Sup guys

Sup guys,

Been thinking about doing psychadeeelics for a while and just came across these at the school I work at.

Anyone have any idea how I can see if they're magic mushrooms or not as they look a lot like Liberty Caps, but I would also like not to die...


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Tits for bump

they really dont look like liberty caps to me. the stems are kinda thick.

check out r/shrooms or mycology you'll get a better idea there.

also if you want to try psychedelics just buy some shrooms or acid from dealers lol


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02-16-11-31-1.png (1080x1080, 745K)

Just go look up resources on how to grow them. Shouldn't take you but about 2 months to produce an ounce of mushrooms. Go to for spores.

You dont have magic mushrooms growing on the ground in your neighborhood you fucking retard.

Believe a visit to would be time well spent.

Why the fuck not? They grow wild in the UK, doesn't this count as wild...?


dont listen to this guy, where i live in wales liberty caps grow everywhere

You in the UK? Buy this book, and don't bitch about fifteen quid.

Oh, and no they don't look like liberty caps to me but I'm not sure what they are. Eat them and let us know how you get on.

>i live in wales
I'm sorry, user.


I wouldnt take the chance, I recomend that you just bye some off a dealer, at least then you know they actually are some, or better you grow your own

Cheers dude I'll check it out

Dont eat those

Thanks, flawless advice... also not at all what I said I was going to do

100% not liberty caps.

Also from UK - they are not magic mushrooms. MMS are smaller, have pointier tops, that have a darker “nipple” on the tip.

Cheers, point taken. Guess I'll buy the book and get hunting

Do the stems turn blue after putting preasure in them? If not then no magic mushrooms for you.

They look like Panaeolus papilionaceus to me. But of course I can't be 100%sure.

They are a good source of htp5 if they are. Although not regarded as edible they are not particularly deadly.

It is coming up to the time of year for magic mushrooms though. Those hazy end of summer trippy nights where you can really evaluate your life and where it's going.

Here's a thought: how about you don't trust some random strangers on the internet with your life and get some lsd or sth?