Why are you feeling sad user?
Why are you feeling sad user?
Cuz there is a lack of oxygen in my room because of bad ventilation.
I'm broken and nobody cares about me except my mother and father, I could die right now and they would be the only people in the world who would be effected by it
My speed is almost gone.. 5 grams for 20quid and it lasted me from tuesday.
casey jones
It's important to stay hydrated user.
Drink water and lay back, alternatively go to a park somewhere and relax
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Reality is that most people only care about themselves, and it's hard to find actual good people.
That being said only you can help yourself, and if you try hard enough there's bound to be someone out there who accepts you.
I had a relationship with this girl once. Took me out of my being a cunt ways. But I relied on her too much, and she knows it, so she was probably going to teach me how to be emotionally independent from her. But she kicked the bucket before she could ever did. So I'm stuck here. Depressed for three years. Picked up alcoholism and a nicotine addiction along the way whilst still being under 25.
Because im alive. Do not want.
Well, if there is a heaven, what would she think of how you're acting now? Get your shit together, man.
Stopped smoking weed after almost a year almost daily. Not exactly sad, just obviously out of the chemical balance.
"friends" acting egotistical and thuggish
Been drinking heavily everyday for weeks avoiding the fact that I gotta break up with my gf. Shes great but I dont want to marry her.
Good for you!
It'll be pretty weird at first, then everything will clear up like a sun coming through a deep fog.
You'll get more energy, more creativity and more motivation. Just keep going
the longer you leave it the deeper the cuts when you look back on this time
I need a new job that isn't nursing and doesn't suck ass.
After 2 years of pure love and happines she abandoned and forgot about me, now shes on tinder shearching something better, it was because i sleeped with a friend of hers that was a sociopat, but i did it because i was so confused about our relationship since she always had a boyfriend that she cheated on him with me and i didnt like that situation, (she broke with him recently at the same time as me, the poor bastard never found out anything) i miss her so much, she was the only person who cares about me now im drinking and smoking waiting her to reply my "hello, how are you?" like a faggot.
I'm addicted to tramadol. I take it for mood elevation/to counter depression. Whenever I quit, even after 2 months clean, I am depressed, apathetic, low-energy.
My life isn't bad. I'm a young traveller, I'm free to do whatever I want to, people like me... but I've just fried my brain. Since I started taking drugs 7 years ago, the happy-juice has evaporated and I'm running on fumes.
Also, I just had a beer after 3 months sober. Gonna start antabuse tomorrow again. Guess I wasn't ready to stop.
Because i can’t get laid
>never had a real close relationship with dad after parents split
>i put the most effort in out of the 3 sons
>i get called a disappointment
even though i never had a close relationship, it still hurts =|
Recently, my girlfriend and I started a long distance relationship due to different universities. I have a friend of mine in her class who she doesn't know. He just keeps me up to date on her so, I'm not anxious all the time. Found out that she's been hanging out with a guy recently from one of her lab classes. Decided to go and visit the guy. Hangout with him as he's a mutual friend with a girl I know. We go to his place to get beers.
>Enters the guys place
>Looking around
>See photoframes
>See girlfriend in one of the pics
>Ask guy who is that hugging him
>Says it's his girlfriend
>Heart.exe stopped working
Right now im crawled up in a local motel crying. I just don't know what to do right now. It's all gone to hell. Fuck you world.
i'm only sad because i'm out of steel reserve pineapples
I know that bro u r not alone, come on get up and go drink some alcohol
I've fallen in love with my.non biological little brother he's 18 I'm 29 I'm male. Bisexual, he's te first and only male I've come to find romantically attractive and into but he's *straight* and has jailbait that just turned 15this month
Im getting married tomorrow, the wedding is a lock of shit, we're still planning shit for it, the family is clashing, I'm moving cross country in 3 weeks, I'm low on cash, I have no weed, I need some acid, my fiance hates life, I have to pay for a month of rent when I'm not even staying at my apartment, I'm drinking like A LOT, I have a honeymoon in vegas and I don't know how I'm paying for it.
So yeah, the usual.
dude women are shit. genetically disloyal. plow em in the ass and keep them away from your finances. don't cry over them.
oh god no not marriage. fuck that shit. i refuse to go to weddings. enjoy divorce court simp.
>h tt ps :// www.brookings. edu/blog/fixgov/2018/04/06/the-fragile-legacy-of-barack-obama/
I'll repeat. Your legacy is in the fucking trash bitch.
And by A LOT of drinking, I mean, I'm on my second 3.5 oz Whiskey and coke today and its only 11:30 AM
You'll be shittin blood by midnight.
At least I'm feelin good in the neighborhood.
Hahahahaha. Yes you have to hide in the hood. Real smart. Real American. Go die now.
I don't know whether or not I should return to college in the fall. My mental health was problematic last year and I don't know if I'm ready.
Woops wrong reply. I shall go die now.
Dude, I had a mental breakdown into year 3 of my degree. I tried to kill myself over a test with my medication. Had a 3 year break from school after that. It's hard to return to school after such a break, but much harder to return to school when you are dead. I suggest taking a break and getting your head in the zone before returnin... even if it's just a class a semester. You'll feel MUCH better and enjoy life. Don't burden yourself too much with extracurricular activities unless you want to. And always remember, "C's get degrees"
Good luck from a fellow graduate.
I've never attempted suicide but I've felt at times that there was no way out for me. I've gotten better since receiving proper treatment, but I may not return if I haven't gotten myself onto stable ground existentially by the end of the month.
I don’t feel connected with people and fell lonely even if i’m surrounded by people. Also i envy artist who can make music because is my only dream and it seems I can’t achieve it.
Then that's alright. It's a capitalist scheme to go to college for a "good job" especially now. You can find a decent job without college if you work hard, you can even found a better job/business if you are REALLY hard working. It's kinda based on your sense of living quality vs. work ethics. But I'm a hotel bartender currently and make better money than some college graduates. So it's all about location and occupation
Advice from the same shit I've copped, move on and go out, smash beers and chat to women at the bar/club. Staying busy and I promise ya you'll be smashing birds
Im nauseaus.
I started taking Venlafaxine(Effexor) today.
Good stuff. It curbed my anxiety but takes away the urge to not kill my self because not nervous about it.
Im also feeling very very tired, but still cant sleep. Also unknowingly clenching my teeth together all the time. Any of that?
How much do you take? I do 250mg daily only effect is hard to cum
Lol, well as i said i only started today with 37.5mg, doc told me to up it to 75mg in a few days. I guess it will go away in a few weeks. I hope so.
Ok, I’ve been in it for years. Cured my fear of flying and roller coasters. It’s great for anixtey but does nothing for depression.
I'm studying music. I also just like the experience of college.
I'm not even sure why I got effexor. I guess I have anxiety aswell to some degree, but the main problem is im very lethargic i cant seem to do anything, very poor hygiene, addicted to gambling, vidya, fapping, the usual addictions that give you the rush(reckless driving is the best). I dont even feel depressed. I have no chronic sad feeling, or no feeling at all, if something is funny i will laugh, if someone tries to fuck me over i'll cut his head off. Im just very confused.
I'll just try it out and see if it helps me. Im very desperate in trying out medication right now because Im starting university in a month and want to be able to go into it with somewhat of a clear head.
I'm quitting nicotine, and it's absolute hell
Started growing delusional thinking everyone is out to get me and that my life is a lie.
Doesn't help that I'm all alone in the city where I'm studying while all my friends are home having fun.
Almost shat my pants right now
My best friend of almost a decade and a half literally dropped dead at work. He was the guy who got me into my field and through college and was the first to give me a (really good) job.
Our company works in really remote places and while he was walking back to the lab he literally fell over dead of a massive heart attack in front of dozens of people. They gave him CPR but we are so far out that it took a car trip and a helicopter ride 3 hours to a hospital and it sounds like he was dead by then. I was on days off but a couple of people from our company (that had known him for over 10 years) watched him die. Luckily I was on days off because I probably would have killed myself if I had seen it with the pistol in my truck on location.
I'm lost. He was the only reason that I kept that job and he was more family to me than my brother or my dad ever was.
He was the best man at my wedding this year too.
We make way more money than we should and he had a hard life so he helped out a lot of people in the shitty small town that was near us. I once watched him give $5k in cash to a waitress (at the only bar in town, so we knew her a decent bit) because her shitbag baby dady was beating her and she didn't have any other way out of the situation. She contacted him a couple of years later and had a much better job and a stable life for her kid.
He left a colossal void in lots of people's lives and idk how my life moves on from here because I only worked that job because he was running things.
>all of this in the last week or so
My grandma (who helped raise me) really doesn't know who i am anymore
that hurts
At least you like TPB
Im also drinking heavily everyday but because I want to dump her
Bail now user, both her and the booze, it will get worse
Been at job 10 years. Been going well, primed for a promotion, moving on up. New boss comes in and fucked it all up. More duties, no extra money, and now I’m not even close to promotion because of new requirements to move up. I feel stuck and it’s sucks.
And I can’t leave until January when I finish my certifications. Stuck being overworked and underpaid.
Yeah it does. She was really mean to my mom because she was the last child and was an accident that made their life harder. After my grandpa killed himself when my mom was 20 or so my grandma was a lot nicer because my mom was the only kid there for her. Now that shes losing it shes gone back to being super mean to my mom and its kind of killing my mom. Think of how the wicked step sisters treated Cinderella and you are on the right track.
She only tells me fucked up things about our family now, even though she recognizes me but doesn't always know why. Told me she wants to walk in front of a train because her life is shit.
>guess thats the tragedy of life
I just finished my senior year of high school, and looking at the current state of my life makes me feel hopeless. I'm wagecucking at a pizza place with barely any options for college, I can't afford a car, my dad hates me, and I've been considering suicide for a while. I haven't gone through with it yet because I always try to tell myself that things will get better eventually, but I've been feeling like this since the beginning of sophomore year.
That sounds very painful for all involved. My grandmother died in 2014 from dementia (possibly Alzheimer's). She became combative and difficult with my mom and her siblings. Eventually she was prescribed mood stabilizers, which helped.
Sounds like possible depression. Have you looked at community college?
I can't keep a gf m20
First GF (HS)
>Childhood friend
>White girl adopted by Japanese couple
>Every Weebs dream. Skirts everyday, spoke fluent Japanese, read manga, watched anime, bend over backwards caring personality
>we were in a band together
>dating her all of freshmen year
>Dies of lung cancer over summer at 14 due to her parents smoking in the house. She said the Walls were white, last I saw brown when she died.
Others not so important that didn't mean much because high school. A long story short for them.
>couldnt make up their own mind and believed rumors in marching band that I was psychotic.
>Lesbian using me for cover then fucks my bully who was somewhat friends with?
>some freshmen hoe who I thought was cute but didnt go far left me for sex in a week and talked to me about all the sex shes having with guys.
>Sexy Korean, believed rumors from her Gay Best Friend who was friends with my younger sister that ended bad. He made up a rumor that I raped my sister and thats the reason she's homeschooled. My sister doesnt like me, I really appreciated that she called Sexy Korean and told her GBF is a liar
Stopped dating in high school because everyone thought I raped sister
>Met this 10/10 qt3.14 in a pokemon chat
>broken mess, shitty boyfriend in a LDR (Which is probably a lie)
>convinced her to leave him for me after a few weeks of talking
>"I never thought I'd be so lucky user"
>high maintenance but I didnt care
>play lots of vidya and video chat everyday
>together for about a year
>inspired me to get my life together
>went to a auto mechanic trade school
>was going to use a MSAT to go fly and live with her get married, etc
>overworked myself 4.0, 100% attendance, worked at a 7/11 to help at home. Look good so I could have something for her and be something when I meet her father
>From spending 10 hours to maybe 2 hours
>Snapped because mom has(d now) cancer and all her problems were mine and still had mine
>left me for another guy
Now I live at home alone for the past year. Good job with Fancy German Car Co. but cant find that spark that made me strive. 8 more days till i could drink my sorrows away.
I have, but I can't afford that either. I'm trying to save up while I stay at home for now.