What are 3 good reasons to NOT kill yourself ?

what are 3 good reasons to NOT kill yourself ?

Attached: ChurchSundaySchoolMartinLutherKing.gif (400x206, 998K)

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That file name tho...

1) You're not a nigger. (if so, kys)
2) You're not a faggot. (if so, kys)
3) You are not browsing /b. (if so, kys)

Attached: heehe.gif (400x296, 443K)

1) Deutschland
2) Deutschland
3) Über alles

Do you really need more reasons to live?

1. You can't masturbate when you're dead
2. You can't eat pizza when you're dead
3. See 1 and 2

bumping for potential
kys on the double kraut

Attached: came.png (375x375, 130K)

Think you should honestly do it, thin out the gene pool and allow for superiors to take your place.

1) music
2) family
3) traveling

Traveling might sound weird, but it's literally what Anthony Bourdain did - he traveled the entire world before going through with it.

Music means so much to me, so the thought of not listening to music while dead terrifies me.

I'm fortunate enough to have a family that cares deeply about me, so I couldn't handle doing this to them.

You are chad
You family is rich
You are a cute female.

There aren't, go ahead and kill yourself

1. People who didn't like you will say they liked you, and they'll get sympathy.

2. You may not be able to learn about the origin of Yea Forums if you're dead: youtube.com/watch?v=zUitNQ4Ga34

3. You might as well have fun with your life instead. Fuck it. Do something crazy. If you die, good. If you live, good.

1. It's easier not to. Killing yourself is difficult.
2. Massage parlor handjobs. Feel like killing yourself? Go get a handjob first and see if you feel any different.
3. Just as rapidly as life can spin horribly out of control. It can just as rapidly improve. Hang in there.

Because you want to grow your Soul.

I really don’t know. I’m struggling to find the wills to keep going, honestly if you’re like me and you viewed this thread because you’re not alright right now, go to a therapist. It’s what I plan on doing and I know it’ll help a bit.

The lulz

>breathe air
>drink water
>sit down
>stand up
>walk around
>eat stuff
>look at the sky
>listen to birbs


It will sure help the therapist in funding his kid schooling. 100%.

Why don't you actually grab your balls in your hand and strip them off, while you're at it.

Attached: ha.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

Can't think of one let alone three...

it'd probably be some feminist cunt anyways.


Reason 1. Fear of the unknown
Reason 2. Cowardice
Reason 3. You aren't depressed enough to go through with it.

Your mother
Your mother
Your mother

1. kids
2. cumming
3. dangerous

watching spacex get to mars and land starship on the moon

what do these mean ive seen them around

what therapist gives me 50 million dollars?

I can only think of 3 reasons you should kill yourself
>Weak because contemplating suicide
>Fag because you're OP
>Newfag because seeking advice from strangers

Have a wank, that makes everything better

Or just have a real slow wank, edging for hours. When you do cum you will fall into a cum soaked nirvana induced coma which will put all troubles into perspective.

In short, self love - NOT suicide

1. Black
2. Lives
3. Matter

They are invites to discord DOT TheRest

Basically, I'm not even sure if anyone ever got to the end of it. Accept invite just to help us.

being a pussy
being a pussy
being a pussy