Oh look, another case of straight white men brutally beating minorities in the name of "diversity", "inclusion"...

Oh look, another case of straight white men brutally beating minorities in the name of "diversity", "inclusion", and "tolerance".

It's ok though, he was asking for it by the way he dressed. We all know that what you wear=consent

Attached: Untitled.png (884x638, 802K)

oh look, another shitty bait posted by some retard who reads clickbait articles and actually thinks it represents society!
>"hurr durr, of course it does, every person i disagree with is satan!"

Attached: bait.png (625x626, 65K)

Right, because this has never, ever happened before, right?

Attached: Andy-Ngo-pic-768x432.jpg (768x432, 62K)

>straight white men
big oof

Ins't it weird how almost ALL antifa members are white, and mostly male?

Attached: 2019.07.02-03.30-thepoliticalinsider-5d1acfd55f04e.png (700x385, 164K)

>if a few retards do something = everyone does it and everyone who disagrees with me is a danger to everyone who agrees with me!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: bender laughing at you.jpg (479x361, 55K)

>"He shouldn't dress that way"
obvious bait since women say that guys say it all the time about rape.

>Goes out to pick fights
>Gets milkshake thrown at him
o tha humanity

Oh well, at least they don't hit women, right?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x278, 1.91M)

purge all leftists. they should all be unit 731'd

Saying someone deserved something and saying they consented to something are different.
Here's a very simple example for you to absorb
>The serial killer deserved to be in prison, but he did not consent to his sentence
See? Is that easy enough for an autist like you to understand?

>if a few retards do something = EVERYONE IS DOING IT, GRAB YER GUNS!!!!!

Attached: connect with aonther human being.jpg (322x326, 32K)

He was a journalist filming the event. Someone recognized him as a conservative and they mobbed him and hospitalized him. They gave him a severe brain hemorrhage.

I just love how their idea of fighting "nazis" includes hospitalizing unarmed, gay, non-white journalists.

That guy looks like a Mexican stereotype, not a white guy. Also fuck MAGA. 45 ruined the Republican party for years to come.

much progressive, very tolerant

>"a few retards"
>over 200 groups and literally tens of thousands of members in the US alone
>caused tens of millions of property damage
>hospitalized hundreds of people
>a few retards


That usually means blacks between the ages of 14 and 35

>99.9% of those people on the side I disagree with are killing babies and eating kittens burned alive! we need to tell everyone!!!

Attached: bait2.jpg (380x380, 39K)

Progressive enough to throw these hands, fuck boi.

Bunch of useful idiots, fighting for the establishment. Hard to imagine why the big corporations suddenly endorse them in their fight against "Nazis".
They are also quite useful in turning the normie opinion against them, and radicalizing the moderate right.
You just wait until they start hanging from the lampposts as traitors and wannabe intelligentsia. Or get hit by the "trucks of peace".

Attached: antiworker.png (1000x1446, 461K)

They're just doing what BLM et al have always told them to do. Whites should serve on the front lines so coloreds' don't have to.

I never said 99.9%. You know I didn't.
I said tens of thousands of violent, left-leaning
domestic terrorists are destroying cities and hospitalizing innocent people, ironically people they claim to fight for.

You're calling me hyperbolic, and then turning around and being 500% more hyperbolic. Try again.

Also a symptom of a deeply diseased society. Detached from reality, feeble minds not occupied with a day of proper work in their life, never matured ergo easy to mold by their corporate overlords.

It's baffling to me how the left has somehow gone from being anti-establishment, anti-corporate, anti-censorship, and anti-big government to pro-big tech, pro-big government, pro-establishment, and pro-censorship in the span for 10 years.

It is really lovely to see from a historical standpoint how every great society before it's downfall had cliques of these morons. Barbarians waited outside of the gates, and usually these empty headed in-the-name-of-the-progress simpletons were first to be raped and butchered. Good times create weak men, and weak men spread the seeds of their own demise. Good riddance i say. It is about time to bring down this pig-whore society.

this, what happened to Yea Forums.

Like i've said, most of these idiots are man-children, they've never fully matured to realize that the world doesn't revolve around their feelings, and with careful planning, conditioning, it is easy to bend and mold their worldview. Good thing is that these foot-soldiers are usually the first to die off.

>Brownboi wearing symbol of white supremacy
>Not expecting to get knocked the fuck down

Attached: girls_laughing.jpg (398x241, 29K)

I don't see any symbol of white supremacy. You must be a literal moron.

>symbol of white supremacy
Guess how I know your skin is the color of shit?

Assuming the claim that being a Trump supporter = white supremacy isn't complete bullshit...

What they did is like someone trying to end slavery by beating the shit out of slaves.

It's almost as if you should always dressed a certain way for certain occasions.
Wearing a hat that riles up shit causes this, there is no "boo hoo they attacked me!".
If I was going to middle East I probably wouldn't wear pro American shit, if I went to a job interview I wouldn't wear my Jesus is a cunt shirt. So if I went to a rally for an opposing side that doesn't like my... controversial president I shouldn't wear his piss people off hat. Which is what it fucking is and anyone saying otherwise is full of shit.
He's a dipshit through and through.

13 year old comin thru! MAKE WAY 4 DA BIG IDEAS!

The mental gymnastics of a Trump supporter are the kinds of things you read about in both psych and history classes that make you feel glad you live in a modern world. Now here we are in a modern world with this level of retardation.

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Dress for certain occasions? The man should be allowed to walk down the street with a hat that supports the president without being violently assaulted by lynch mobs. If a woman wore an "I'm with her!" shirt at the bus stop and got beaten like this, would you say "oh, well it's her fault for wearing a controversial shirt at the bus stop. Boo hoo, suck it up lady"

>Jesus is a cunt shirt
lol careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge, fedoraboi

>claims trump supporters need mental gymnastics
>OP is about a bunch of white men beating a minority in the the name of tolerance and liberalism


Lefties you had an opportunity to speak out about this and you didn’t. The Right constantly denounces it’s fuck nuts, but the Left cheered on AntiFa and bashing the fash. You endorsed this and now you have to stop it.

>and now you have to stop it.
They won't. It will keep getting worse until the government has to step in to stop the constant violence, at which point they will cry "persecution!"

>The audacity of wearing a hat with the phrase "make America great again" while in America

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 38 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1278x637, 108K)