Your 15 year old son comes out as a faggot

>Your 15 year old son comes out as a faggot
How do you react?

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Not really care tbh.

What son?

Rather that then a heroin addict

tell him to suck my dick to prove it

I would IMMEDIATELY educate him about the danger of the Jews and the false holocaust. Remember the 6 gorillion

I have no son

Tell him it's a sin, but Jesus still loves him

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This, seeing how heroin is so bad where i live they put a road sign stating how many people died form overdose during Christmas season.

skin him

be happy cause he won't die alone like me

Couldn't help but wonder if he fapped to my cock in the rate threads

ask him why he's still single (hint it's because he's an incel)

Well, if I raised him right, he wouldn't give into those temptations. It is one thing to think about doing something; it is another thing to go out and do it. I myself have had bisexual desires since I was 13. (I have told my "story" on this cancerous site before). I believe in God. And before anyone says anything about that, I don't care what you think about my beliefs. If you agree with them, that's great. If you don't, okay. I would raise my son on those beliefs as best I could if I ever did have children. Though I have had bisexual thoughts (or namely, gay thoughts in this particular conversation) for more than 10 years. But, I have not acted on those desires because I would rather hold my spiritual beliefs at a higher place than my basic desire to get off like an ape. I am a Man, not an animal. If YOU choose to reduce yourself to that of a dog, that is your personal life choice. As for me, I would rather choose to hold myself to a higher standard. One with honor and dignity.

Edit: Scratch "But". I ended up backing up to type something different but left that in there by mistake.

Have fun fapping to boys in the closet. ;)

Can I see your dick

it's always funny when folks on Yea Forums say that they believe in god like what are you doing here you should be at church doing fellowship lol

I make sure that he grows up to be a good person.

Be happy that he's gay rather than becoming a transwoman.

I didn't have a son when I was 18, so I'd tell this person to fuck off.

>>i believe in god


Tf you gay?

The tldr for this is

I'm retarded and i cant do what i want because of it.

It's all about rejecting your desires. I'd like to not jerk it to ANYTHING. Let alone homosexual porn.
Nope. Sorry friend. Though it's so hot in this joint, I'm already only in a tee shirt.
I see this response to Christians all the time on this site. But, if you recall, Christ was asked a similar question by the Pharisees. They asked his disciples "Why does your master sit and eat with sinners?" He responded by saying "Those that are whole need not a physician: But those that are sick." He sat down with those who were broken BECAUSE they weren't perfect and BECAUSE they were degenerate. This place is not at all the wrong place. Even if I am rejected with the message I bring.

why are christian proselytizers so fucking gay. like miss me with that bible shit

Badly, then again, I shouldn't have started fucking him when he was 4. Kinda my fault i guess.

Sorry i cant recall that because i tend to forget bullshit.

>having kids

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As long as his boyfriend aint a nigger, A black persons fine but no niggers.

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Hand my wife 50 bucks. She won the bet

I'll make a new one

I remember when i used to be this retarded

Hurts to remember, doesn't it?

Well I don't just have gay thoughts and straight thoughts. I've got so many degenerate kinks, you may pass away of natural causes before I finished reading off the list. I've struggled with alcoholism for nearly a decade and I'm only in my mid 20's. I often dream of killing people in very awful and cruel ways. I mean I'm not the picture for perfect mental health. I find a reason to want to be different in my belief. I also don't refrain from doing what I find in the Bible to be truth because I'm s-c-c-c-cared of burning. I do it because I genuinely believe it to be the best way for a stable life and world. Actually, I have told others as well as even spoken it to God (whether you believe He is there to hear it is irrelevant to me): I said "Give me a heart of love, a mind full of wisdom, and a mouth of prophecy. Let me do good in this life as much as I can for the sake of all men if it be possible. And let me see Heaven if but one time. Just to see the peace that is there. Then, I would like to be utterly destroyed. Body and soul. I no longer wish to exist." I have let go of my desire to even get to Heaven and live forever. I hate myself and my life and everything in between. So I'm not doing this for brownie points with the Lord. I'm doing this because I genuinely believe in it. I already don't want to exist.

nah it feels good to know how much i've matured

As long as hes a top and not a fem fag we cool

lol I guess you shouldn't have started drinking at 15. if you wanna give your life away to a magic book that's fine by me

wait how did get my trap pregnant?

Don't have a son, have a daughter.

Me and the nurse were the first two people to see my daughter's head as she was on her way out of the old Play-Dough Fun Factory of Life.

If my daughter were to come to me and say "Hey dad? I'm gay", I'd give her a hug and say "Thanks for telling me."

That's like... about it.

So fucking what? Someone is gay. Someone is not gay. Someone is left handed. Someone is right handed. Someone has brown hair. Someone has blond hair.

This bullshit against queer people is just that: Bullshit. History and various societies have handled homosexuality differently, but one thing that's for certain: The sheer paranoia and prohibition against homosexuality is a psychotic religious bullshit construct. "Well you can't have babies!" Like having babies is somehow the only reason to exist? And besides, gay people can and do breed, very often having straight children.

So yeah. I'd die for my kid. Why should I give a shit if she's gay? I'd rather her fall in love with an intelligent woman than an ignorant, abusive man.

if i knew my son at all, i would have already known.

hooking up is a temptation. eating a doughnut when you are diabetic is a temptation. a sexual orientation is not. if you are so churched up, why tf are you here? are you some kind of evangelical missionary? if you are bi and don't fuck guys, that's cool. you choose to miss out on that part of your sexuality, that's cool. it's also kinda stupid. the trouble i have with you evangelical types is that you beat me over the head with your christianity. you know what? god gave us the option to ignore god. the consequences are on us, but still. this is a discussion, not a church service. so you can save your sermon, k?

Brainwashed automatons like that can only give sermons. It’s the extent of their cognitive abilities.

I fuck him in the ass until he repents. No fags in my household!

I accept him for what he is, and I support him. He is my son, and I personally have no issues with homosexuality.

I'd do the same thing my parents did when I came out as bi, also at 15 oddly enough
>"Ok user"
And then never talk about it again unless my son really wants to. Turns out I'm not really that bisexual anyways. By that I mean I find some men physically attractive but I can't do anything sexual with men. I've tried it's just not as good as being with women, dick doesn't really do anything for me

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get him condoms so he doesnt get herpes and aids because fags are sexually degenerate and fuck all the time.

Though I've already addressed the whole "service bit", I'll tell you the truth. I'm always caught between both sides of myself. I'd rather all of you be able to see things from my perspective and come around. But? I'd also like to stick you in the neck until your head rolls onto the floor because of how much I hate people. I could be a nice boy and try my hardest to be not only your friend and neighbor, but your brother. That's the way I'd rather it be. But again, boy do I constantly have an itch to just watch someone bleed. Suffer for all the shit they've put others through in their own ignorance and self pity. A terrible thing for sure. But, it's how I feel. There's one confession of mine.

Kek. A dog barf balloon factory.

better out than in


just play video games dude

ikr? what i don't get is, why here? is this like "ministering to the winos" in the movie sister act? if it is, do these people realize that whoopie goldberg's character was a FAKE nun? you would think that good little christian boys and girls would AVOID this place. i guess i should have mentioned wanting to visit Yea Forums is a temptation... ;P

kinda disappointed if he turned out to be a bottom. Submissive men are lame and I don't want that for my son. Though if that's the way he is, what ever. As long as he's happy.

>daughter wants to fuck boys
"be careful to ALWAYS use protection!"
>son wants to fuck girls
"be careful to ALWAYS use protection!"
>son wants to fuck boys
"be careful to ALWAYS use protection AND lube!"

He’s already dead

i think a daughter bringing home a bitchy man-hating bulldozer would be way worse, yo

>so yeah the other day I was talking to God and I said like
you're free to fuck off anytime you want

As long as he’s not a furry we’re fine

Yeah I remember when I was gay. Then I stopped being OP.

I would say him -No matter what, I will proud of you... as long you are not Christian by the way-

if he's 18, to go to the constantly popular dick rates? everybody is at least bi. pupil dilations. aids is gone. only for them. drumpf kav epstein and pepe the satan frogs only. tried to break the bible

Remember what I said user: "I don't care what you think." You could just as easily fuck off. Or we could fuck off in the same direction and I could rip your fucking face off and eat your intestines. I've only eaten one meal today.

Have anal sex with him immediately, of course.

dude have you considered instead of the non-solution of religion, maybe seeing a therapist? sounds like that could help you more than your 2000 year old fantasy book

You til the soil where ever you are called.
I was at Yea Forums for a year before I finally committed myself to God. I am not Op but I do often post Christian AMA threads here at Yea Forums. It has never been my goal to convert anyone else or to fill pews in any particular Church. I like to debate what the Bible actually says verses what so many folks in funny hats claim it says.

Truth should win out in those cases.

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Ok son, I'm proud you know who you are. Be careful don't get the aids.

When you find out hes smoking cigaretts you make him smoke a few packs until he's sick of them and wont do them anymore. So all you have to do is ram his ass all night and he'll get over it.

>it's just a phase, I get it

Yeah because another human being could "help" me find meaning in a life that otherwise has no meaning or purpose WITHOUT God. No, I think not. Though if you'd like to remove God (i.e. the ONLY thing preventing me from being the most selfish and rotten human being I can possibly be) from me, I suppose you are all more than welcome to give it a go. Of course, if said goal is achieved, I can't say what may happen as a result. I'd drop my restraints and do as I pleased, every time. You really can't say God hasn't protected people. He seems to be the only barrier between some men and murder.

say: time flies when your a faggot

truvada doesnt work on vag. want cancer? eat a yeast infection

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don't care unless he eats all the ribs

i think you have an anger problem coupled with homicidal tendencies. plus some cannibalism thrown in for good measure. and i thought i was fucked up. i've only eaten once today as well. it was delicious and did not contain any human flesh. how we got from gay son to this baffles me.

>Truth should win out in those cases.
And yet you're still a christian.

you sound crazy enough to actually believe that God is really keeping you from doing that stuff, so I guess it's all fine as long as you aren't violently killing people

Well the truth of the matter is that whether it were God Himself, or simply the IDEA of God, it still has the same effect. Does it not? So when I said that "God seems to be the only barrier between some men and murder." This was a case of fact. Whether it is God Himself or simply the idea of God, it's result is the same.

Whether the Bible is a work of fact or fiction, it's impact in the world is very real. So whether you believed God was acting of His own will and His own accord, or you believe it to be a book of philosophy and ideology, the results are the same.

well, i guess i'm not a selfish and rotten person. it must be terrible to have to live like that. John 13:15

not thrilled but 1000% loving and supportive

Not give a shit about it.

Man up.

He also likes pinapple pizza... so fucking wat? I dont have to eat it.. If he finds something he loves thats all good. Also: fag gatherings are awesome for scoring some E and poppers..

Because truth has won.

Christ existed.
He was crucified and arose again.

I believe this.

Many others have as well.

It certainly has not been dis-proven.

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Oh user. You've no idea. To be filled with as much hatred, bitterness, contempt and sorrow as I am? It eats you alive on the inside. I know I'm not the only one and I never claimed to be a special case. But that does not matter. I still feel it. I wish I could take all of it and just give it to someone all at once. Some kind of supernatural exchange so that I could finally have someone totally get it. Parts of my hate come from hurt as well. I hate all of you fucking bastards, but I also don't. Such conflicting emotions and thoughts I have toward you all. "The wolf you feed" type shit.

always a good time to see Yea Forums get b8'd

Grab the shotgun, call him a faggot, then blow his brains out.

Give him shit and fuck with him, same as before.

>I have a son and I am not an incel
feels good

how is having a gay son different than having a midget son? yeah you hate he's a fag/midget, but he's still your son - he is made of you and your wife, alone and scared, you are his creator, why would you abandon him? this isn't the 1960s when most people thought of gays as aliens or demons, in 2019 people know about gays a whole lot, so they're almost like actual humans. not to say there's nothing to be scared of, but to abandon your kid over being gay (or midget) is just something i cannot understand.

It still hasn't been proven, that's what matters. There's no evidence any of it happened.
It doesn't matter if you believe it or if everyone believes it, that doesn't make it true.

Can I be your son

its your fault he's gay, he's made up of your goddamn genes. so man the fuck up

post cock, maybe i did

we found the real retard guys.

I can make a new one, hopefully not a midget faggot.

if you're bi at least you have the option of enjoying being with a woman. gays don't. it's not fair to expect them to not enjoy sex - the issue with them that they're not "manly" i.e. don't reproduce (useless to the community) and are sissies in their behaviour -- pussies and act like girlygirls ... well fucken that's how they are! a tiger can't change his stripes... then there's hedonism and promiscuity - teach your son about how NOT to do those things and he'll be golden

If my 15 year old son comes out as a faggot, I've already fucked up as a father. Any attempt to fix a son after 15 years of the retarded degeneracy required to become a fag, is too little too late.

everybody is ignoring when i tell you the real anythings on this. muh shotties. somebody said it well. theyre your genes. youre fucken memeing and youre a pharisee antichrist. almost human eh? youre all sorts of fucked and in a bushel closet. no grabs no kavs no epsteins no pepe the satan frog. turkey basters. hiv is gone. only for fags. yeast infections cause all cancers. muh divorce and alimony and so on. stupid bread for mofos and liars. momwives were the sin of canaan. MUH PISS CUM N BEWBIEZ CHEESES. fuck off

dude are you ok? that whole post made zero sense

i posted in here. some memeing fake christian. your bloodlusts of own family that you created. you said theyre almost human. fucking listen to me. everybody is at least bi. pupil dilations. 88.7% of men are "noice". ppl r claimin christianity. do they know that drunk noah story? momwives were the prob. as you layeth? means NOT AT THE SAME TIME. you cant grab like drumpf. epstein is banned for same kav type devil's triangles. and. no pepe satan frogs. the fuck is the problem freud? mental illnesses are covers for spiritual problems. i dont have any mofo. call me high now. oops. weed. protecting refugees. and abortions. cuz we're all the children of wrath. all in there. as being good

gay too in fact. david and jonathan. ruth and naomi. born eunuchs. jacob and "peniel". people yabber. lie. dont know what the fuck theyre talking about. nobody does

can you try to speak english?

fuck off christ killing lying hooknosed one body with the gyno kike bitch ass. explain what confused you moishe. nothing did. oldest trick in book. call me high now mofo. like i fucken told u. so look what u did

I feel like your posts are just being randomly generated by a poorly trained AI.

masons believe in a divine vagina. as. you. layeth. as. was. in. leviticus. means. not. at. same. time. and. doesnt apply right now anyways. christ is order of melchizedek without parents and blessed abraham. no aaronic idol worshippers either. watch grease. after pussy wagons comes youre the one that i want. watch what happens in their "sex ride" in that video. YOUR. sexuality. and serpent seed. from the garden. is ruining the universe. like a pregnant woman ruins her body. like how you have a blood barrier in your balls and like an alleged man. all written

i would tell him, that faggotry is for the goym, not god's chosen people!

Don't care, probably tell a lot of gay jokes because I'm a dad. That is what old dudes do.

bagel fucking LIES. see directly the fuck above you ass nose. you had one job mort. killed God in incorporeal form. there are no figs left. clam chowder crowder. muh chosenites. israel is spiritual

Actually his post are being composed by both the holy and unholy spirits. (Psychs like to call this ID EGO and SUPER EGO.) There is at all times a dialogue going on in our heads between ourselves and good and evil.

Most do not understand this.

Psych call it mental illness.
Priests used to call it possession.

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youll have him kill himself. and then youll be like rasPUTIN the pedo and like kronos and like tsar alexander Kronos whom eats his kids. prophesied. 800K kids go missin a year and into mcdonald's hamberders. simpsons said this many times. they admit it. all in God's great plan. and maggie slides into a fan. the sugar rant was fall of man allegory. 1:44 minutes long. 144,000? undefiled by vaginas. watch the taxes episode too. the ball at the beginning with their new years? wiggum is shooting christ there. the "888"? that they say? thats His number. i hope this haavara nazis running around canada will be caught. all this shit is fake. especially on this topic. theyre already trynna say these nazis are fags. like they always do. kikes are mommy worshippers but hitler was a zionist. ettore ovazza. lies so they can be pedo like 88.7% of men have been proven to be. and. had "jew" family

instead of blending memes. do line by line green texts of where i fucked up. kys. you make kids lose their faiths. kill yourselves

There may still be some true jews about.
You are mistaking your enemy.
(Revelation 2:9)

It is not the true jews that hold sway over the Earth. It is the liars claiming to be jews.
The offspring of Cain.

These are those who were seeded in the crowd and demanded Pilate crucify our Lord.

Pray to our creator brother.
He can quiet the loud and obnoxious voice you hear. The one that accuses and comforts and then accuses again. You can have rest once more. Know that God has the Power to vanquish the other voice and will respect you if you ask him to leave you in peace as well. You can stop your suffering with our creators help.

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Don’t reproduce. You’re simpleton genes are only notch above niggers

Cut him out of the will.
He will lose out on 2-3mil when I die.
At least then he’ll switch up and be a closet fag in front of me.
Then I’ll say I’ll put him back in the will but never do it, and leave a video of me telling him that faggots all go to hell.

Don't have any kids so IDGAF.

But if I did, of either gender, and they came out as gay, still: IDGAF. Same with lovers of a different race. As long as
>they're happy
>their s/o treats them well
I have nothing to be concerned with. It's only if my (hypothetical) kid were UNhappy or were being abused that I would have a problem & would intervene.

Faggot, no way. Regular gay is A-okay.

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i know those things. no figs. no remnant. they die in revelation 11. all kikes will bow before their imminently approaching end times. area 51. peace plans. blah blah blah

With Laughter. Faggots are fucking funny. Their existence is so pointless it borders on the absurd.

I mean if it was my son I'd still love him. I'd just have another one.

I'm not sure those are the only options.

>Well, if I raised him right
>I believe in God

I think I see your problem, user.

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they dont tho. and then your rich ass goes to hell and just like now. with your lies and self hatred. make a kid to deflect on him. and youre already there. one way ticket bitchass. simple. irrefutable. golden rule. all this shit's been overturned anyways

I ask him why he feels the need to even make a big deal out of it and tell him that if he's going to keep making a big deal, fucker's out of my house. I don't care who you want to fuck as long as they're stable human beings.

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> I believe in god and I’m a MAN, not a savage who gives in to his lusts!! Now excuse me sir, I have to excuse myself to the most degenerate website I can find so I can furiously fap to traps, loli and rekt images online, maybe troll some niggers too idk yet.

Of course there are remnant about.
Who do you think are called the "elect" when Anti Christ is finally cast down in Gods wrath?

Christ said nearly all of the World would bow.
That does not mean we take joy in others suffering. Nor do we find ourselves compelled to cuss and curse at other who might mock us.

Strengthen your faith.

By all means question God in your mind.
But be still your fingers and your lips before you tarnish the reputation of our Lord.

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Facts > "truth".

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finish your circ. become a woman. you already allegedly did. you have all the diseases and original bestial sins and always have. and. youre disgusting. you eat periods and drink piss "cum". theyve 3 times more smeg. super gonorrhea u expect or cant see. they own you. this hurts u. youre an empty sack. post your dilated pupils to this stuff. proven. or else you would have ignored like i ignore your hooters and whatever else. and find hobbies
same thing. axes in congress mean these. to sacrifice em. same bundle stick words. those are called fascists. bushel closet fags are worst people in world. pedos. mofos. no balls. and etc. and see above. smollett was not gay though. these are what happen when one doesnt acknowledge the physiological pupil studies that they prove all these and more. then they cry and lie and make third temple and armageddon. is that what you want?


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7000 die in rev 11. christ killed the fig tree. theyre all fucken gone. elect are fags! elect are philly and the 144K and the two witnesses. philly is brolove. adopt your brothers
stop existing please. resurrect the garden. OOPS

gods not real lol. religion is a tool to control and you're a fucking sheep.

Facts matter not to Christfags. Don't waste your breath, they're a lost cause.

To the Christfags: I don't give two shits what you believe or what you don't believe. Live and let live. Just keep it out of my face, all I ask.

Wait, that's not true. I ask one other thing: if you see/hear of me or anyone else living their lives and certain aspects of our lives are different from how you live yours, or it contains elements that are contrary to how or what you think ought to be going on...

Pic related. Someone else's life = / = for you to comment on.

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the president showered with don jr. they know eachother's dick sizes. 88.7 bud. 88.7% of men are pedos. do the maths. all you do is scapegoat. how convenient. i found you though. post your pupils to gay porn. to pedo shit. ya fucken bushel closet fag mofo empty sack. MUH MOMWIFE. youre gon blow us all out. king james was bi. read about st sebastian. carrie? but reverse her gender. cinderella? reverse her animals and gender. two witnesses? all these. youre a mason. muh god is a woman. nail bomb attack

I don't care because I have real problems.

feeling guilty?

While I am a Democrat?
I am a Constitutionalist as well.
I like participating in the primaries but consider both parties to be rife with problems.

But Facts are things we have found to the best of our belief to be true. What is actually true still probably evades the vast majority of humankind.

Organized Religion does not have it right.
Science does not have it all neatly figured out either. Some where in the middle lies the truth?

But I assure you if you extract from the Bible only those things which are directly attributed quotes of God and Christ? You will be on you way to finding the truth. (and nothing is stopping you from practicing the scientific method.)

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Actually this happened to me. I started to grow suspicious when he came late home in the evenings and spending more and more time with another boy from school. Some boy who was a classic faggot. I lay down the law for him, and told him that as long as he lived under my roof he had to abide by my rules. At first he refused, so I changed the locks. After some nights he decided to follow my plan in order to help him. Fridays became his therapy day when we would go to our local Bible-group and he could meet other kids with the same mental affliction. Through prayer and discipline we managed to get him on the right path. Today he doesn't live in sin. He is a successful gym teacher and wrestling coach. He has not been in a same sex relationship since his first sinful indiscretion some 15 years ago. And once he finds the right woman he will no doubt start giving us the grandchildren we have been looking forward to.

I am a fool for God.
Not for men.

I read the Bible. I study and re-translate it.
I do not sit in a pew or pay tithes to men in funny hats. I am a skeptic of most of what men say and much of what they write.

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My definition of hell is ‘the grave’.
We all go there when we die faggot.

>mental affliction
Yeah love is like that but can't really expect you to understand something not written in a 2000 year old book...

I am a Christfag who often posts here rebuking either Christians. Here at Yea Forums all the threads are in your face.
You just have to decide which ones you want to participate in. But once you are in? Well then you are subject to debate.


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i would whip out my cock and say: "lets just see how good of a faggot you really are, suck me off"

Maybe it's time to grow up and stop believing fairytales.
I'm not that other dude, though.

What's it like being black? Sounds and looks like it's horrible.

I fucking beat him back to straight

I mean you have some of it right and some of it is left turn in Albuquerque.

Revelation 11 says nothing about 7000.

It IS about the 2 witness; and the power they will have once Anti-Christ is cast down among us. It ties strongly with Revelation 2 and 3 where are described seven churches. Five fail to find favor with God even though they preach the gospel of Christ. Two do find favor-Smyrna and Philidelphi. But that is not about Philadelphia (specifically) Although it might be about the USA in general? God does seem to favor the USA perhaps God likes religious freedom and an honest choice of those who follow him?

(The 144K are 12000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel not just the tribe of Judah and unspecified numbers of the Ethnos will also choose not to follow the Anti-Christ. The total estimate of men who will not bow to Satan when he is trying to fool them? Is 152,002.

Anyway glad to offer you some information hope you continue to make good choices.
May peace be with you.

Maybe it is?
I don't happen to believe the Bible is a fairy tale.
It is a very simple collection of texts from about 66 Authors. It is the History of the Hebrew people; not all of mankind. It is the promise made and fulfilled and prophecy about our future. But you have to be willing to read it yourself. With a proper dictionary (Strong's Concordance) So that you understand that an Auroc is a small ram, not a unicorn. That Noah's flood was not a Worldwide event. So you are not fooled in to thinking the original sin was eating apples or fruit. There is a lot to learn there. But you won't learn it from men in funny hats who are more interested in profits than in teaching you of Prophets.

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Furfags are literally worse than boot-licking cucks.

Have you ever had to be around a furry in real life? They're children in adult bodies, fuck anything that walks, tend to have crippling Coke/Addy/MDMA addictions and will harass you for sexual attention, regardless of gender.

Pray to the Norse Gods you never have some 37 year old bone-skinny furfag nuzzle up to your ear and make UwUwU sounds in your fucking ear.

I actually had to look that shit up and UwU is not a sound it is an emoji.

Are you having a stroke?


I care more about facts than silly stories from men who didn't know how the world worked. And even if the bible was full of facts, it still wouldn't be evidence any god exists, so I see no reason to believing a god does exist.
The bible has been altered and translated so many times that you can't possibly know what was in the original bible and what wasn't.

Well yes, I guess I just associate that emoji with the weird shit furries say in a trying-to-be-cute voice. a couple quotes from personal experience:
>"ooooo gib me pets plsss"
>"feed me feed me!"

I would go balls deep

I'd call him a faggot

"Well, thank God you're not a Muslim."

Lol..nut job

Actually we can and do.
The greater and lesser Massorah were created by Moses to prevent changes to them over time.

All Torah are transcribed from them.

But you are right there are men today who try to pervert the Bible and change it meaning and history. Luckily you will be forgiven for you misunderstandings and they will be punished.

Here let me tldr it for you.
*The Lord God is the one true God you shall love him with all your Heart all your soul and all your mind. Treat all men as brothers. Do into them as you would have them do unto you.*

That is the whole kit and kaboodle in a nutshell.

Good luck in this journey called life.
Hope yours is short and sweet.

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You mean pedophiles.

Why are they at all special?

suck his young hard cock and sleep with it in my mouth

the heads of conversion camps are fags. androphobic republigoyim are too. franklin scandal. and on and on. ok epstein? moore? putin pedo? tory smith's allegations against momwife pence? ok, marlon bundo, pence's bisex bunny? fucken whores

see the post just written on conversion camps
>spilling your own blood
it's like youre punchin self in face

kill yourselves. mental illnesses are covers for spiritual problems. only you have em. only i say truth. this pisses u off. all replies to me are same. ad homs
read it again. 7000 die in its earthquake. 144K undefiled by only vaginas anyways

Kick him in the nuts

Is he a fag or is he just gay
Cause if he's just gay like Neil Patrick Harris then idgaf. If he's a fag I'll kick the shit out of him for being such a fucking faggot, like holy shit you little bitch no son of mine is gonna be a fag. I'll send him to Finland for military training

you dont have any. in momwife's purse

eddie murphy used paid and literal man whores

Nah that isn't my son anymore that's a faggot

That's pretty fucking gay

just normal

I can made another one

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two men. make test. more man. more test. two women. same but opposite. each cry about other. but when two women are seen as "more manly" this is great n fake. n two men are womany. so theyre shit like my one woman over here. and like i just told you. fake and hetero! homiesexual. homo sapien. homer the homer. mkaaay

i could care less.
who you have sex with on your own time is your business, if hes happy im happy.

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mofo bottom bitch one body gyno dyke
hypocritical like you. pupil dilations. if you think you could split hairs like him? youre a butters' dad faggot
zz duck hunt show is anti gay cuz ducks are hugely gay so all he does is make fake sex calls for em. like you do with humans. MUH TWO GOILS MUH ONE GERP

nah nigga dat was feminine penis

hear hear and God Bless. did i mention turkey basters yet and hagar and ronaldo? anyways. it dont even make you sterile anyways. it's an upgrade and has no downfalls. only memes

>faggot detected

>I am a Man, not an animal
>if I raised him right
>I would rather hold my spiritual beliefs at a higher place than my basic desire to get off like an ape
>I believe in God
so much fucking stupidity here

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Same, who gives a fuck.

Still call him a faggot when he's bein one.

Fags are subhuman.

I have read it again.
My apologies, it does mention 7000 dying in an earthquake. Then it continues on to say the remnant were frightened that does not mean they too are destroyed. What makes you thnk these 70000 are the elect end that this event has already happened when clearly the Anti-Christ's arrival remains a future event?
And yes the 144 thousand are supped to be virgins. What does this have to do with the elect? I have not attacked you at all by the way. No ad homs. My post about ID EGO was not to say what you have is a mental illness. I was pointing out it was at one time called possession. As the image of Homer Simpson eludes to we all can hear both God and the Devil in our heads. And many of us can not tell them apart. You have to clear your head. You need to listen to the voices less. OR learn to ask them the right questions so you know who is who.

100% this

fuck off


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dont really give a fuck its the 21st century

Honestly? Tell him I don't give a fuck and that still love him and ask him to not get any STDs and always use protection.
Same with the daughter.
Would rather have them be gay/lesbos but decent people than straight and dickheads/whores.
Even though gays and lesbians are usually extreme leftist cunts.

Do the same thing my dad did to me and his dad before him. Fuck him in the ass till he stops being a fucking faggot.

ask him when he turned 15 and also since when is he trans. Then kiss him with tongue and say me too before having sex with his mother, but right after I cut his degenerate head.

I wonder when all of you will remember that I don't care about your opinion. God doesn't exist, right? And everything around you came into existence for no real reason or purpose, right? Just "kind of happened". So, that being said, you and everyone else alive is literally, by definition, meaningless and purposeless. So why would I care about your opinion? Why would I care about the opinion of a meaningless, purposeless nobody? You are dust in the wind. You are nothing. That being the case, your opinion of me and my beliefs are equally dust and nothing.

that remnant doesnt mean remnant. theyre all gone. no figs
tite end end zone grab ass. this board. everybody is at least bi. momwife fucker. norman bates makes you look womany. aha. youre so womany and have only an inside out circ dick. that you stuff into vaginas. which are inside out dicks. clit on stick committee and etc. im strictly dickly. youre disgusting change genders. you already did. MUH MEMES AND NONSENSICAL LIES AND FEED ME LESBIAN TITS BUT DONT N MUH WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS
so's your existence and inbred FAS bloodline
why? kys. yesterday tho

you're not worth wasting my IQ on
i only have 3 left


you doubt my 3 IQ? begone thot

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fuckin checked

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i dont doubt there are some of you. how we go from fuck off to the sandbox is a drawback anonymously. u could be them arse noses. or just somebody trynna agree but confusingly

i cant even understand you

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Buy him a juul

i know. dont care. this is not ever to have a convo. always like this on this topic. means i win. twitter banned me for saying about anything truvada related today. cuz. president memes and more. and everybody lies

smoking kills estrogen. so. if you use nicotine. more balls than liars and memers. cuz have balls and dont meme and lie

If it's works I don't care really

but youre dead and i dont speak to those. i mean. isnt that how that works? think about that. short. and easily. so youll make it hard
>i want kill own blood for own genetic gaynesses
>im typing and wanted to punch myself but i do these same time and didnt succeed nor FULLY succeed

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which parts? all of em and none of em. because all this ever is. is. gay christian makes kikes lose their minds. prove me wrong. but dont and kys

Hit on his BF for a BJ. Gays give great head.

to be fair not giving in to his faggot desires is actually a smart choice. but he's still retarded

freshen ye drink guvneh. aha. wink wink and youre based. to the front of the line with this one, winston


to be fair i shouldnt be winking. unbiblical to do so. :)

You need to take english courses mate

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listen cabalist. which parts. green texts. now. we all know this. oldest trick in book. kys

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> son



Hes worried about the reaction and therefore vulnerable. So tell him to start cleaning around the house more, try harder in school for fuck sakes, and share your fucking weed like the rest of us. Should comply, given the tension

what the fuck is he trying to say

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>show him your/my tactic
interesting diversionary tactic and stratego there. limp biskit. all plebbit boards. so many "secrets". love it. bible says there are no secrets. god is a woman song. nail bomb attack

"Prove me wrong. But dont and kys"

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greentexts. which parts. you spam so hard, these, on ONLY this topic. because you want me and see the bread. men pull pigtails girl they want. turn other cheek for me means my ass. but im not your adopted brother nor old woman. greentexts. which parts? kys

i meant tits
well. i fucken kno what youre doin but WILL do

what lol

whatever had "whatted" you just jewgle. ever think maybe there are men here and theyre speaking to eachother? who the fuck are you ethel? right to the moon

kek'd... what son is right...

I dont know what you mean by' doing', but to clarify: that shit was funny as hell.

woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns :)

if it makes him less miserable then the rest of us good for him

You know the nature of the beast. The one eyed man will ask you to pay the troll toll. He wades in the water under the bridge of aspargoth. His twinkling eye sees only the woodgoblin. This. You. Already. Know. Stop pretending to be unaware. How can you deny the Pope? His name is fire in the deepest winter. The sun may set on the horizon, but the pee comes before the poop.

well. fuck. i told you. to fucken. i cant even remember and who cares. to fuckennnn. prove me wrong for fucken claims of your own self claimed illiteracies or something. games. i feel like im the tron computer sometimes or the moses in south park and it's me bday today. so i knew you'd do nothing but certain tactics. so like. maybe i invented chess n sheit

you're in a faggot thread sir and im a christian thank you very much
obviously i can interject and make sure you guys know you make no sense to each other in your retarded alien language

this is a defiled halfmanlet trynna speak lies on my behalf. the dreaded. less than quarterman goblin but cuz he fuck women. honey boo boo bar so low he's hitting washington meme swamp foundation levels

whatever confuses you. fucken jewgle the terms. you need to be 18 this isnt hard. i said. in first response. if 18. see dick rates. thats all this whole fucken thing is. life too!

>See dick rates
lold no thanks

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Sweet? So that means i can call you a fucking faggot now?

Don't you understand the language of the rabbit? His white hairs line the beard of the ostrich. His head is tucked in the sand while the smeagol licks his polyp. A tooth in the mountain is a hook in the bird. This proverb must you remember when you are dancing with the troglodyte. Sniff the musky smoke of the sphincter. Inhale. This one time. The sycamore will whisper at midnight.

I'm sure your a WHITE FATHER AND U HAVE FAILED your self and your family ....KILL YOUR SELF FAGGOT AND LET HIM OR HER WATCH IT... it all your fault

Id tell him dont suck dick in my house, nobody cares you are a fucking faggot, for the love of your mother dont turn into a flamboyant attention seeking sissy. Trump is still your president.

>he surfs with his eyes closed
ok. muh hidden meme terms. k. there goes the entire internet. one big dick and we all know this. the glue of society. cuz opposite of what's worst with it. this is not a man's world. temporarily ruled by satan dump
i just came on my face. it was pee so im "hetero" now. dey eat da pee pee. why are you a clam digger
fake n str8. stop pulling my hair roberta

and then you ate out your yeast of the pharisees wife and caught melanoma

microchimerism. pregnancy. multiple sclerosis. testicular blood barrier

I surf with filters and addons inplace newfag

Literally everyone on this site is one OP.

MUH DEMENTED OCTOPUSSIES PRAYING MANTISES AND VENUS FLY TRAP PENISES. cant spell happiness without a dick there, ladies and no mentlegens

fish rot when they have sex. st peter was naked fishen em. theyre an allegory for souls. :)

No. I am being sincere. Like the most honest child. When I ate the funny colors, the beaver warned me of this thread. He told me of another who would come speaking strange words in no particular order. It was when I saw your posts that I knew the prophecy had been fulfilled. You are the hairless border jockey of old. You do not need to hide it any longer. Let us one and all eat fish and mix our beer with deers urine. This is the pact of our communion. Then we can sing the song of Yorgatush the Wise.

sharon lois and the berenstEin bears. oops

don't really care.
Just want grandkids.

If he was a cuck or a tranny i would disown/kill him however.

fuck his ass

Normal men don't have these temptations.
If you are tempted to fuck a dude... I got bad news for you.

Your a faggot. Just accept it and move on.
It's fine that your gay.... but guess what user.

Are you Top or bottom?

that makes no sense. webcam. your comp. prove to us. with eyes. a vid of gay porn. this has scared everyone for long time but was proven. surely this clit licker will deliver
call no man dad. but then again. Christ gave His beloved male to mary. he lives. whom was His wife again? thats right. He's the OPPOSITE to the FLOOD and to the area 51 memes

red foreman. foot in ass? i think feet are dicks biblically but i digress

You are truly the chosen one. Only a grandmaster of plebbonese could recite the ancient throatsong. Teach me your strange nonsensical language oh wise one of Yorgatush.

i unno. people might say china freaks out in hong kong. all i say to that is; "mandela". cant figure it out? i dont fucken care. stale and uninspiring; unoriginal pasta. ok marco polo? if you had brains you'd see how many levels my witt requires. ok goldilocks

This one almost makes sense. Keep trying

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"Well son, pack your shit and hit the bricks. You are no longer welcome here."

wow. if that's the case, you never loved your son in the first place. what a truly shit parent. but you don't have kids, do you? if you did, you would know how absurd that sounds, unless you are a mudslime or a super-conservative christian. those people are blinded by religion.