Say hello to your future president

Say hello to your future president.

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If only.

most retards are to busy mastubating to 70-year-old cheeto to realize Yang LITERALLY CARES ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE THE MOST AND WANTS TO GIVE THEM MONEY

yeah and we want to earn our living
so fuck yang and fuc your begging ass.

His plan is ridiculous. As president he cannot by himself order the treasury to start sending checks to everyone. Congress controls the purse and writes laws.

You can still work, retard

Your right, building a literal wall around the country is a better plan

Your right but there is only some many McDonald's in America. Who the fuck would want to be anything important when you can work at Taco Bell for the same fucking money.

You can still earn a living. This is simply a form of financial assistance for when you are down. 1000 is not enough ti make a good living and you will have to work to buy all the thing you would like.
No, he is not going to hold the treasury at gunpoint. He is going to tax the highest bracket because etheir money is collecting dust off shore. The money will simply be circulated.

So him denying a democratic candidate automatically associates him as a Trump supporter? How fucking mentally crippled can you be he was literally just telling you how the fuck the government works. Kill yourself retarded lefty.

Why should their money be taken? Why should that same stolen money be given to a nigger who will buy drugs with it.?

I'm a millionaire. Trump getting reelected in 2020 would be good and fine but what scares me more is what happens in 2024. I feel like I need to prepare myself for leaving this country before the lunatics take over.

Because if you did basics econ 101 instead of hanging around /pol/, you would know that money that is out of circulation might as well not exist at all. The money will be given to people to spend as they see fit. More purchasing power for the poor and middle class means more independence form corporations amd better financial success.

UBS is a better option than UBI, but either one would need a sort of social-purchase structure in order to exist without just tanking the economy. Weinstein/Thiel really underscored the main issue with this shit in their recent video: if the benefits outweigh the automation then the economy just burns away. These kinds of solutions have to be tied to real-world economic factors so that people are being given access to shit that's actually being produced. Even then there are serious problems with these plans.

I do like that Yang is the only one making an effort to have his finger on the pulse, though.

There are magnitudes of difference between a billionaire and a millionaire. Democratic tax cuts will not affect you in the same way it affects Bezos or gates.

gimme the neet bucks

Rich people don't stuff their cash under mattresses, retard. That's why they're rich. They have their money busy doing work in the economy so that it can grow.

B/c when money gets in the hands of even the top 10% (not 0.1 or 1) it never goes back down b/c Bill Gates, Elon, and Bazos will never go to a 711 to buy a candy bar. That money might as well be burnt for all it matters.

Your first point about circulation is correct. It is already well established lower income individuals make poor financial decisions. I disagree with the premise that it would lead to better financial success. Also would this new system remove other welfare systems currently in place? If the UBI was implemented how would we progress as a society? Not all jobs require the same amount of skill/qualifications. These are legitimate questions by the way. Not being a troll.

There isn't enough money at the billionaire level to make a dent. They could tax the 1% 100% and there wouldn't be enough money to give you all those yang/bernie bux you expect.

you people are incredibly naive.

That's childishly naive of you. Investing in the stock markets requires them to give parts of there profit to the government becuase of taxes. Most same billionaires stiff their profits in offshore accounts where they neither collect interest nor get affected by US taxes.


I'd rather it be not used than a nigger purchasing drugs or a gun with the money given to him.

Fine with it. If the top 10% spend money wantonly, that would just cause inflation for all of us.

Money velocity isn't necessarily good, especially if it's for wasteful purposes.

Yang proposed to give everyone 1k a month and subsidize those which already received some form of welfare. Meaing someone already collecting over 1k worth of welfare could bot collect the additional money. Poor people will still make shotty financial decisions but the important thing is that the money remains in circulation amongst the lower class, otherwise it's useless in the bank. I would suppose that it would stimulate the economy and we could see a return to the 50s where everything was plentiful. The reasoning behind the dividend is that low skilled jobs will be automated so we must be prepared for massive employment.

It would literraly cost the economy 3 trillion dollars from scratch to make such a bill in an economy of nearly 20 trillion. Stop your BS, it's completely sustainable.

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watching these 2 assholes debate instead of memeing

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The thing is I do not think that everyone should get 1K every month. Should that drug addict who is going to use his 1K to buy drugs get it? That would only lead more crime, drugs, and other things plaguing low income areas. The rich also have their own way around paying taxes which would mostly only result in higher taxes for the middle class if there was not sufficient funding. Also we can prepare for massive employment through education and other things. A UBI will only discourage people from working important jobs. While people on welfare and the new 1K system still sit on their ass.

>I am to mentally challenged and socially crippled to have a interesting conversation with people guess I better hide my retardation by memeing

These are genuine concerns for me as well but I believe the reason yang wants a 1k a month and not something like 2k, is becuase UBI is primarily supposed to be a financial aid and not a paycheck. Most people can ot survive off of 1k a month and will still need a job to have things they want. 1k however is a great leverage agaisnt employers for higher wages.

Yes. And your point? You think that if you taxed only billionaires to the tune of 3T per year that it would be inconsequential? Are you this stupid? Do you actually think before you speak?

There is no way you can have 3T in taxes PER YEAR applied to a tiny minority group like billionaires and not have an effect both either in the economy or the fact that these people would gtfo.

Trust me, 3T in taxes would go straight to the middle class and upper class. 3T is a lot of money.

Good point and solid discussion have a good day.

ye ye whateva looza, i can hear your typing and heavy breathing through my moniter.

The top one percent own half the money in the US. This would not be there downfall. Infact, it wouldnt even get rid of half their wealth. It would not affect the economy because the money in question is sitting inappropriately an offshore account collecting dust not doing anything you shot head. We most certaintly can tax the rich because they make more than enough to sustain it.

Your right after having aggressive sex with your mom I am panting a little. You can probably hear my typing because I am not a broke bitch like you and can afford an actual keyboard.

not gonna happen in short "andrew yang " *every one gets free monies*

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>n get rid of half their wealth. It would not affect the economy because the money in question is sitting inappropriately an offshore account collecting dust not doing anything you shot head. We most certaintly can tax the rich because they make more than enough to sustain it.
You make it sound like it's such a good deal for the most wealthy. You think they would take kind to a wealth tax? That's not even constitutional so you're left with income tax. Well the top 1% don't have enough yearly income to finance a 3T program.

Wealthy people definitely would feel the pain if 10% of their wealth just disappeared suddenly. They didn't get wealthy because they didn't care about money, quite the opposite.

A wealth tax is a no go. A wealth tax would enough for me as a millionaire to leave this country.