Alright Yea Forums. Sent this to my gf because I found it humorous and wanted to share the laughs with her...

Alright Yea Forums. Sent this to my gf because I found it humorous and wanted to share the laughs with her. She flipped shit and said it wasn't funny at all. So, what is not funny at all about this?
>PS, don't laugh

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She probably isn't a pedo fag like you

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jokes on you faggot - i escaped the pussy trap by becoming an incel

Amen brother

It's just not funny?

Wow dude you are fucking retarded. Hopefully she breaks up with your pedo ass and finds a Chad or Brad, that isnt into little girls.

I'm not a fucking pedo, the shirt she was given by her says rape my shitter, it's ridiculous and therefore funny, you humorless dried fucking husks.

I bet you don't have many friends

Odds are your ex was raped by her uncle and she's probably still upset about it. Oh well, good luck with the next one and try not to be retarded.

Got plenty
Good point. Guess I fucked up, either way I said sorry. She isn't breaking up with me as much as you mouthbreathing faggots would pound your meat to it

Not yet. For the record I'm not jerking off either, I don't find retards attractive and neither does your ex. Have fun you total fucking goon.

If she never was into dark humor that explains it but if she is, she was probably raped by her uncle or something.

Caes mal puto esas son mamadas.

I like dark humor but this just isn't funny. Nothing of comedic value in that picture.

Why's everyone here such a faggot? OP linked a pic that ain't so funny, boohoo...OP, get a new girl, seems like she has problems, dump before she puts them on you and perhaps get a girl that is not made out of sheep, pink silk and strawberries, while her mindset equals mid 90s pretentiously-social liberal soaps

It's not funny in actual comedy, if i got it it's trash like south park or Adam sandler movies.

It's a fucking child. These type of statements are not jokes but actual intent so as a matter of fact yes logically you are a pedophile. And we need to explain it to you or some shit.

What's a logical person supposed to think of you? This cringe is nauseating not in the meme kind of way but in the way when you're actually building stuff and it's something real such as putting cane sugar in my coffee. There is absolutely no empathy here for the well being of a child. Just a crazy person acting like a little bitch in front as in to challenge the actual children. So now we know you're a pedophile and you're mentally ill.

You're the fucking faggot for defending this cringe against the people that cuck you. I hope you never get it.

Good god is Yea Forums the new Reddit? This thread is ass cancer

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Didn't mean to reply to the hombre

It's not that you fucked up it's that I would have beat your ass and it's one more time you got away without getting your ass kicked.

pedophile here. it's just not funny, I don't know what else to tell ya.

What the fuck are you defending old America?

Where's the picture of the guy that gets spammed on PUA threads when you need it?

This is why all the real ones are cucked next to you.

The hell are you on about user? It's just a joke, there are worse things in the world

I got offended at the stupidity of getting caught and socially the repercussions.

It's the JOOS

Little man faggot cucked motherfucker bringing up your sick shit I ought to beat it out of you. No offense mr. Pedophile sir.

she is a fucking normalfag
with no sense of humor
kick dat bitch get a younger one

This thread has gotten really weird. Weird thread?

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love that OP
send her this; pic related
I'm sure she will love it

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hurricane in florida. the zoo knew the flamingo enclosure wouldn't make it so they put them in one of the largest bathrooms

or here my favorite

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I remember eating a pizza next to Laura and Emily crying then when she was making the best of it by making these dark jokes entering a horror story so don't talk about how worthless trash is mysterious when you're clearly just a faggot who was never one of them. And if you are you were dealt with end of story.

Protip these gamer girls nazi chicks were not coalburners. Niggers have the women and i can see why. Fuck this nazi bullshit.

All girls are hypocrites
and whores btw.

You must be stoned or some shit. You're making no sense. But please go on user

There literally is nothing worse. I can't go for the teacher job or be kind to kids and inspire generations because of this bullshit and people like you.

So this hey Arnold me being an adoptive parent figure to others is not gonna happen. The world is a darker place without the McDonald's playgrounds etc.

fucking lost. not seen that before.nice one user

Just sent it to my girlfriend to see what she would say OP, I think you have a lame girlfriend. Either try to slowly change her or find someone with a sense of humor

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I bet you're an illegal

So when I laugh at a picture God smites 12 kids. Cool

Nope, sorry user.

Take your medicine kiddo

You laugh like a dumbass that's why people don't like you. When you were bullied in school you didn't have any friends and it wasn't the pedophilia it was you.

that's the thing with bad jokes. you can make fun of murder, rape, retards, genocide any horrific topic you choose and the response will be like "omg that's sooo bad lol"

but do the same with a joke that isn't funny and yeah you're fucked socially. don't do edgy humor if you're not good at it.

She usually has a good sense of humor. Maybe she was abused...if so I feel really bad. Happy your gf appreciated this funny ass pic

Yeah sure newfag. Lurk before you post and look like a retard.

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There you have it. If any of you losers have girlfriends send it to them and let's clear this up once and for all

I just did she fucking blocked me.

Shut up

Or what? I reported you too bitch I hope she does something fucked up before dumping your sorry creep ass to the curb. Bitch

Sure is summer in here

People are wonderful and you're pushing it on the first one. They do put up with your shit.

On the second one they know you or they're just not gonna take your shit. You need to come off as a major creep for that to happen. And this is the case.

It's just not particularly funny. She's freaking out because she thought she was dating someone with a decent sense of humor.

You know that's kind of like how the children felt.
I'm just kidding take a joke.