so the FBI have labelled "conspiracy theories" as a domestic terror threat.
dumb move FBI. now you have several government watchdogs looking at you VERY closely.
so the FBI have labelled "conspiracy theories" as a domestic terror threat.
dumb move FBI. now you have several government watchdogs looking at you VERY closely.
Obamas corrupt FBI are about to do some fucked up shit again.
the utter irony. isn't their whole russia investigation the biggest conspiracy theory with no ground to stand on? now that it failed conspiracy theories are out?
>Two Russians circlejerking each other.
Fuck off comrades.
exactly that man, their own corrupt staff perpetrated the biggest hoax in decades.
one of the biggest and most divisive conspiracy theories was cooked up by the FBI.
now they've been found out, the have to criminalize the watchdogs who find out the corruption in government.
it's to save their own backs
God the only reason you're so dumb is your love for obama and blind faith in government.
the FBI is corrupt and un fit for purpose
Fuck off you goat fucking Russian pedo. Nobody believes your deepstate lies.
Go suck a dick comrade. Sorry you were born in a communist shithole country. Russia is a joke.
you mention russia
you mention pedos
you mention the deepstate
so... projecting?
>found the salty FBI agent
hello FBI
m8 why u samefagging
he's my very own personal FBI shill.
I'm kinda honoured I can't lie
it's even better when you're a hispanic american like myself. these libs are fucking pathetic.
The theories themselves or those that spread them? Because looking into the theories, would be a very good thing.
>fbi bad
>conspiracy theories now get banned because they are true
>russia trying to manipulate the election is a stupid not real conspiracy theory
lol this thread made me lose 10 IQ points for people bending logic like crazy
how retarded are you? not every conspiracy theory is true you fucking retard but "conspiracy theory" itself was coined by the intelligence agencies to counter questions nearing a century ago. you really should do even a little research before you spread your cheeks and vomit from your ass.
they've been sucked into the fantasy world of MSM, probably why they believe so strongly in the Russian collusion theory.
Hispanic Americans are based and like Trump (the majority at least) and these libs will still scream white supremacist.
like I imagine they've done to you for even mentioning right wing politics
>vomit from your ass
You can't vomit from your ass.
Also now I understand, you define the non disclosure act as law against conspiracy theories? Lol, that again would be logic bending.
That law defines you disclosing govt secrets as criminal. So the fbi would be at your door arresting you for spreading conspiracy theories that are true. Maybe you see where this is going? That would be a stupid move. That law is only used if you are directly working for what you disclose and stole information.
freedom of speech is still strong so you can talk about whatever you like
but you might end up on a list of dangerous people or something
just so the FBI can be like these guys are just delusional.
it'll probably just affect people like David Ike but still a scary concept
i've been called everything from hick, hillbilly to racist bigot. all with my very hispanic last name visable on fb.
what are you even talking about you delusional retard? wherein did any one in this thread say any conspiracy was true? the fact they are going after conspiracy theories when they just grasped onto the largest fake one since flat earth, is more ironic than you are retarded. and that's 100 pounds of retard in a 10 pound capacity bag.
>wherein did any one in this thread say any conspiracy was true?
> "conspiracy theory" itself was coined by the intelligence agencies to counter questions nearing a century ago
I'm already on every list. That look like thermite to you?
No, looks like molten AL and magnesia
>not understanding the difference between allowing people to question and thinking every question is true
wew you just keep digging yourself into an even lower iq pit. i commend your efforts to make my day but please...stop now.
>found the kike
Looks more like jet fuel. See how it drips?
> the FBI have labelled "conspiracy theories" as a domestic terror threat
That statement was so dumb I had to read it three times before I could slow my brain down enough to parse it.
This is getting stupid. The literal definition of cospiracy theory
a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators ie the government
All of the GOP has been infested by ruskies.
9/11 was an inside job.
insurance fraud if you ask me
took out insurance on the world trade centre right before the attack and then a British bank pays out millions.
I've been talking about Epstein for years.
not to mention the Clinton foundation.
I'm on every list imaginable also haha
>vomiting a definition i already said was coined to counter questions of any one in power from his ass
>still expecting to be taken seriously and not like the biggest retard to walk on shaky child legs onto the plantation of liberal mind slavery.
Insurance fraud, fixed hanging chad rigged election, two oil wars on a silver platter and the NAFTA protests disappeared overnight. If 9/11 is ever unraveled, the slimy 1% will go down in flames and the world can finally heal.