What are some absolutely terrifying movies...

What are some absolutely terrifying movies? The kinda movies that will have you looking into the shadows of your dark bedroom for ghosts. One's where you have the feeling something is in the room with you, but you could never expect to see it.
Don't give the typical "top 10 scariest movies of all time" answers...

Let's get a cursed movies thread.

Youtube videos will do to.

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the 4th kind is the only movie that ever scared me(including after i watched it not just during) since adulthood

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I just finished watching the movie "bug " with Ashley Judd and Michael shannon.
It was fucked up, but not that creepy kinda movie I was expecting.

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The Shining

Seen it, but it's been a while.
Maybe i'll give it another go.
I just need something otherwise i'm gonna go to sleep and I don't want to yet....

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>Don't give the typical "top 10 scariest movies of all time" answers...

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well if you want something you probably won't find look for anything by toe tag pictures. in particular august underground 2. 1 was okay but 2 had better violence as it was about more than just kidnapping and torture raping 1 female. the shit in that movie looks so good i was positive it was real footage.

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there is a scene in 2 where 2 guys and 2 women are torturing these other 2 women and towards the end one guy slits one of their stomachs open and fucks it

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Your moms dirtyass sex tape scared the shit outta me

Sounds interesting, something I haven't seen before I could check out.

I'm a fan of gore, but it's not gonna keep me up at night...

Lmao. Faggot.

you underestimate how fucked up this movie is psychologically. look into it. it's a snuff filmed like home video of all their tortures and rapes.

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The grifter

Wild Wild West starrringg the grea Will Smith has some pretty scary scenes in it. Plus it’s got an awesome story and a dope ass soundtrack!

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well, trilogy, not movie..but i digress. i speak mainly of 2. 3 was okay but more of the same and 1, like i said.

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Wiggy wiggy Wild Wild West niggas

unnnngh nnngh

I'm watching this because the thread isn't taking off...
There are no movies that really scare me...
The jump scares are just reflexes.

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it's not a shitty mainstream jump scare movie.

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Hausu - the jap one from the 70s is pretty cool.

Jacobs ladder?

Garfield The Movie

Watch a docudrama film called “Threads” it describes the eventualities of nuclear holocaust. It is disturbing to say the least.

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>watch something meant to ignite fear mongering
(((they've))) been on this kick since ww2. watch literally any black and white movie and you are almost guaranteed (if it's a "horror" or "moral" story it involves nuclear mishap.

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Hereditary was pretty insane at points

It depends.

When I was a kid, monsters and ghosts.
When as a teen, stuff like Jaws.
As an adult, the Democrat debates.

Great, now I'm cursed. Thanks, OP.

lol that's ironic because at a quick glance i read "jews" not jaws.

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Oldie I like.

Prince of Darkness.

The one that got me was the christian black dude. If you watch you will see what I mean.

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Hereditary legitimately messed me up for a few days. It either seems to really affect you, or not affect you at all based on what I've seen of people's experiences of it.
Also, "Life and Death of a Porno Gang" is what you'd get if you mixed "A Serbian Film" with "Freaks"

In the mouth of madness, ok
Event Horizon, pretty good.


making a dark souls character be like

Hey OP, here’s a list of nightmare fuel on YouTube.


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Is that the one with the liquid evil?? Where they have to like, jump through a mirror or something?

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Lol imagine thinking this is scary

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You do know Kevin Smith made this as a joke right?

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the first paranormal activity


Pi, for something that screws down pressure where you are never sure if its all delusion or real.


Also possibly the most Jewish movie on earth.

Nosferatu, the 70s version with Kinski was pretty good as well.
Full movie here.

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Thats the one.
And Alice cooper as a bum.

The scene where the all are trying to get back through and the last person gets caught frozen in that darkness horrified me as a child

Your memory is a touch out.

John carpenters The Thing.
Only film that as an adolescent actually scared the bejeezus out of me.

The paranoia in this film is palpable. Only film that actually matches paranoia behavior (acting performance) to the actual storyline in this way.

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Decent list. Gay title, but a good effort. Got a lot of classics on here

The thing is a GOAT film

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Oh yeah - the part where the ouija board lights on fire and nobody talks about it was SUUUUPER SPOOPY WOOOOAAAAH

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People only thought it was good because there have been SFA horrors done with proper actors and played completely straight. No funny bits or relief.
A solid 7/10.

The old Omen films werent bad

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