The Fluffybooru is down for a while, time for a fluffy abuse thread in the mean time.
The Fluffybooru is down for a while, time for a fluffy abuse thread in the mean time
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hu hu hu bad popsies nu smeww pwetty hu hu huuuuuu
I wish there was some dialogue for that, I want to hear what those sad mummahs are saying for all those babbehs that probably aren't theirs as their foals probably have been dead for a long time.
Can someone explain?
Sure user:
Because it's fun.
TBH this is a made outdated but it's the best I've got so far.
Well, i kinda like it because real life fluffies are fucking ugly to the point i want to kill them
They are fucking disgusting
Nigga that ain't a real life fluffy that's a fucking shetland pony.
Alright imagine this. Some dude lives out in the sticks. He's got nothing to do until this big herd comes. He looks out the window of his house to see them all take a shit into a pile that is 3 feet tall. This is his field, so this makes him very bad. So when they go to sleep he builds a large fence around them. The next night he puts of a black outfit and scares them. The next night he tells them if they want to eat there must be sacrifices. Just a fun concept to test how far flurries will go when scared and under stress. I got more ideas for it but I won't go on too long
*Claps in nice.*
Foal abortion is by far my favorite
Oh yeah, it's grand.
Sites up for me but I dont need an excuse to post Fluffies
Makes sense
Bump for this dead thread
is bozdo the fluffy version of zalgo?
I don't even know, man. I found it deep in the booru and it seems to have been started by the russian part of the fandom.
post ring of fire's classic where fluffy looses his legs and balls and ends up as a fuck toy for his poopie brother
Like this?
tread dead?
I have a Question?
>Do any of you that enjoy these threads get a thrill from torturing and killing rats?
I used to kinda do these things to rats when I was younger. I can't exactly describe the feeling I got from the experience, but I will say my time doing this ended with babies, a Hammer, and the adults with a chop stick, a forceful push and a bawn fire.
I have no artistic skills, but I have an idea for a story - what's the best way to find someone to work with who can turn the idea into a comic?
I laffed.
those shitrats deserve to suffer more
Is he raping that foal?
yes yes he is
Good to know
I'm feeling motivated to do some writing again, but god damn me if I am going to try to get my head back into fluffyspeak again.
Wtf is this I grown out of this nonsense I guess
That's most of the reason I don't want to even bother creating content. I feel like internalizing fluffy speak is like giving yourself brain damage. Someone's gotta have a dialogue script somewhere.
If you two sissies don't want to write fluffspeak I can translate
happy birthday
The booro has an ok translation doc. Though it is a bit complicated.
Not being a piss, just have little free time to spend typing babyspeak with a lot of w's thrown in. My past stories focused a lot on people doing fluffy related jobs. Mainly extermination and insurance adjusting.
>those shitrats deserve to suffer more
Why? They were born. That's literally all they've done. Why do they deserve bad stuff just because they exist?
Because you just don't like them? That's not them deserving it, that's you getting kicks out of it.
Cockroaches are a pest and don't serve any purpose, but they don't *deserve* to suffer (assuming they even have the neurons to interpret pain), it's just not great having them round.
>Hugboxer alert
They are made to suffer. Like, they are functional creatures who's lore is built by people who visit Yea Forums. Get over yourself.
Because we get satisfaction from seeing them in pain. Some look forward to actually owning one of these and abusing it for fun. It's all about how WE feel not what they feel. It sounds selfish but that's just human nature
Same reason god punishes humans, pretty much.
user, they are vermin. They should be exterminated without regards to any feelings because their mere existence causes trouble. These pests shit so much that they block sewage systems all the time. And having all that shit around can't be healthy.
Because they are bio-engineered abominations of nature. In the lore, these aberrations weren't even a finished product before PETA 'freed' them. And yes, they were a product, a consumers' commercial good, a plaything for children. Not to be mistaken for an actual living being.
They were programmed to simulate a specific set of emotional cues that programmers set. Literally nothing else, which makes them hardly (if even remotely) better than a doll with a pull string voice box.
Also, since they are an unfinished product, they are literally defective to begin with. Extremely high breeding rates that no environment would be able to sustain. Abnormally low iq's that would make toddlers look like super geniuses and an absolute detriment to everything around them, includung themselves. Horrid ethical mentalities (rape, canabilism, and extreme selfishness) that be viewed as irredeemable by human standards. The list simply goes on and on, but it would take too long get through it all.
They are a pest, just like cockroaches. However, unlike roaches, fluffies have a brain capcity that should allow them to distinguish a moral system were it not for everything inherently wrong with them to begin with. All in all, they aren't just pests. They are a parasite. And the only to get rid of a parasite, is to cut them out. By any means necessary.
I love this one. The fluffy has clearly seen nothing but abuse, however, when the promise of a gentle touch arrives, it forgets everything and reaches out for love...only to have the pain continue.
When people have to create a whole ass fan fiction just to justify their animal abuse fetish....
You have to be pretty fucking retarded to associate drawn fictional talking my little pony rip offs to animals
Would you rather it be actual animal abuse?
When people have to create violent video games just to justify their murder tendencies....
>daily look threads on Yea Forums
>complains about a retarded drawn horse getting killed
Nice to see your priorities are straight
Live suicide in vc
>now u're not so fast
humbly requesting some smarty abuse
I just like watching animals get hurt bruh. I don't jack off to it. I'm not that bad off yet.
Let me tell you somethin chief,
Fluffy artists can't draw either.
even more
Now u're not so fast
MOST of them can't draw
I love this kind of shit, it's just a shame that English wasn't the artists first language.
The Ride never ends
would torture and kill/10
>Hell gremlin
Faggot detected
It's not rape if the mother consents
no I don't think that's right
This one is especially nice. Can two smarties occupy the same house?
Let's find out!
>be Dave. Fluffy insurance adjuster
>stand in kitchen, looking over the gore
>bits of burnt and boiled fluffy lay everywhere. >microwave blown out
>the power tripped so there was no fire
>woman standing in the living room, crying to your assistant
He was so sweet! So kind to my nieces. How did this happen?
>you have no idea. This is weirdbox category
>the dumb bastard somehow set the microwave to run for an hour, got in, pressed start.
>the gore tells the rest of the story
>no signs of break in, nothing disterbed except for the path the fluffy took over the counter space
>Home security cameras showed no one entered while the owner was out.
>he got I to some powdered sugar, last meal
>hoof prints cover the outside of the microwave, specifically the start button.
>you look at the slightly charred skull of the once green bio-toy
>you make your final notes and walk into the living room
I have no idea how he did it. But I'm sure he did it. Your insurance covers 'weird accidents'. We will send you a check.
>she thanks you sadly. You step out and see a fat cleaning lady make her way up the steps
>you look back at the woman
Sorry for your loss.
>get back in the car and file your report in an email. Your assistant looks you you
How? That shit makes no sense!
>you start the car
I've seen some weird shit with fluffies. Most of the time they have obvious accidents. But sometimes, it so as though reality itself has it out for them.
>you roll out. New call came in.
>some fucker kidnapped a prize pink fluffy from a park and did some sick shit to it, then dropped it off with video proof
>you are going to see the vet with the client to determine if it can reproduce or not.
So regional variations in temperature would be deadly to fluffies. It's shown they can't exist anywhere that snows in winter (or in that envelope anyway) and nowhere that gets above 100F/~36C in the summer, so quite a large portion of the world is safe from that.
Feeling pretty comfy
Delete my image eh? Can't ban me for posting an image that isn't against the rules.
Forgot to associate image
>They were programmed to simulate a specific set of emotional cues that programmers set. Literally nothing else, which makes them hardly (if even remotely) better than a doll with a pull string voice box.
And yet that is almost never the case. Yes they do often come out with the same things, but they can reason (albeit badly), learn and predict, obey instructions, hold simple conversations, play games, show even complex emotions etc.
No fluffy pony is winning awards for intelligence (some worse than others), but they are well beyond a simple pull string box.
How's all your muderboners coming?
>actual living being
How do you define "actual living being"? Pretty sure it's "respire, eat, shit, reproduce". Fluffies do all those things. They are real animals, they just got there by a different route.
These are the kinds of ethics discussions I think the existence of fluffies is about. Speculative science fiction tier.
I fucking hate anthro
That's nice, just sayin', there's a picture out there for everybody
dummeh hoomins dis smawties fwead nao
Over my dead body
I need more abuse
Say what shitrat?
Much appreciated. This is some good shit
No prob
That is some damn good animation
That's terrible. Two poopeh babbehs? The mother must have some shitty genes.
Now u're not so fast
To the incinerator
Wahhn weggies.. fucken wahhh wahh.
Now a hugbox break.
Huggie endings.
I'm posting actual hugbox out of spite
There is a toymaker paying attention...
Yay! Faggotry to own the gayness.
Shitty hugbox is shitty.
I don't have any fluffy abuse but would like to contribute
what the fuck
Hugbox is still goin.
I like the anthro fluffies, do more
The relentless toucher of these poor, adorable, dumb animals is just terrible... What do you people get out of these comics and crappy drawings anyway? Sick, sadistic pleasure? Closure? What is it?
Great post user
The same feeling people get from watching satisfying videos
I don't fucking know
Don't you ever feel bad though? I had to look up hug box to negate the awful feeling I get from this sadistic stuff.
You know what fiction is? Right?
Shit's bleak, yo.
oh come on, this is useless to see the before without seeing the after
Ok I've read some of t get it at all, just some sick fantasy people indulge in? Maybe it's some fetish, but tbh if this truly does something for you , then you should definitely find some healthy outlets for your demons
Friends, the way of the existential and weird is very rewarding.
Could honestly care less about the hurting just not sure of the thought behind it all. Plenty of ways to get anger and frustration out of your system, this just seems like a fake outlet, you think your getti g it out your system by looki g but actually your just bottling it up and amplifying it.
That's all I got. I had no idea there is any more.
No not really, they seem to do worse things than humans on a daily basis
Fuck off
Extra bump
Here's an update to it.
Goodnight boys
Can I borrow a feel?
I just want to see it dead
meanwhile at the family's house
Have the tides turned?
How would a bad poopeh babbeh num itself?
Who cares? It's just cartoons.
So is anime, but most people don't like it if you start drawing their characters with dicks and teaching newfags that they're all traps aimed for the homosexual audience.
just as ugly
This is what a real world fluffy looks like.
10/10 would stomp
Cuts of her horn and the two Foles horns and say now he is like you and the other two now care for him or the other two get it
Best one so far.
i don't get it
Is there a text book reason why they rape foals?
they horny. nothing else to fuck
i like when these threads spark discussion
Well to be fair even roaches serve a purpose to the balance of nature.
Fluffies arn't even that because they are man made. An invasive species to any ecosystem
now u're not so fast
listen to this guy, just make it to the best of your hability and do it with love
we also got this guy.
nothing so deep as that, it's just fun
my therapist says this is a healthy outlet for my demons, in fact, gonna start drawing my own comics now
Thanks for a pretty good thread boys. Until next time, WUBSIES AN HUGSIES
Also where can I find all of SchaferAraks work?
Hank, you fucking degenerate.