Used a chain saw to end it all. I’m

Used a chain saw to end it all. I’m
Still alive. Here in the ER......

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Holy shit

Loser haha

timestamp or make the get fuck outticus


>when you even fail at killing yourself

Stream it next time cunt

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next time use it on ur neck

That's not what a chainsaw injury looks like.

Time stamp fag

Nice arm pussy

You would have had to hold the saw parallel with your arm to make cuts like that. Those are big parallel cuts, not rips. Must have been a small saw to hold it up by your shoulder and cut like that.

They have potatoes in ER!?

>No timestamp
>Gay af
>OP confirmed faggot

Way to fuckin go retard

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chainsaw? Hahah man you are fucking stupid if you are serious. They cant do shit for cutting meat, I bet you were grinding away for 8 minutes with that thing. Enjoy your scar fuckface. What an idiot.

Pathetic too, to try to "end it". Your parents gave you your life, you should be more careful with it.

hmmmm............... ER selling spuds???

Where was this webm from? I must know lol that's funny af

Maybe it wasnt on and he just rubbed it against his hand

Those aren't saw marks.
Shouldn't stop you from trying to anhero though.

Pride parade in a dictatorship.

>against his hand
Alright, but how would that explain the injury on his arm?


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yeah it's that natural urge to fight death that will get you i literally survived overdoesing on drug by like 10
00% was in a coma for days.
As much as you my want it to end life has it's hold on you.
i would know you ever come close to bleeding out?
Shit is fucking scary
Your body trembles and you cannot breath
You kinda breath in like little gasps.

That looks like it hurts.

what made you change your mind?

My wife peg

the saying ain't "go for the jugular" for nothing. in other words, go for the damn neck next time

did it hurt? women don't always go easy on the bum

A 2m tall bookshelf fall in my foot and broke the bones of my foot and severed the tendons. So I lost the movements on my big toe. I hope you didn't severe the tendons in your arm or you will a cripple. Doctors don't reconnect tendons or all the tendons when it is too fucked up.

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Cool lighting, Bro. Gives a nice moody effect. I like.

Low chuckle, thanks user

Why would you try to commit suicide when you have such a loving wife user?

t. Hank Hill

Did you try suicide because of your depraved sexual urges? That's the vibe I'm getting you ashamed of wanting to fuck [spoiler] ___? [/spoiler]

how fuckin retarded can you be

can't tell if Hank hill or B.J Hunnicut

Those are potatoes.

That's a badass fucking chainsaw my nigger.

Saws don't work like that. Plunge a saw into your arm and it will rip everything out until enough meat builds around the sprocket to stall it. I work with saws everyday. OP as ever is having a cheeky LARP.

Nothing on Yea Forums is true, but this looks similar to an injury my father had drunk trying to start a model airplane with a busted out firewall. If a 11" ungeared prop doesn't stall a 1.00 cu. in. engine, I don't see a problem with the story in general. Surprised they used stitches over staples.

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