Trans' feet thread

Trans' feet thread

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I'd worship her feet then let her cum down my throat



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But how can we be sure that you are a trans?

you really have to be a degenerate to get off on tranny feet.

Fucking goals for me man. Oof.

I'm not denying it.

Now that is some hot stuff.

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use trap or tranny for fuck sake. I have a filter set in place for you degens.

Lizzy Redd

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Okay this is fucking hot. I just want to lie down under those feet and be totally smothered.

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who this

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domino presley

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Welp, I’m a tran, so here’s my feetz. Idk if they’re attractive or not tho cuz I’m not into feet myself.

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they are not attractive cause you don't take care of them: push your cuticles back and groom your nails for starters

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Any news about Natalie Mars' Bukkake video ?

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An all time low for Yea Forums. This is the ultimate tier of pathetic. When will they just add a tramny board so I dont have to know this ridiculously sad fetish exists.
>tldr kill yourself

are feet cute enough to bukkake?

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More of her

never, because trolling normies is half the battle

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Hot af

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ill be so disappointed if you guys dont know her

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now show me the butthole

kik kateyG1999

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do i have girly feet?

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post more so i can decide

Men’s feet?


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cute and girly

cum on them

im not allowed to cum >.

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pls more feet and chastity, maybe hold the cage like youre frustrated and wish you could touch yourself

I love them

Hot Damn.
Can we see a little more?

Lanita hot??

just kinda bumping for more girly feet dumps, but okay...

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Now, those feet are absolutely perfect.


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I'll be honest folks, I didn't thought that this thread will live this long
Keep those girly and pure feet coming

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I'm not sure that those feet are from a Trans

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can we see that fur from the front?

Well they are mine, so I'm pretty sure they are.

Holy shit bailey's feet are actually decent.

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damn those are some seriously slutty heels, yumm


In tht case, how about another one?

sooo mens feet thread?

Girly men's feet

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still men's feet.

The best kind

What unforgivable sin? I get really tired of hearing you people talk about what (((christ))) thinks. Sodom & Gomorrah had a population of between 600-1200 in the bible. 10 million Americans alone identify as "LGBT". Let's say Sodom & Gomorrah had a higher estimate of 1000 people. That's 10000 people for every 1 faggot that god supposedly burned in America alone. Take into consideration there is 2.5 million LGBT queers in India and every other country has more, do you realize how weak and powerful your god is?

The problem is a million times bigger and he does nothing. He is dead. lol

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Shut up and post girly feet, fag

so fucking cute

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No way. I could fill the thread with scat though if you want.

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be careful what you wish for. you just might get it. lol

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lovely arches, it's cute they're a little dusty. shows off youre well bred : P

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who wants some ice cream?

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Stomp a tranny to death

oh god, could you just maybe grow-up a little? - you're a bigger faggot than any of these freaks

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They might as well be the most perfect feet I've ever seen.
And I've seen thousands of feet

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I'm glad you think so.

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May we have a good look at your buldge?

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Nice, are you gonna show us how you wear that cute buttplug?

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