Post god-tier cinema itt

post god-tier cinema itt

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Overrated meandering piece of crap.

I don't care if people say it's overrated, I love the idea that he's a really that maniacal and when he actually snaps the priest and all hell breaks loose it's so satisfying. Wouldn't be half as good without Daniel Day Lewis

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What makes it god-tier for you, user?

The greatest film from the greatest living filmmaker. Although an argument could be made for Magnolia if not for Daniel Day Lewis.

Meanwhile, everyone is busy jerking off the overrated Tarantino.

The Master > Magnolia

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I watched this movie when it came out. Thought it sucked. I watched it again years later and still thought it sucked.

I drink your milkshak

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Best part is when he whispers into Eli’s ear : I’m going to eat you one day. Dat reaction lol

Don’t you mean “NATOKUROORAA?”

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Road to Perdition

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My local cinema is showing old movies in 4k recently, shits great. Saw the original Alien and next week Apocalypse now.


lol watching this right now

The Wandering Earth

That shit sounds awesome, are they playing the original star wars


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can't say it's a god tier movie objectively, but it's definetly one of mine for some reasons.

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What a shitstorm of movies I would never fucking watch.

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this. Truly the GOAT

the movie wouldn't work without him

speaking of overrated trash

best sequel ever

a masterpiece.

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*blocks your path*

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I’m gonna give you sorry faggots the best pro tip for movies you’ll ever get.

“A Boy and His Dog”

It’s post apocalyptic and the dog finds women for the boy to rape. Incredible

I'm guessikng that this one is more your speed...

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awesome plot and storyline.

Hard to beat Goodfellas

That movie was fucking terrible. Just because something has Daniel Day Lewis in it, doesn't automatically make it GOD TIER. This movie was a long, boring piece of shit.

i forgot about this movie holy fuck

The greatest piece of cinematic art ever laid to film is Tree of Life by Terrence Malick.

If you don't agree, you're too dumb to respond effectively to this discussion.

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Better than OPs movie

no argument

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great movie, but that ending fucking sucked

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I love dogs

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For me, it's taxi driver

Watch your capeshit, something not too taxing...

Agreed, but sadly, most wont. The Saddest Music in the World is another underappreciated gem.

are you 17-24y/o?

Actual god tier movie unlike the garbage posted


no, and i didn't say it's the best movie of all time or anything, just an enjoyable one

summer of sam

Nolan is a homosexual brainlet

Best movie

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ah with that i can side

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Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Literally and figuratively.

Also ITT: Plebs

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One of the gods of Cinema

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I agree. But it prompted me to start reading the books, and boy, they are dark...

This blew me away. Peak filmmaking.

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What is more in your taste? I'm not offended, although i've enjoyed this movie, i would like to know what do you consider for a good movie/not trash

If you haven't seen Sorcerer then watch it. Another mind-blowing peice of filmmaking that went unnoticed and will never happen again.

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It's one of the best of its genre. But let's be honest, it isn't in league with let's say, Lawrence of Arabia.

Fuck yes. Along with Quo Vadis, The Agony and The Ecstasy, Spartacus, etc. Fucking epic.

Didn't see it, will watch it tonight, thanks. Seems like a solid recommendation

If they could bring Blood Meridian to the big screen...

Its a slow paced movie with an intentionally ambiguous end. I like it because it has really great acting preformances and cool symbolism throughout the film thats fun to pick apart and think about, but I can see why it doesn't have mainstream appeal.

DDL steals the show.

This is a real gem. It's depiction of descent into hell is one of the best scenes of that kind ever. More of a drama than a horror movie.


Good film for leftist drivel , mads did great work here .

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Looks like a good film , know how to procure it?

In your opinion, who would be the best to direct and produce?

I have heard many good things about this film . Then again its kubrick so its guaranteed to be at least passable

Gangs of New York has to be mentioned.

Masterpiece, but it didn't strike me as a leftist drivel so much. Mads is a great actor, didn't had a chance yet to see Polar

Bill the butcher is the true hero of that movie

has nobody seen elephant??

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>leftist drivel

You're in for a ride. Blew me away that I watched it again the next day, and even more when I read how it was filmed. In a world where everything is CGI, you forget there was a time where actors really risked their lives. So raw and real.

It was on Amazon prime when I saw it

I am such an anal retentive ass when it comes to certain things i kinda have this underlying pessimism when watching films . Great movie yes but maybe i am just looking into certain elements a bit too much. Or maybe not

>having nothing to add except parroting

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On my first watching i've found it boring, but that could be because i was a teenager with a very short attention span. But on my second and third, i could finally appreciate Kubrick's vision in a way that it was meant to be appreciated, definitely a movie that needs more mature audience, and another masterpiece

Alright cool i will check it out , thenk

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That is the way i felt when first saw clockwork orange as a teen . Watched it again not long ago and it was grueling, absolutely stunning but grueling . Not a movie to watch stoned either lol.

But i liked the movie they've made about the filming

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Isnt this movie just 4 hours of him spazzing out and recycling james dean lines?

It's been some time since the last i've seen it- is One-eyed meant to be Odin? And what about those Christians on their way to the Holy Land? I can see easily how it could be constructed as a leftost message, about them coming to a foreign land, Christian sodomites, etc.

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All is Lost. Possibly Redford's best work.

dramatic masterpiece

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>a real human being
>and a real hero

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You're reading way too much into it. Not everything has some "hidden" message.

Cocoon, Day of the Triffids, Galaxy of Terror, Planet of the Vampires

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There’s many great films and it’s difficult to narrow it down. I would only say that there are a litany of foreign films that are excellent and give some of those a chance if you can. I’ve not seen all of Kurosawas films but those I did were all top notch. Of those Seven Samurai and Ikiru were my favorites.

Yeah , the missing right eye symbolizes odin . But i cannot remember much . A visceral experience and a decent film but its been a hot minute since i last saw it .

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Perhaps you are not looking far enough into it

Monster, Antichrist, The Cube

>Overrated meandering piece of crap.
From someone else 5 hours later
>I am am rich
>I buy your stuff
>I am rich
>give me your stuff
>I am rich
>kid is confused
>I am angery
The end

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had to watch it a few times to get all the little subtle details. The older I get, the more this movie makes sense.

much like. good twists.

Find a review that mentions any of what you find.

The New World


dont know if you niggers will actually agree, but I love it.

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try office space

This too

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fistful of dollars is better and less corny

I live Office Space... I'm effectively a "bob"

This can and must be watched from any point when scrolling through channels and you see it. He had this thing he did with the garlic, he sliced it thin with a razor.

This here... Better than LSATSM

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Great for a kekkel.

Oh a true 1973 classic boys go watch this, if you aren't aware it's based on a set of books and comics. So few people have seen or heard of this movie, even when I talk to older people they don't know it. I'm 25

kek, once i realized that going to work is optional and so is paying for everything I was reborn. can't believe it took a movie for me to realize this

"Trudge through a myriad of jargon spewed out by unoriginal hacks that all always say the same shit because they are just like me" no thanks

I will try it out friend I can neither agree nor disagree at this juncture.

One of the funniest movies i have ever seen

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If you don't at least think that most of that movie is great you are wrong bud sorry I don't make this shit up. The diner scene is better than most movies.

Give me a light rundown on wake in fright please. The title has captivated me.

Polar was good.


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One of the goats. You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English with this fucking knife!

Love the shit out of this movie

All 3 movies of pusher featuring Mads Mikkelsen

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I dont think anyone here has seen this film and it wasnt that good tbh

Another one of the goats

Damn near ANYTHING by the Coen Bros is guaranteed to be good af.

One of the most horribly underrated films of the last 20 years.
Casey Affleck, Brad Pitt, and Sam Rockwell are ridiculously good in it.

Honestly one of the only movies that has made me feel a broad spectrum of emotions and also what I thought was a fake thing when people said they had fun watching something, truly I had fun it's a great film. Swiss army man

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Totally agree. Some of Rockwell's finest work. That strange haunting feeling that ran through the whole film is amazing.

Absolutely true. Casey Affleck is the better Affleck, he was pretty good in the killer inside me as well if you haven't seen it. Pic unrelated just won't let me post cause without one because some horse shit on 4chans end.

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So underrated. I wish they would make a sequel.

how come? this movie was pretty dumb, and not in a good way neither

I love this movie. Tom Hanks was really good in this movie.

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He was halfway decent in the film out of the furnace as well

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Left* my bad , late hour

The chick that played the german spy was so fucking hot

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Based on a a teacher in Australia that is bonded meaning he has to teach in an absolute shithole in the middle of the outback for 2 years or pay off his bond off in full. He's off for the holidays and goes on a epic gambling/alcohol filled bender in the outback and gets in way over his head.

Makes you never want to go to Australia.

would be perfect without the tongue and the cow

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Sounds good thanks for the response. I'll try it out. Lmao already know that I don't want to go to hellstralia, wouldn't mind an aussie girl tho. it wasn't, I know a few people who may have the same issue you might have had, they were too uptight to even give it a chance. It really is a great film and achieves everything a good film actually needs that so few can or even attempt.

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This film in particular. The whole trilogy is incredible, but fellowship is a masterpiece

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fellowship is the only god-tier lord of the rings movie

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i liked that one. ending kinda sucked tho

So many of Pedro almodovar's work is good. Weird, but good.

A true masterpiece. My most anticipated film is the raid 3

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i liked this one too, but not because of the story.
>well shot, decent camera work
>good chemistry between most actors
>funny dialogue

The last third was shaky, but this movie is beautiful as well as an interesting character story.

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one of my fav movies. She was a babe

Wolf of Wall St


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I am a pleb and I've seen this

Why do you even like this shit?

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Man I hate 2001. But I have to admit it's an important film everyone needs to watch

Yeah, it reminds of buddy cop movies of the 80s

Saw it the other day. It had aged like milk. I was surprised.

Everyone’s seen it at least 20 times and can recite a quarter of the dialogue...y’know why?
Because it’s clearly a fuggin’ amazing movie.


Raid 2 was the masterpiece. One of the best sequels ever.

Perfect movie.

When Spacey still had a career. Good, but hardly god-tier.

Not saying it’s the best, but god damn, Donnie Darko is a good movie.

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Cant find this movie on Blue ray, only on fucking DVD.

fite me

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Raid 2 had masterful scenes but also went too 13 year old edgy in some regards. Not as good as the first overall. The muddy prison yard scene from 2 was the best he has ever shot. You are wrong but it's okay.

in the company of men shaped me as a young guy; i saw close to the time i saw following; they were both great. dont recognize a few so gonna checks trailers. thanks, user, youre way way less of a faggot than OP!

"Mien Fuher, I can walk!"
Peter Sellers was class. Pity fags won;t watch it simply because it's not colour

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Isn;t it like 5hrs long for something. Or Ben Hur was.

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and the fukkin cast, dude. i was surprise that a scifi flick with almost no promotion was so well cast.

I know just what you mean. It's an anxious/sad/forlorn vibe that permeates every scene.

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The protector with tony jaa
>dat flying knee tho

Trash tier brainlet movie. A 2/5 at best with such an easy to predict plot, and shit acting. The cinematography was nice though and it's only redeemable quality.

Wasn't a big fan of his until this. Blew me away.

Another great one

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A mind fuckaroo...
Great movie.

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Most pretentious garbledy gook. It's just over-sentimentalized nostalgia that snorts way too much kubrick. LIterally fuck that movie.

Yeah boi

Also this

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Assassination of Jesse or killer inside me?


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One of my favorite books as a young boy, this, carry on Mr. Bowditch, and Moby Dick really gave me a love for the sea, too bad I'm irrationally afraid of sharks. If I think about sharks in a pool I'm getting out.

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Haven't seen KIM yet
Thanks for the rec

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You called it cinema. Gay

wut is it supposed to be moovies

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Magnolia isn't even that good. It's too pretentious.

horrible movie. one good scene.

when this was in the cinema, somebody went round writing he is kaiser soze with an arrow pointing to kevin spacey on the posters around where i lived

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absolute masterpiece.

Good but sad

Edgy incoherent garbage

it’s really deep

I concur.
Badass movie.

I thought about going back to watch it like i was missing something but haven't bothered. I probably just watched it when i was butthurt or something

Christopher Nolan is hit and miss for me(imo Inception was trash) but Memento is the tits.

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Christopher Nolan is trash. Memento is his only decent film.

No problem I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Loved it!!

Are you a 15 year old girl?

I’m gonna defend user here, The Breakfast Club is a damn good movie.
And get rill, most 15 year olds haven’t even heard of it.

thought it was better than the book. Really good flick.

VERY underrated. I watch at least a couple times a year.

Nah, was pretty meh

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Oh my god, this is so fucking bad. I’d rather have a root canal.

this is god

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T2 sucks hard normie

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Was NOT impressed by this one.
Huge letdown

Khan, the best character in all star trek series.. The new is not bad too

Your face sucks hard.

Tumblr is thataway
>a bunch of angsty teens sit in a library and piss and moan for an hour and a half or so
Yeah , spellbinding to be sure

here is the god-tier film you were supposed to post

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Boring as fuck.

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>redford at his best
>not jeremiah johnson
You had one job

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just because you don’t like the plot doesn’t mean it’s not well done

Calm your tits Mr. Greentext.

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This was diarrhea

I do love the first movie, but I’ve always preferred T2.

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it’s for kids and retards

>impling there was anything truly meaningful about it
>there wasn't
I imagine next you are going to tell me pretty in pink was a deep riveting theatrical experience that truly and philosophically encompasses the human condition potrayed by a budding young woman .

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Very insightful user.
I found a couple movies in this thread to check out, but after that ridiculous comment, I’ll take my leave.

the breakfast club was nuanced as shit about being an individual. You couldn’t make a better movie.

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run faggot

>heres lookin at you , nig
>proceeds to blow chunks out of both ends

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People do realize this is a leftwing propaganda film, right?
It's obviously pro illegal immigration.

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this kinda looks like a manowar album

Decent but hardly god tier

>muh nuance
>muh individualism
Yawn , a bunch of decadent bitching is hardly a statement. Should of just called the movie "cliche"

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I loved The Outsiders!

Shit-tier but a guilty pleasure.

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The Kubrick film hardly anyone has seen, but among his best for sure

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I saw Jeremiah Johnson, and while it was a damn good movie, I liked All is Lost more. Strictly subjective opinion.


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Is this Monty Python Holy Grail?

More like the worst movie ever made

Awesome flick

Closest to being an almost flawless movie that I've ever seen.

Just can’t stand uppity douche bags adding negativity(general shittiness) to otherwise productive threads.
But hey, it’s Yea Forums...

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Even better...

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I bet this guy has a lot of friends.

Fair nuff , in all actuality i have not seen all is lost i just remember having so much fun watching Jeremiah Johnson
Pic related

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favourite movie is pacific rim
please don't judge me

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Jaja, Aguirre

Don't forget...

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>better call em a douche to show how much more mature i am and that i mean business
Tumbrinas are all the same . Eat shit

You're opinion is incorrect

amongst my favourite

This one was actually really good, too.

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It was....better than i thought it would be....

As if we would ever judge some faggot with the cinematic tastes of a 10yo...

>you are opinion is incorrect
Well he may be wrong but at least he doesn't subsist off of paintchips like yourself

im a pussy and thought it was too scary when the crew went to the other spaceship and theres a few frame of jumpscare

user, you’re an American treasure.
Keep up the good work buddy. :)

Sucky movie that sucked. Not just because of the sucky ending. It just sucked.

the two sequels are for kids and retards. comedy and spoon feeding have no place in serious fantasy

I love you too.

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Based thread

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This is pure shit. Aejandro Jodorowsky had a better vission of this story. So lame no one thought it could be greater than Star Wars.

Way better than the book.

Perhaps you can go into greater detail as to why you think this? Your absolutely mesmerizing vernacular skills have me enraptured

oh can we post anime? or does it make me a faggot?

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A film is a film and this site was sort of founded by goddamn weebs so go on ahead . I liked spirited away but so did half the goddamn planet . And i rented akira from blockbuster when i was a kid happy for some cartoons and was subsequently WTF'D in my face . And that is about as much experience as i have with animoovies


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No u

most terrible overrated movie of all time


Also , not the same person . So it should be "fags" . You cumdrunk buttpirate

That seems like a bit of a stretch...

>implying there's more than two people in this thread

runners up include scarface and pleb fiction

Would have been better if it was all about buster

>all these replies are in fact just one person having a psychotic breakdown
It is all finally starting to make sense

>cliche villain that has no motivations that anyone can care about in any way
>he has no humanity at all, just a murderous lump that kills anything in sight
>Moss is unsympathetic
>Sheriff is detached and just boring
>tries to be philosophical, but fails
>and when id tries, it slows everything to a halt
>and.. the sucky ending sucked

People seem to like it just because it feels odd, which is a hallmark of The Coen Brothers. So I'me guessing they just like it because they're supposed to, or because of conditioning. But The Coen Brothers pretty much suck past 2000. Not everything they've done since is shit, but most of it is.

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Scarface was edgyboi prepubescent intrigue . And pulp fiction was glamorous vomit . This i can agree with

finally someone that understands me, i can't stand either of them

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I loved the villan personally, i could relate to him on a certain level . The sheriff was charming but i grew up around people like him . I suppose we agree to disagree. Thanks for humoring me all the same

Then you're both fags. Faggot.
Grow and and fuck off with these gay ass cartoons

I agree that they are regarded way too highly, but they’re still great movies.

I have heard .....things......about this movie

That’s what I’m sayin’.
I thought going into it, that it was just about him - disappointed I was.

Haven't met someone that has seen In the Company of Men. Definitely check the rest out. I wish I could go back and watch them all. I appreciate great acting and unforgettable endings and there is both on that list. Don't go by the trailers, some of them are really old.

M. Emmett Walsh as Loren Visser in Blood Simple is one of the most unforgettable, brilliantly acted characters I've seen.

Runway Train has one of the best endings ever. Marlon Brando considered it his favorite movie in his autobiography. Jon Voight deserved an Oscar for playing Manny the animal.

Southern Comfort has the most tense 15 min endings I've ever seen. One of the most badass films.

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Go be assmad somewhere else , your kvetching is hardly cogent.

Tarantino was the kid in the back of the class that smelled like shampoo and farts and thought he was cool because he stole his uncle's weed sometimes. I dont know why i needed to say that but there it is .