind that much.
You fucking cunt just shit on his cock. It’s not like he wants you to eat it or anything. It’s like normal just push a turd out ffs.
Learn your goddamn place and realize you’re only as good as your holes.
You have to go back.
this, plus
>Rule 30
still applies.
Wow you're a real actual unironic shit whore? You're fucking whacked.
How proud are your parents?
Holy fuck leave
Couples Counseling. He might be going through a mental breakdown and this might get him to start getting help.
I'll try to convince him. I'm not sure I can but I hadn't thought of that.
not happening cuz it's a dude/trap
>It’s like normal
dick in your ass is 'normal' for faggots only. and your mom.
Based doflamingo pepe
Don't fucking do it, I talk from experience. I used love love the fuck out of my ex but her kink was femdom. So I let her do it once to satisfy her, but no. She wanted more and more so I ditched that shit. Same thing WILL happen to you if you comply.
how difficult is it to shit while someone's plowing your ass? asking for a friend.
Dump that freak.
I've done in. Wouldn't ultimatum it. Pushing on the turd feels good. Not hard.
Tits or GTFO
Either way that's retarded
"Love" doesn't transcend reality
If I don't want to take a shit on somebody that don't mean I don't love them, I can still love you without ever wanting to take a shit on you
Let him leave
Love don't mean you'll be a slave unless you're into that