Give me a reason NOT to be racist

Give me a reason NOT to be racist

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Being racist is for faggots

hitler liked japs

it gets boring and you realise you can live in your own bubble and not interact with other races if you dont want to

Literal Faggots

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What if it was you?

No seriously, put yourself in someone else's shoes. What if YOU were on the receiving end of the very discrimination you wish to inflict on someone else.

This requires serious intellectual capacity and an emotional experience known as "empathy". Sadly, most people who embrace racism/discrimination/prejudice lack both of those qualities, but you asked and as the 12-steppers like to say, the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. So here's hoping you're an anomaly & actually have some capacity for them, in addition to an openness to change.

But if this were Vegas, the smart money would be against you.

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give me a logical reason to be racist first

It’s not nice user. Why can’t we all just be nice to each other?

Its racist.

Not OP but ingroup/outgroup mentality is innate. It basically manifests itself as racism (and nationalism/patriotism).

You could argue that just because it’s innate it doesn’t make it right. But then why aren’t you arguing against how dumb national pride and patriotism is because it stems from the same thing

Other races are holding us down

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>why aren’t you arguing against how dumb national pride and patriotism is

Pretty much

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The problem with that theory is that it assumes a different, outdated definition of democracy than what we have today. Essentially all I got from that was "asshole rulers love multi-ethnic societies because it makes the job of dividing in order to conquer so much easier".

Try again, user.

Fascism is low level Bolshevism, fuck off commie

the best reason, which is why im not racist: there are dumb cunts/ fucking idiots/ daft fools/ batshit crazies that span across all races and all cultures... why only hate a select few of them?

It's not outdated, We just pretend it is because we don't want it in the way of our careless idealism. The divide and conquer technique holds true even today in multiracial societies especially when we deal with African saveges

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Not quite, stormfaggot.

Fascism & Communism are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. How they're run are irrelevant to the structure of the gov't. For instance, the Fascists in Germany did a lot of the same things to their people that the Communists in Russia, China & Vietnam did to theirs; but they were polar opposites politically. Such an occurrence is called Totalitarianism and it can happen no matter the governmental structure.

Another way to look at it is: Communism is a Volkswagen Beetle while Fascism is a Ferrari. They're completely different in every imaginable way, but they're similar in that they're both cars (4 wheels, go vroom & get you from A to B). Nobody wants a Beetle but lots of people would like a Ferrari. Total opposites.

But you can get a speeding, reckless driving & vehicular manslaughter citation in either one of them. The type of vehicle is irrelevant: it's what you DO with it that matters. Such as it is with Communism, Fascism & Totalitarianism.


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Fancy photoshop skills = / = actual facts.

Everyone is human! We are all that same.
Why not discriminate by wealth instead? Bonus, you can still hate on most black people

Apply that to the color of your skin and you've pretty much defined white nationalism.

being racist is natural. everyone is racist. the only problem is when people become racist against themselves.... like White Liberals.

with an axe

We are all humans indeed, but we are divided in races, some of which are full degenerate

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Substitute "libtard" for "degenerate"

Congratulations: you are singlehandedly part of the reason why we as a society cannot evolve. Then again, your retarded ass doesn't believe in evolution, so you're double fucking stupid for that.

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be proud of yourself while your family is being raped by barbarians.

Simple. Racism is a crime. And crime is for niggers

So Basically that involves you giving a fuck about someone else and then having to think about people as an entire demographic, that seems like a lot of effort, judging people as individuals when you meet them is better, just remember how people look is the first thing towards social interaction, if they dress nice and stuff obviously you are more likely to be comfortable with them over some pink haired black frame glasses or gangster clothes wearing person.

Sorry to step in the way of your "evolution". Keep going

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This is actually not a good spectrum because Left is more authoritarian and right is more freedom so super far right is actually anarchy while super far left splits into communism and fascism.

As a black guy, I dont care, idont break down and cry when somebody calls me names, I'm racist myself, all my white friends say the n word and we make fun of minorities all the time, you just have to not be a giant cucked pussy and stop caring about what people think.

You'd have to have your brain removed, for one.

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Uncle Tom ass mf

Let's start a Race War.

But nobody likes you nigger, racism wins.

For the human beings, racism is attacking a group of people who are abiding the law for no reason. It can be that way that there is injury without a cause. That is why you keep it from happening because you keep society as a whole. With those who don't keep society this is evident. Then you realize race was a non issue.

I'd rather not. Your racism keeps your insecurities at bay and we're all better off when that's the case.

Why be racist against other humans when we could all team up and collectively be racist against aliens?

Racism does not exist. People are race as a whole.

>Believes in "left vs. right"
"left vs. right" isn't even a spectrum, it's more of a doughnut with a piece cut out. The center (which doesn't exist) is directly opposite to the gap at the two ends, the further you get from the center the more the supposed opposite ideologies look alike but are never the same. Fascism mimicks Communism, Nazism mimicks Socialism. Shitty infographic is shitty, what a surprise.

My friend used the n-word once. I've never seen him again

Not being racist is for faggots

That's like saying "Give me a reason NOT to hate people". Blacks, asians, whites, middle eastern, they're all humans. It doesn't mean shit what color they are because that's just appearance.

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being a faggot is for racists

Because not all White people steal bicycles and act like fucking ass-hats. Kill, kill kill the white man.

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the "n-word" of white people
oh noes

say it with me
yes i am a racist
get over it

Youre impossibly wrong you stupid fucking knuckledragging chucklefuck.
Left is more govt power right is less govt power.
Americans are stupid as a motherfucker i swear.

Bc people = shit
Why discriminate? What do you possibly stand to gain?
Everyone is racist but not everyone is hateful


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The costumes are awesome!

The sweet tight Nigger pussy

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>No seriously, put yourself in someone else's shoes. What if YOU were on the receiving end of the very discrimination you wish to inflict on someone else.
Happens to me all the time for being short and bald, along with being disfigured due to a muscle related birth defect.

It's totally ok to be racist. Smart, even. Just don't let anyone know you are.
Like the Jews. They are racist as FUCK in their personal lives, but you'd never know it in Public Circles.

YOU slut detected, manlet horror freak.

Thanks for proving my point, nigger.

>It’s not who I am underneath. But what I DOOOOOOOO that defines me

Have another YOU slut.

stop believing in the concept of races
can't be racist if races aren't a thing

Having grownup around niggers I can't give you one reason not to be racist

White people are different buildings than they were 2000 years ago and black people were acquiring shirts from the future at least two millennia ago?

Also, I think that both groups now have aids that assist us in our general lives, not just black people...

If so why did he send guns to china ?

I don't particularly like niggers for a few reasons, they stink, too quick to anger over petty things, they expect me to give repariations for their great great great granddaddy's problems. No nigger I want repariations for my family too then. Us potato niggers were shit on for decades

>One image search later

Did not expect to end up cumming when I clicked on this thread....

I'd be ok with paying to send them back to Africa so they can be kangs again. Would be cheaper than keeping them in prisons.

Those white hoods are annoying to wear, they're sweaty, itchy and you don't see anything.

Would your name happen to be Avery so we can call you Slavery?

Racism works both ways you can hate blacks but remember blacks can hate you as well. Hence if you want a civil world you have to learn to get along. But you still have to love your race and look after it.

If I were in my enemies' shoes I'd be their enemy.

You're not reaaally black are you

You sound exactly like a white man who says he's a black man so he can say that people should stop being so easily offended

.t white guy

You people lose every opportunity you have at a race war, overthrowing the J00s, etc etc. In the long run it's barbaric and gay.

Of course Greek society couldn't have supported multi-ethnic democracy, half their population was slaves of color. If they'd allowed their slaves to vote then the ruling aristocracy would have crumbled.
Outdated example, try again user.

All men are created equal.

How are those percentages supposed to add up?

Stop being a nuisance with your jewish math

Sexy black women

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Sweet digits and the best argument in the thread

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How can a white man resist?

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Jfc I know I can't

I can't think on anything sorry

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That book is one the most elaborate attempts anyone ever made to convince himself that he's not a faggot

Kek, but surly they are good for pulling faces and poking out tongue without anyone knowing

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It's just not worth the effort.

Also thicc qt black girls.

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we'll let you into the ethnostate

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OP is a based nigger hater