Sup Yea Forums I think I fucked up...

sup Yea Forums I think I fucked up, I hit my dog with a belt to stop her barking and the buckle caught her on the paw and now she's not walking right so I need to know how to fix it cos cant afford vetenrian

Attached: abby.jpg (960x720, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread: I think I fucked up, I hit my dog with a belt to stop her barking and the buckle caught her on the paw /#

Prob okay after a few days, why hit with belt?
any idea why dog was barking to begin with?
Verbally attempting to stop dog from barking. or turning your back and ignoring them, giving walk/food if needed.

terriers are quite demanding, Is the dog normally well behaved?

take the dog to a no-kill shelter, donate all your possessions to a charity and then kill yourself

I hope your dog dies you animal abusing shit stain.

people who abuse animals are the worst. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.

Several packs of niggers hopefully

She'll be fine on due time
But you're scum,trash, literally so lowly you should consider treating her 20x better or killing yourself,you piece of shit

Attached: 1564539776907.png (600x640, 531K)

user confirms,
This is the right thing to do OP
I'm gonna fucking hit you with a belt just for talking.

Kek, with a belt? This is the worst larping thread I've ever seen


Fuck you op I hope no one helps ... accept the fact your going to hell and be satins cock sleeve

How the fuck do you hit someone with a belt, but with the BUCKLE?

Noggers are animals so he’d probably beat them with a belt first.

you should bring her to a veterinarian and tell them what you did so you can be locked up for animal abuse you fucking faggot stop hitting animals in the first place.

let the puppy free and hang yourself with the belt

> gets a dog
> dont know how to train it properly
> uses a belt

fucking idiot

Please kill yourself. And give your dog to a good person.

> "... I need to know how to fix it cos cant afford vetenrian ..." ;

No you don't:
this is the twentieth time this EXACT copypasta has been posted here on Yea Forums, .....
(with EXACTLY the same pic related)
..... since the very first time on:
Fri 30 Nov 2018 17:20:37 UTC [post # = No.786207129 ] and the most recent identical post to the one I'm now replying to on:
Tue 21 May 2019 19:19:36 UTC [post # = No.800282719]

Here is an archive listing of all the twenty-one identical threads - each of which can be opened in full, to see all the previous replies: I think I fucked up, I hit my dog with a belt to stop her barking and the buckle caught her on the paw /#

Lissenup dude you need to get a life - even more than I do.

Pepe Oldfag Wizard
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Attached: Pepe Oldfag Wizard .gif (387x305, 494K)

You are a shitty person. I hope you feel bad.

who cares its a fucking dog.

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