Any medfags know what this is?
Huge painful lump under my skin on my inner thigh. Seems to be inside one of the stretch marks, doesn’t want to pop I’ve tried. Only noticed it yesterday
Any medfags know what this is?
Huge painful lump under my skin on my inner thigh. Seems to be inside one of the stretch marks, doesn’t want to pop I’ve tried. Only noticed it yesterday
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Probably a dermal cyst. Talk to your GP, will probably need to be drained.
yep looks like a cyst. OP youre nasty any minor trained medical tech can drain it even vets if youre desperate
in simple terms, it's probably a giant pimple. go see the doc to get it removed. nbd.
Pretty sure that's aids bruv, soz
Id rather drain it myself if it develops a head. Can’t be bothered taking time off work just for that. I thought it was some sort of boil but it’s straight how it’s defeloped inside scar tissue as hair doesn’t grow?
Strange* not straight
According to WebMD you’re going to die
It's in a hidradenitis suppurative region. But there would usually be more than one.
Could be one apocrine sweat gland just snackbared, instead of all of them. Maybe.
Don't. The last thing you want is to develop sepsis in something like that, which is a risk if they are lanced improperly or with non-sterile equipment/environments- blood poisoning is a risk factor with these. Chances are it won't develop a head. The lack of hair is probably related to a decreased blood flow owing to the obstructive mass.
the scar is likely part of the reason it developed in the first place. The primary being that judging by your tighty whighties your kinda disgusting
also hair follicles are known to reemerge in scar tissue.
I’m really not. I get two/three showers a day, they’re not tighty whiteys I’ve just moved them to take a picture. I also work in an office so there can’t be much chafing going on to cause something like that. I’ve been squeezing it since I got in and seemingly clear liquid came out but it simply didn’t have a head on it big enough for anything substantial to come out, I’m guessing that’s what the stain is on the underwear I’ve got on.
“The location of your bump could be an indication of the cause. If it is close to the genitals, it could be a sign of sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis or herpes. These bumps will typically look like a blister on the genitals or upper thighs”
why in the fuck are you showering 2-3 times a day if you work in an office?
I've had the exact same thing on my inner thigh twice. It's a boil, basically a giant pimple.
Either go to your doctor to get it removed, or go into the bathtub and use a pin to pop it. Squeeze out the puss with your fingers. There will be a little bit of blood and it will probably hurt a bit. After it's empty, wash it thoroughly with soap and put a bandaid on it
It will develop a head in a day or two if you apply a hot wet towel to it and clean it in the shower but it could take longer and it will hurt a lot. Just go to the doctor and save yourself some pain.
Well once in the morning, once after work and sometimes another before bed or before my girlfriend comes over.
I’d say two is standard anyway but I’m definitely a bit of a clean freak when it comes to things like showering and bedding etc.
One thing for sure I’m definitely not an overweight disgusting pig like two people have implied.
Boil. Go to a doctor so they can lance it. Or a trusty friend with a sterilized needle.
I suggest painkillers before you do the trusty friend path.
your image betrays any of the points youre trying to make.
I’ll probably do this. I’ll have to find a pin sharp enough and soak it in Milton. I’m not taking time out of work for a giant spot.
What makes you say that?
If you develop a fever you need to go to the doctor asap. Otherwise it just needs to be lanced and drained. The pain is concerning, don't want to develop necrotizing fasciitis.
How to spot the guy from uk!
It’s not severe pain, just when I walk or it comes in contact with my clothes or my other thigh. If I’m sitting down I can’t feel it. Just going to take a hot bath and try and drain it
Had one on my thigh in high school.
Was also waiting on a pimplehead that never came.
Ended up going to the er (after hours) cause an infection started very rapidly spreading.
By the time I made it to the doctor I could hardly walk. Looked like I took a softball to the groin.
They drained it a few hours later after dealing with a multi car crash.
Protip, keep squeezing despite any pain, you have to get All the puss. Which is why it's good for a pro to do it.
Turns out I'm allergic to the antibiotics so that sucked, but at least I kept my leg.
That’s crazy. How long did you take to see a doctor? How long did you have the boil for before you sorted it?
I’d of never thought pimples or boils could impact you like that.
Its fucking obvious you mong
It's a clear case of Niggrotizing Fasciitis. The lesions will darken and spread. Eventually, you will become a nigger.
pop it with a needle or a sharp knife tip then squeeze the shit out and wash it, probly a hair inside fucked up
Remember if you develop a fever, go get antibiotics don't fuck around with it. NF is becoming more and more common. Several common species of staph that most of us carry on our skin are causing it now. I have seen more of it this year than in the last 5 years combined. This is the most common area that it starts.
Get off fucking Yea Forums and get to a doctor.
Fro your description and photo, I would assume it is Staphylococcus aureus. You must go to the doctor to have it lanced; even if you open and drain some purulence, it will seem you cannot get "the last of it" and the infection will persist. Apply tea tree oil to the lesion until you can see a medical professional, as this inhibits the spread (microbiology experiment ftw).
This is a partially absorbed twin. Somehow, your immune system has triggered it. It is growing rapidly. It will emerge sometime in the next 12 hours.
It's not bad at first.
If the walking pain gets deeper you should definitely seek help.
Mine went from your original pic to surrounded by red infection in a few hours.
Walking fine, then wincing, then hobbling into the er a few hours later.
medfag here
a simple subdermal cyst
>freeze it with an ice pack until it becomes somewhat numb
>disinfect with alcohol
>make a small incision and squeeze it
>post images
>disinfect with alcohol
>put bandaid on
what does tea tree oil do? i'm assuming theres some actual science behind it and your not just saying it because of that retarded essential oil fad that's swept middle americas single moms
i'd let her cook my dog if you know what i mean
to add
by the size of it you probably ignored or didn't notice it for a longer period of time and that's the reason for the scar tissue
pro tip: every now and then take a few minutes each week to examine your whole body instead of just your penis. especially when you are 25 and above
U idjit kek, just use some bleach and magnets. It will pop during the next Full Moon.
fucking this
look at yourself from time to time to see if everything is where its supposed to be and things aren't where they aren't.
bonus pro tip: if i hurts to look at yourself in a full body mirror then its time to start change shit in your life
Yeah, I noticed it yesterday just felt like my underwear was too tight around my thigh, kept adjusting them and only then realised I had a second head growing out of my thigh.
That's some surprisingly strong advice.
Noticed it. Didn't worry.
Few days later I notice it's bigger and kinda purple and gross.
Show my dad, he's not worried, we'll go to a clinic tomorrow to get it laced if it doesn't pop overnight.
Couple hours later I can't walk very well for dinner.
Hey dad what's this expanding red zone that's so tender?
>overnight er trip.
Return a few days later when the antibiotics make me look like chicken pox.
>and that's the reason for the scar tissue
Occam's razor you dumb fuck, the scar tissue was the preceding event. Likely infection secondary to what caused the scar.
no, it's not a fad. tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties. if you've never used it before, dilute it at least 1:1 with another oil to avoid skin irritation.
>Occam's razor you dumb fuck
for no reason at all
benefit of it over rubbing alcohol though?
I should add we are both very hairy and assumed it was just like any other ingrown hair.
I think maybe even tried a warm compress..
You said the area around it went red. That’s happened to me and it’s swollen and seemingly expanding.
Bad sign?
tea tree oil kills more things, like yeasts. plus it is good for your skin, whereas rubbing alcohol will dry your skin. it is not a miracle cure. also great for bacterial acne.
i have way more hair than you do, and i've had these. you can't take care of them yourself, because you can't lance them, they must be opened, drained, and irrigated. about a 2 cm incision is required. usually no sutures, they will close on their own. don't bother messing with it. i tried to lance my first one, and all it did was make it worse, because if you lance it you cannot irrigate properly.
This is a morphus bump
this looks to me to be a subulnal boil
my best guess is a crobal cyst
might be a splorintial abcess
i've seen this before in my rounds, it's a mulatinous ulcer
a lot of good suggestions in this thread but I think this is an Everett's Spot
love the pseudo-medical gibberish. top kek.
oops, missed one:
I think my colleagues are confused and trying to show off their knowledge of obscure dermatological disorders.
This is clearly a case of epidontal edema
Boil or carbuncle. I actually just had one right next to my testicles about the size of a goose egg. Warm compress will cause it to pop, it takes a week or two to drain (just make a simple dressing out of paper towels)
Get lighter and needle and pop that shit, post pics
u hav plague
find a white mage to cast panacea on it
this is no kekking matter. I have conferred with my colleagues at the American Skin Society and the ASS members agree that this is likely Schubert's lesion
Top kek
Its a simple cyst, its discolored because you've already tried popping it without an incision, which is basically just you bruising yourself over and over. I had a GF once that had something similia that was just outside her labia. (it was a cyst). I ended up having ot get an exacto knife and holding the bitch down, there was already so much pressure behind it as soon as the tip of the razor breeched the top layer of skin the blade sort of just lurched inward a couple milimeters that when I pulled it out a bunch of puss came with it.
Long story short, this bitch was one of those people that won't let you just get shit done. I ended up just forcing everything and grabbing one side of her pussy lip between my thumb and the outside flesh opposite the cyst and just squeezed as hard as i fucking could..
Bitch wailed... but that crap came out in chunks.. it also smelled really bad. Now that I think about it, it was pretty gross lol. Anyway, after you hit actual blood and puss no longer comes out you're much better off going foward.
She ended up retreating to the bathroom kinda hysterical after that initial squeeze but spent the next 10 minutes getting stuff out herserlf.
She was better after that.
Fact is, I had fun hurting her like that, must be something wrong with me.
how do i join the ASS? it sounds like a good time. party at ASS!
Just thought of something else, also cut a mole of that very same girls back with a pair of tin-snips... it was in a really awkward place on her and I usually ended up touching it during sex or something.
Got her drunk, bent her over, told her to shut up and - SNIP
Little blood for a few minutes but the damn mole was gone forever...
holy fuck OP are you the same guy who said you've never had to wash a cum rag in your entire life?
Cyst of some sort. I had one before. Had it drained, it came right back. Needed surgery to extract the sac. Go to a dermatologist
Omg. Don't touch it! It's a Brown Recluse Spider egg sac!
Yes that's the infection spreading.
Ugh, I had to cut a skin tag off my wife's labia once. It wasn't huge, about 1/2 inch long and like a centimeter thick or so.
I used a metal straw and rubber band to kind of suck it into the straw then snapped the band over it. This was too painful for her so we opted. I did it in one, swift motion but she was trembling, crying, it was awful.
I have to saw the sensation of actually cutting flesh was... disturbing.
It immediately started bleeding a bunch but just pressed a paper towel to it and it stopped before too long. Can't even see a scar now.
Saw a man sew his own palm back together once, although I'll admit that an infection wasn't already there.
Stick a needle in it an post pics, faggot
don't fucking educate me on the things you have no clue about and only read on the internet
fucking internet smart guy nigger
If you washed more you wouldn't get an ingrown pecker.
>a maggot, faggot
Thats a boil, cut your carb intake. Hot compress until it pops, then baking soda dry and paper towel to draw out the puss and heal. You are welcome.
>a maggot in a faggot
does that make the maggot a faggot, too?
you just didnt try hard enough on poppin, pussy
Get a knife, pop it and show
Absess if you have like a spot instead kf ignoring it scratched it i assume turns into a blood spot then a absess
it willl popp if you keep working on it. trust me dude
use a neeedle
I know that that is, I had it once. I forget the medical term, but make sure to keep that area dry and put anti-bacterial cream on it every day, do NOT try to pop it
OK medifag. Leave the infection in so it can spread. Great choice.
a bandaid won't do. do a proper cover for the wound.
also it may not "pop", then go to your doctor