I was working and my gf called my sobbing because her Lyft driver forced himself on her. I went home. Called the cops...

I was working and my gf called my sobbing because her Lyft driver forced himself on her. I went home. Called the cops. She's getting a rape kit done in the hospital right now and I don't know what to do.

>inb4 cuck
>inb4 get your woman in line

I just want to find him and smash his face in. Help.

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Well, hopefully he didnt rape her, or you're going to have to dump her for being unclean.

You can't, and even if you could you shouldn't. Trust me, when he gets sent to prison for rape he's gonna get his face smashed in and worse once the inmates find out he's in for a sex crime. Just put aside your anger and be there for your woman, that is called being a fucking man, no matter what any dickless faggot incel neckbeards on this piece of shit website say.

She's getting a rape kit? Oh well. You're gonna have to dump her op.

I agree...right now your girl needs all the support and love you can muster and not Rambo. Let' the justice dept take care of him and you take care of your own

Ignore this pathetic, spineless worm.
Find the driver and kill him

That's not actually how prison works. He'll just be PC

Jeez what a cuck.

Find him and destroy him

>You don't have to hit him, because maybe a real man might

stick with your girl bro

First you gotta drain the acid from a car battery into a glass jar, then order a lift from the guy, then toss it in his face in minecraft

Its her fault for using some shit app service to save a few dollars. Save up for your own car or use authorized taxis and/or public transport if youre poor.


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Stupid you got to dump her now if maning up means dealing with a emotional wreak your whole life youre dumb af

>OP's gf is a massive whore
>fucks everything with a dick within a 5 mile radius
>Lyft driver has a dick
>Lyft driver enjoyed OP's gf's cheating cunt
>OP's gf cries rape when she realizes shes gonna get caught this time because she see some crabs on the driver's crotch.

You have it backwards. You throw the acid in HER face. She was the one who went out alone. She was the one who dishonored her boyfriend. She is now unclean.

well find him and rape him to show dominance. then rape ur gf to show dominance. then kill them and burn their bodies


the cops have him. for some reason they brought him into the same waiting room as me.

four cops between us.

i wish they would have stepped outside and let me do what needs to be done.

this piece of shit should be shoveled out of this room.

one of the cops could smell it. he told me that they have him and that they will take care of him.

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There were 4 cops there to help you kick his ass, numbnuts. You should've jumped at him

OP can't inb4 newfriend

Maybe she should go to a used car lot and buy a fucking car!

Are you literally shaking right now?

i am sorry to hear this.

she is getting a rape kit done, that is all anyone can ask from her.

prosecute, do NOT assault him now--they will know it was you. with a rape kit he will go away for sure, but even if he doesn't you can not touch him for a long time.

support your gf, try as hard as you can to come to terms with what has happened

and wait for the right time.

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If it's her Lyft driver you know exactly who it is. Prosecute.

Break up with her and move on pal

Tell her to leave a 1 star review on account of the rape.

34 minute between "I went home. I don't know what to do" and "The cops have him and brought him into the same room..."

Bullshit. Pure, unadulterated trolling bullshit


>hurr hurr just dump the stupid bitch for getting raped. - niggas who've never had a significant personal connection to someone.

He was bigger than you faggot, your gf is going to leave you for that cock. Kill yourself and save yourself some humiliation.

You're a good man op.

> a lyft driver
No he didn't

So your girl had sex with the driver, and now regrets it.
I see, please tell us more about your whore


>GF was just raped and OP runs to share the news with his Yea Forumsros

OP dump your gf
>for real
>shes no longer virgin
only realistic way that went down is your girl is a slut and flirted with the driver and might have even fucked him but wants an excuse for it
>he fucked your girl OP

Once he gets in prison, the other inmates are gonna want to see his papers. Once they find out he's a rapist. One of two things will happen. He'll either be severely beaten/killed or pimped out.

Dont risk your own freedom for it. Trust me, he's in for a very bad time.

Post her nudes here

>>gf was just raped
>>call the cops, go to police station
>>she goes to get rape kit at only place outfitted to do it
>>stay at police station
>>only have phone

i can personally 100% see why someone would do this. i might even fucking do it, who else can he talk to about it? come on, faggot.

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Get revenge don’t do it too soon wait a year or two

should've ate the cum out her now wrecked puss yourself faggot

OP as only a saddening few others have said, the best thing you can do is help your girl. Smashing his face in, is only going to make matters worse. How do you think your girl is going to feel if you end up in prison over assaulting a guy who will probably get assaulted in prison.

I mean whoever this rapist is, they're an idiot. Five will get you ten he's going to jail. DNA evidence, logging with Lyft, I mean hell this is almost an open and shut case.

Your girl on the other hand, is going to have a lot to work through over the next few days, weeks and months. She's gone through something traumatic and the best thing you can do is focus on being there for her.

I'm speaking somewhat from experience as my girlfriend was assaulted and mugged on her way home from the station. The guy who did it was caught and is currently doing time. It took a lot of walking with her to and from the station for her to build up the confidence to go it alone again. A bit over a year on and she's still quite anxious when it gets dark or there are people around she doesn't know.

While he was charged with taking a phone and a wallet, what he really took was a part of her personality. The optimistic, open, and cheery person I fell in love with disappeared. She slowly came back, bit by bit. But that is the best we can do for victims of crime we hold dear. Hang in there, temper your anger, give her love.

How many times have you cum thinking about that scenario while tugging your dick ?

Oh dear, OPs whore slut went out searching for a bigger and better cock because OPs cock is tiny and flacid and is incapable of making his whores huge wrecked pussy cum. Is that nigger cum I can hear dripping on the floor out of your whores wrecked savaged pussy ?

rolling dubs for her nudes dont be fag op

Op is a trap who just took a lyft home
Made eye contact in the mirror
Imagined getting raped by driver
Post this thread to fap to attention

Acts like he's super upset but can think enough to
Inb4 cuck
And inb4 I'm really just a fag

my blue dot friend!

The reddit spacing is really showing us. Self-righteous behavior is the wrong place for this you won't get any updoots here retard. Now do us a favor and kill yourself.

based and true.

Oof, my sides.

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"Unclean"? Wtf are u Muslim?

I wish I had a rape kit


AND YOU'RE ON Yea Forums


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I bet they had consensual sex
The guy is more attractove than you then she realized whatshe did and to not be considered a whore says the guy raped her so she can look like an innocent victim.

She wanted some new, thick cock without being the 'bad' one.