Being racist is the absolute worst way to live life, you actively turn what would be a common interraction into a prejeduiced challenge for yourself. By actively believing a race is inferior/evil/priviledged, you are feeding yourself a coorporate lie made specifically by coorporations who are out to use your young and confused mind to make profit.
You are feeding coorporations, you are a tool, you're a fuel source.
Being racist is the absolute worst way to live life...
you are a nigger.
yeah racism is pretty fucking gay
Op is inferior to the Aryan race and does not know what true superiority feels like
>tfw I am the aryan race
to be fair, niggers are about as animalistic as it gets. Racism seems rather redundant in this case.
Lol that nigger lost his life over a few years in jail probably
>Denying objective reality and human instinct makes me a cool guy!
No tactics whatsoever just walks TOWARDS his targets firing his gun. What a tard.
I've made more friends being racist than not.
People don't like you if you don't have strong opinions.
You have to hate a race to make good friends with worthwhile people, people who don't have intense hatred are uninteresting and characterless. Also hating niggers and gooks gave me a lot of reasons to ascend to the next level.
>corporate lie made specifically by corporations
Right thats why all major corporations (esp google) actively censor racist and promote jewish faggots like yourself to subvert white society. Fuck off jew.
looks like the cops miss quite a few times as well, even after he's down.
>no tactics
indisputably agreed. Even if nignog remembered to use a car for cover, he would use the front end where the engine compartment is located. But that's too high of an expectation.
have you ever rapid fired a handgun?
>Being racist is the absolute worst way to live life
Everyone should be hated equally.
To believe someone is inferior for just being a race is dumb. To not believe that someone has a better statistical chance of being a good person and races arent statistically different as a whole is also dumb.
i dont care as long as i get to call people niggers
Here's an idea, you fucking brainlet. You don't have to talk shit and get upset about every nigger you come across. All that needs to happen is no race mixed children. It's simple. Don't fuck niggers. No hate necessary.
No niggers and spics should be hated more for their aversion to whites and white culture, high crime rate, hatred of American rights (1st and 2nd amendment), low IQ, high food stamp participation rate 43% of nogs and 17% of beaners vs 8% of whites on foodstamps, and propensity to vote for whoever offers them the most gibs from the white man. Along with that we have the MSM, big tech, etc. refusing to allow speech against them and government agencies saying its okay to give them advantages over whites for the sake od diversity.
Tell that to the niggers and the chinks and the spics and the Jews
off by 1 rip
>hating one group more than the other
Sheltered 14 year old soft middle class,neo-yuppie scum detected.
oot checking
>noticing trends and patterns is a moral failing
Nice try, hebe
Great argument enlightened centrist faggot "hehehe i hate everyone equally egen though nigs and spics are measurably worse"
Youre a literal subhuman
Different races are different. Perhaps not inferior per we, because that requires an objective standard against which each race can be measured, but every race differs from every other in intelligence, psychology and to some extent physiology. Visceral hatred of other races for this fact is illogical and unpleasant but if you have to deal with another race that's very dissimilar to your own I can understand a negative response.
Personally, I do not find engagements with black people to be pleasant and I believe that Jewish people are malicious and distasteful. I don't have issues with other races and their proclivities.
I consider that the power structure stokes race-hatred primarily against whites, but also encourages vulgar race-hatred of whites against nonwhites as a fallback position. The true solution is for all other races to unite and oppose the Jew, who is at fault for many of the world's problems and most of the Western world's racial problems. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Don't be upset kiddo, and remember to recycle, think of all the poor creatures on the ocean :((((
Having a political outlook on things is for sheltered 14 year old soft middle class,neo-yuppie scum
LMAOing at your life
I remember when I was young, and believed the same retarded nonsense as OP.
The real world has a way of showing us how deluded we are.