I used to actually find feet to be a huge turn off. When looking at women, I'd always have to look at their feet to make sure they didn't have some sort of god awful talons, or ogreish looking slabs of fuck on the ends of their feet. Not because I had a foot fetish, I just thought feet were nasty in general, and was picky about what ones looked okay on a perspective mate. A girl could have a 10/10 body, but if she's got hobbit feet, I want nothing of it. I'm not sure when exactly it crossed the line to me liking feet, but it was over time. I think I started to discovered the qualities I deemed acceptable, and began looking for them first, and perusing the rest of the body second. I think that slowly developed into me liking certain aspects of feet, which, combined in a slight but gradual slackening of standards with age, started me on my way. At some point I happened across footjob porn with the exact type of feet I found acceptable, and that kicked it off. I'm still very picky, but the ones I do like can get me pretty turned on.
Similar Idea for me. The two words that I found myself embarrassed to say even from a young age, for reasons I'm still not sure of, were "feet" and "love" words I more or less veer from nowadays as well. In almost the same sense, I started at some point to judge women by their feet first, I truly believe there is a correlation between the quality of a woman and how well she takes care of her feet. I understand that they all come in different shapes and sizes and not all are attractive to me, but there is still a manner in which it is obvious if they take care of them or not. I enjoy feet. There is also a certain attraction to the intimacy of them and the general vulnerability of a situation in which they are presented to you. There was also this time in 7th and 8th grade where I went to a public school but uniform was enforced and close toed shoes were a policy for both genders. At parent/teacher meetings and dances and other things the girls would very commonly use it as an excuse to show off everything they normally couldn't, including feet, which were a major point, this was also something that trained me into thinking they were desireable. Theres all types of shit that goes into it really. Shape, smell, cleanliness/quality, intimacy, trust, taboo. etc, hopefully this helps.
My mother used to make me rub her feet with lotion at night for quarters. Then my kindergarten teacher made me rub her feet when she was pregnant in the classroom, before her maternity leave. I remember I had a crush on a certain girl in that same class, and I remember catching myself looking at her feet a lot whenever she wore open-toed footwear. Not saying it's WHY. But it's something I've noticed.
Thanks Freud. And Erotic Crystallization Inertia.
Grayson Moore
Calling upon those owner of these feet! please come forward and post moar! preferably soles! because I'm dying to nut! Thank you!
you feet are perfect, how come you don't or haven't posted them before?if you wanted more people to request then this is the way to do it my lady. >pic like this? pic related. I know it's not your style but a man's got to take his shot.
dw I've saved them all, please consider making more especially like >pic related don't have to have nudity but close up of your feet would be much appreciated
I would love more pictures like this. without the cage and the plug ofc. If they squat directly ontop of the camera, it's what it would look like if they were about to sit on your face. >mfw no one ever does it though.
imagine though looking up from underneath them with their asshole staring back at you with their cock and balls hanging, waiting in anticipation knowing that any second you're going to be eating that ass. >got myself all worked up now.
Is there anywhere I can go to get more of her? I’ve got clips and images here and there but I’m seeing so much that I haven’t seen of her being posted
Elijah Thompson
I have no idea mate, I found her though these threads.